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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Actually is this current? I mean since my last posting in this thread I jumped another 10 valks.
  2. A 1/48 GBP?
  3. Well, wouldnt Misa be in the VE-1 instead of the Cat's Eye (Or whatever it is called in Macross) in the TV Version? I thought that was what the Cat's Eye was for. I mean the VE-1 would definitely be significant upgrade rather that flying in a craft that handles like a milk truck.
  4. yeah, yeah, yeah..... its for the newbies man, show some love for the newbies. Oh yeah the n00bs.
  5. thats not a problem, max rau, paid for it over a month ago. koeing monster, got the money in hand, must make deposit. the 1S roy, just pocket change. i'm paying for this one when i hit a coinstar machine. just pennies, nickels, and dimes....no quarters, they're for laundry. besides, unlike you and godzilla, we can live with 1 of each. well other than this will be my 3rd roy. Hey now. I am preparing for the Space War 1. Gotta build my air force. Now if kensei and I put our picture of our collection together, we can make some of you cry.
  6. Man, do we really need to bring this thread back. I see it my siggy enough as it is.
  7. Devastator is by far the best. You had six robots that were equal in height. the next combiners had 5 in which the main one was bigger that the four since it formed the body. Still I liked superion and Bruticus. Voltron/Lionbot and vehicle/Voltron were cool. Anything else afterwards were lame since they started copying everyone.
  8. So you are saying it is a re-re-release?
  9. Godzilla

    fp yf-19

    Mmmm.... less than the yf-19? Please don't get angry with me, but the lack of new macross items from Yamato, and the upcoming rumours of Macross-mania going definitely down on Japan, makes me think that seeing a new yf is gonna be very... difficult. At least, we got hope (I guess). YEESH! Sounds like like the VF-1A 1:48 CF and 2 seaters aint coming out in the way you worded it.
  10. It is still DYRL. Look at the pilot.
  11. Hey ewilen, Is there anything you can find on the Operation Just Cause? I know the Apaches were used. As to the 30 Apaches being used in tha battle, did they say there were longbows?
  12. Anybody confirmed or denied this rumor?
  13. The Apaches encoutered a hail of fire during one battle in northern Iraq in Gulf War II. A lot of them were taking flak but they all survived. You tell me if you can fly anything through any hail of flak. The apache took damage and survived as designed. Look at the 60 minutes interview with the Apache pilot. He said flak was everywhere. The only thing to do would be to carpet bomb the place from above to avoid causalties. The Apaches operated in Operation Just Cause in the panama campaign. That environment was not air superiority and we still got Norega. Apaches operated in Kosovo and the first Gulf war. In fact, the Apaches were used to knock out the radar stations in Iraq in the opening moments of the Gulf War I air campaign. The Apache is one of the best ground attack helicopter in the world. Sure it has it problems but what system doesnt? Theoretically you could arm the Apache with 20 stingers (2 on the wing tip, 4 on outer pylon and 4 on inner pylon), but why? Supposedly, doctrine calls for Air Force to have air superiority and the ground forces can pound what's left. As for the "what if" scenario? It all depends on the scenario itself and the equipment used. If the Apache is the Longbow series and has the theoretical 20 stingers in a field with a lot of cover, the Longbow can pop up to fire quickly and then pop down. Remember, the stingers can be fired to intercept at any angle. Stingers can even track the heat of the sun glint of the canopy (So says the Tom Clancy's Armored Cav book.) The sidewinder needs to targeted from rear to track the heat from the exhaust. (unless that has been changed. I am not up on the military technology anymore) The Apache has the "black hole" to mask its heat from the engine exhaust). The Hornet needs to scour the ground at high speeds to look for it's target. Surprise will be on the Apache's side since like all SAM vehicles can lie and wait. In a straight out dog fight in open space? The Apache will lose. In the movie, Firebirds, the jets should have whacked the Apaches with missiles (then again, since when does the druglords get jet fighters?) in the first pass because the Apache can sit and aim while the jet flies overhead and turn to make another pass. But why this "what if vs"? The only other country using Apaches is Israel. Hornets are used by the United States (USN, and USMC specifically) Canada, and Australia. What is the likelyhood that these countries will go to war with Israel? And the Apache's main role is ground attack. The Hornet is multi-role.
  14. I think we need to shoot you and the Gungans. Gungans are so stupid. The only cool they ever had was the submarine. And that was pretty much it. They are a useless species. In the SW battlefront, it was easy to wipe them out.
  15. My God! I despise most of the things you've mentioned! My list, in no order of priority: Macross 7 (I could rant, but...) Pokemon (Not as bad as the one below) Yu-g-oh (Ugh) Care Bears Jem Transformers (post movie) Sailor Moon (Short skirts can't save everything) Smurfs (anyone remember the Smurfs rap song from the late 80's?) He Man (The toys were cool, but the cartoon was strange. The animation was too stiff) King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (?) (The one where it was a football team that somehow switched with the real Arthur and his Knights. I had as a kid a good idea on what a knight should look like and fight. This wasn't it) I'm sure I'm missing more that I hated as a kid, but these are the ones I can spew out right now. I remember that cartoon on King arthur and the knights of the round table. Oh god how I hated it. As for the rest, I have to agree with Warmaker. Now, I liked tiny toons. Yes it was goofy but it was hilarious.
  16. I use to watch it alot way back when from start to finish. I like the idea how space was the western frontier. Anyways I would like to see it on DVD.
  17. Godzilla

