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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. It aint that POS. Compared to the MPC veritechs, these alphas are gold. I have 2 complaints really and they are minor at that. I'll pick up more but never at $80 a pop. I learn my lesson long ago.
  2. Well supposedly the 1/60 Monster is coming out. (Yeah right! I believe it when I see it.) Anyways, the possible scale for the other destroids is 1/60. I dont see a 1/48 because of the sheer size and weight. As much as I want to have them in 1/48, I dont see that happening. If they do come out, I would be all over it like white on rice. Of course how many is the question. You also have to remember this stuff is not for export to the United States, nor was it intended to. Only in the Asian markets. I dont see why they would just do it for the shipping sake. The plausible idea is what you said, not to over saturate of least popular items.
  3. It looks good man. Wish I had the skills like you!
  4. And keep in mind Renato and Rob wimped out and gave sanitized versions of the ordeal So it was the sanitized version?
  5. That was what I said. Then I bought the Cube for certain starwars games and Mario Cart Double Dash. I then bought the Xbox combo because Xbox can be used on HDTV. These days I dont spend a lot of time on games as much as I use to, though.
  6. I like the Hello Nurse! you made as well.
  7. Yeap, Kevin still has them.
  8. My interested isnt waning but it is getting impatient. But of course I never able to get macross items like these. Basically I am sticking with one scale. Gee, aint that hard to figure out. Anyways, I dont have many things from macross so this is just awesome but I have to admint, I did got a little overboard especially the low vis. As for my status? Single with no GF. Explains alot now doesnt it? I am 30 and at this point, I am not going to find "the one". I figure I will enjoy life now. Sure I have a house and some payments on the TV but my debt aint that bad. I gotta becareful I say that... mom and dad will get pissed at me. They want grandchildren. Oh well, that what I get for being born as the oldest in the Chinese family.
  9. I got the game as well. Having trouble in Pearl Harbor. Damn Jap zeroes nailing me to death. That's what I get for playing "realistic".
  10. That's what my parents tells me!
  11. That was what I said when I saw it. Good job! I like it. When can I get the kit?
  12. Untrue. The UN failed to enforce its own decree. This is not a political debate here and we are detracting from the the topic at hand. Take it elsewhere. All I ask was info on Anti-UN forces in the Macross series, not today's issues and how it relate's to Macross. Sheesh. Ok, we know that Anti-UN force have Soviet/Communist bloc weapons. You have to remember, Communist Bloc weapons are far cheaper to obtain either by crook or by hook. Still my question remains on how these Forces survived economically as well as socially? Surely there were Anti-UN in the UN Spacy waiting to strike. So there was two grand cannons? I musta missed that unless you have been reading the Robotech Love and War comics that came out recently.
  13. Ok, I havent watch M0 yet but I am trying to figure out who the Anti-UN forces are? Are they countries that didnt get sucked ini by the UN? If so what about those Unification Wars in the Middle East mention in the 1st episode of Macross TV series? If they are countries, how in the hell do they have resources to make the SV-51/52? I highly doubt these rougue countries will survive because their econmy would suffer if the UN countries did not trade with them. If the anti-UN is just rogue ppl, where did they get resources to build a huge sub and however many SV-51/52s?
  14. If you guys got the Xwing CD where it had all the expansions and the Tie Fighter CD as well, the B-wings made their appearance. Many hours were lost to those games. Then XvT came out with no B-wing. It was the expansion pack that came out with single player missions and additional fighters to be used. In X-wing Alliance, the final trilogy of the X-Wing franchise, you can choose more fighters other than your standard Alliance and Empire craft. But if it was 10 years ago, 1994, then it was either Rebel Assault 2 or X-wing with the 3rd expansion. X-wing was released in Fall of 1992. Rebel assault was released in 1993.
  15. I can agree with that statement. My wallet could use the rest. Besides ordering a case of them and VF-1S reissues, I time to rebuild the cash reservoir. I will assume that most of you will too.
  16. And no pics either.
  17. Maybe you can get 10 of her in 1/48 scale... I rather have her 1:1 scale. Believe it or not, here in Japan that is a very real possibility Ok, I rephrase: I rather have her in person.
  18. Maybe you can get 10 of her in 1/48 scale... I rather have her 1:1 scale.
  19. Here are more pics of her. I am so in love with here.
  20. Ya know... I actually talk to the people at HG..... I feel sorry for you....actualy, no I don't. Me and everyone in Japan laughs at you and Harmony Gold. 1stBRD, Mospedea isn't popular in Japan... Nobody is going to care. I hope HG isn't banking on this. Besides if they make this similar to any other show that created for the US (kiddie), there is no way it will be popular in Japan. Amen to that statement!
  21. I agree with Agent One here. Robotech was wussy show and yes the novels sucked even more. Macross is definitely a better storyline. Mospeada is better than the New Generation. Yes, I enjoyed Robotech as a kid but now no longer. I can thank this website for converting me. Actually I can thank Yamato and the 1/48 Low Vis. 1st Border Red Devil, I can see the Macross Kite on the Space Station Liberty as plain as day. Gee, could three ppl be wrong?
  22. I dont care. I think there should a shrine to Park Han Byul. *SIGH*
  23. The sentintels was full of crap. They took all the Alphas, Betas, and the hovertanks. So why did Leonard get the Hovertanks and AJAX in Robotech Masters? Oh wait, they needed for continuity b/c Robotech is a rip off from 3 japanese anime pieced together as one series. *slaps head on forehead* Oh now it makes sense... (oh yeah I am dripping in sarcasm.) The Sentinels were an after thought to capitalize the success of Robotech. It is that when I read Art 3, a lot of WTFs and questions popped up in my mind. And then read some of the Jack McKenna books. (OMG the memories, the horror in reading it.... AHHHHHHHHHHH!) I assume that the new series will not follow Jack McKenna storyline that ended Robotech? According to McKenna, the SDF-3 was in another dimension and so forth. Dana and the 15th Squad met up with REF. Before the final jump to free Earth, Everyone on the SDF-3 including Max, Miriya, Vince, Janice, Louie, Dante, Dana, Rick, Lisa, some of the other Sentinel characters b/c Dante was in love with some Praxis Zena warrior chick. They find the SDF-1 Engines (does alot of good here.) The good Dr. Lang and Louie then argued who was to become some new life force or some crap because of Protoculture is in everyone or something. (been a while since read the book. Still trying to get it out of my mind.) So how in the hell does Louie get into this new series since it started off he was lost like the rest of the damn crew of the sdf-3?!?!? Scott Bernard went searching and then came back to Earth to do the horizontal mambo with the Invid chick Ariel. Lancer's GF, Sera, faded away because of no protoculture. Rand and Rook already got hitched and they were expecting. Blah, blah... In the end they all met up and return to Earth where Lisa awaits to command the new SDF-4 they are building. Christ... the world of Robotech gets more !@#$ed up. Talk about continuity issues. After watching Macross I am glad I converted over. At least the storyline made more sense.
  24. He has to be smoking some serious dope to sell it for that much!
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