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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Would not a Yamato 1/48 be like drinking a fine bottle of liquor while the 1/55 of Toynami be like drinking paint remover My friend, it is a little extreme but I like your point. The MPCs are not bad mind you but they are not worth $80. Still the 1/48s are way better.
  2. Hey, If I like the scheme I will get mutiples of the 1/48s such as the low vis. Max VF-1J is my favorite hence why I have 8 of him. Technically 9 of him but I turned that in the Blue Angels custom. Some others I just keep one MIB and one for open display except for the Roy VF-1S where I got 2 MIB (one from each release) and 3 of them are on display in which I have one from DYRL Roy, TV Roy, and TV Hikaru. Of course I have a lot VF-1J Hikarus I have but most of them will be used for customs like 2x1Js and 1S will be come custome low vis. I am trying to get 4-6 VF-1S Roys when they get re-released. I figue I will sell some later and use some for customs.
  3. Godzilla

    Question. . .

    He sounds like me but I want the 1/48 scale.
  4. Godzilla

    Who spends more?

    So what are the 5 1/60's and the 2 1/72's? dessert?
  5. Those DX's are not cheap. I saw one for the Yamato go for $50 with $25 shipping. I am getting both but they ain cheap.
  6. Godzilla

    Who spends more?

    Look at my siggy will tell all where my money went to. And guess what? I am going to get more.
  7. How about just doing all the Matsumoto ships! I'd love to have a set. Too bad I've heard a lot of bad things about the Yamato/Star Blazers miniatures, otherwise I'd be picking those up. I'm STILL waiting for a 1/625 Andromeda. That's look sessy next to the Yamato. What are you smoking? Although the Andromeda is a cool ship, the Yamato rules. Still it would great to have 1/625 Andromeda.
  8. You werent saying that when I wanted your 19A . hehehe, i didn't know they were selling for so little. lately i've seen them on ebay at the $80-$100 mark. oh well, i'm still looking to get rid of mine...probably for $100 now. $100? Maybe shipped.
  9. Well depends on where you want to sell them. If sell them on ebay: LV 1/48 from $275 to $300 and the VF-19A possibly to $60-$100 but it depends on wear. Don't forget you have to contend with ebay fees, etc. In MW, I think sleddogg83 nailed the prices down. If you have pics, the better. Of course you have to have your credibility checked out here. I can surely take them off your hands. I can always make space.
  10. That doesn't really say much for it... that's like the guy with the most fingers in a leper colony...
  11. You guys need help.
  12. Just be patient folks. It is coming. Or so we hope.
  13. This is funny.
  14. I will not hear of it! They have to issue the 2 seater 1/48s. They have to... Don't they?
  15. What the heck? What are you? Batman.
  16. WAHOO! I can get my 2nd one for display!
  17. Godzilla

    The Re-Issues

    I have to agree with kensei. My reissues dont have velcro either. As for the VF-1S Hikaru? Yes it came out before the VF-1J Hikaru. Then in March, the M&Ms came out. This was the format Yamato used in releasing the 1/60s as well.
  18. As for the next Xbox system, it is called Xenon. I have a buddy who is a Vendor at Microsoft's home entertainment division at Issaquah, WA. Bungie's office is somewhere in Redmond, WA on the Millenium Campus which is the Xbox hardware and games division. I should know since I play test there. Anyways, yes it is true that Microsoft wants to get Xenon to be released first before Nintendo and especially Sony fon the next generation consoles. Sony has been dominant in the console war. MS's goal is to beat out Sony in releasing so they can get the market share.
  19. Better decide soon. 1/48s are getting scarce.
  20. It was actually Robotech. But when I saw the commercial for Robotech, I saw the valks, I said that looks like the Jetfire toy. From then I got hooked. Then last year I converted to Macross.
  21. I wouldn't kick her out of bed I would, she has an attitude problem. Really? Since when did she have an attitude?
  22. Hey now. She is hot too. Though I dunno who to choose but in this case Hiedi is just edging up Natalie because she is aging better. Now if they both in my bed, my life just became complete.
  23. That was too funny. Is it me or has Hiedi got even hotter?
  24. As much as I like it redone and Macross deserves to have better animation, I dont want it to be remade. In this day and age, I have seen too many remakes and seen enough screw ups of it.
  25. Why do people always want to go back to die cast? Paint chipping and reduced poseability due to floppy or overly weighted parts is not my idea of a good toy. I'm so glad the 1/48 valks have no die cast. They are so much better for it. it makes people feel better cuz its metal. these are the most poseable destroids ive seen and already im happy with em. if yamato makes anything like this, i'll be all over them. Where in the hell... what in the hell... where was this from? Who made these?
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