    fp yf-19

    My my my! Are we cranky in our old age?
  18. If that is the case, wouldn't VE taken his preorder down? Mabe Kevin can give us the skinny on it.
  19. Damn you suck Kurt! J/K Nice job. I wish I could do that on my valk!
  20. I thought he would beat the odds. He was truly a superman. Rest in Peace, Superman.
  21. Godzilla

    Yamato SDF-1

    Not to be a nay-sayer here but I really doubt the SDF-macross will be made. Why? You can see Yamato slowing down on the Macross releases. Now if they do release it, you can bet I will be in line Also a 1/48 scale Macross SDF would be like having an X-wing 1:1 Scale sitting in your lawn. What would you do with it? Put your 1/48 valks on the Prometheus? How the heck would you transform it? You need a step ladder. anyways, if you build a 1:18 scale Macross, you can live in it.
  22. Godzilla

    Two seater Valks

    I have to agree. I think we went thru this. Anyways, I would like to have the 2 seater 1/58 valks. The only problem is that there needs to be some design changes on the nose and heatshield. If the nose cone is longer, the the battloid would look stupid. I leave it to the engineers at Yamato.
  23. Oh yes, I want the andromeda.
  24. So the Patlabor MG kits don't need paint? How come I see the guns are painted but on ebay I see the kit with white guns?
  25. 100? that is how much sithlord would buy also and kensei! I'd buy a couple as well. man, I wonder what the minimum for them to start a prodcution is(not guessing, I mean exact number, cuz anybody can guess), we could probably sell 1000 on mw alone thanks to sithlord, godzilla, and kensei. not to mention all our vendors that frequent this site. sometimes I wish I studied harder in japanese school. I finally got my second ed of the VF-1A Hikaru's. I highly doubt that they would produce anymore soon. I'm glad that the VF-1S is going to be reissued, as this is the more popular one of the original two. Besides, I'm not like Godzilla. There is a perfectly logical reason for the totals of particular valks in my inventory. That will have to be revealed later. I doubt that they would make the TV version of the CF, therefore I would buy....14 of them. did you just call godzilla illogical?? you must share with us your reasoning. I would definitely want to know. Ha ha :lol:I didn't say that he was illogical. Stop trying to get me in trouble with the big boy Eternal_D! Still, I saw his collection total's and couldn't make out why he bought in the way he did. He'll tell us later I suppose. But he wants to create a whole squadron with the LVs that much I can understand.But then he said in another thread that he is selling some. I just want to display each of the VFs one in each mode. With and without FAST Packs. And one to play with. I was about to say. There is a method to my madness. I like to open one and keep one MIB. In the LV case I want to make a squadron hence why the need for VF-1S and VF-1Js. Also I have acouple of customs I wanted to do. As you all know I have 4 customs: VF-1A DYRL Kakazaki, VF-1J Blue Angels, VF-1S DYRL Max, and VF-1A TV Max. Future customs are VF-1A TV Kakazaki, 2x VF-1J LV, 2x VF-1S LV, VF-1J CF, and VF-1S Minmay Guard. If they make a CF, I will but a bunch for a squadron building campaign. oh I only brokered one deal for the LV recently because I was acting escrow.
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