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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Beta/Tread same size as the alpha/legioss? Are you insane man?!?!? The Beta will probably be the size of the 1/48 VF-1. They are taller than the Alphas. I am assuming that is why they chose this scale so they can fit a beta/tread.
  2. Oh I can't wait. Looks like I will have 3 or 4 of this baby. I wonder what else is coming out. Hopefully a VF-1A CF.
  3. Wow that looks really nice. Makes me almost buy the GBP and VF-1D... I said ALMOST. Now if they can make it in the 1/48scale...
  4. Well I am at the Boeing Museum of Flight in South Seattle. I use to work for Boeing.
  5. Um Columbine was about the Matrix. Anyways, what matters is that these ppl died over small stuff. It shows how cheap life is regardless it was over Air Jordans, Xbox or even clothes. Yes, the media sensationalize. And guess what? It sells. It definitely got all of your attention, didn't it?
  6. Ugh. I am glad for a dry spell. I was doing good this month, till some fools decided to sell their destroids, patlabor, VF-19, Legioss, and 1:18 f-18. Then I bought the Robotech bookend. And now I have the MPC Alpha coming I preordered. It is my hope there will be a beta/tread for the MPC alpha.
  7. I have to agree. You need to get more ram on the video card. The system is fine but the FX5200 with 32mb is not enough. You would need 128MB at least to run Doom 3 with full textures and everything else on.
  8. I am an X'er and I can tell you I am enjoying the collecting now because I never had a lot of macross toys in the past. I always thought that the Alphas were too expensive. I already have my money investing in stocks and my retirement. It is that I dont collect anything that has Macross on it as well.
  9. Another of them flying.
  10. here is the number.
  11. another. Great pic.
  12. The Blue Angels of flight.
  13. Hey, Hey, it's Fat Albert, the Herky bird.
  14. Another pic of the A-10 with its escort.
  15. A-10 with P-51 Mustang escort.
  16. pic of the A-10 flying
  17. Another pic of the f-14
  18. Another pic of the f-14
  19. Another pic of the F-14.
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