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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Godzilla

    Dropping a deuce

    Now that is a damn good idea.
  2. so let me be the first to ask you this straight up.... are you a drug dealer? Yes I am... er... no I am not. My lawyer said I shouldnt admit to anything. hehehe... No I am not a drug dealer but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn. hey I am stocking up on VF-1S. Prolly four will go on ebay for $300 a piece in 3 months. Man this month is gonna hurt the walllet.
  3. Godzilla

    Dropping a deuce

    Dont we have better things to do than this?
  4. that's why we coined the phrase "pre-bitching"... can't wait until the "post-bitching"... those come with pics...
  5. Godzilla

    Dropping a deuce

    TMI... TMI...
  6. Hence why you should paint it all or nothing. Matching paint is always a bitch to get...
  7. Godzilla

    Dropping a deuce

  8. Yeah well some ppl havent seen the light. And some ppl are stupid.
  10. hahaha, go buy one and find out... Yeap. Do what the man says and see how bad they are. Technically they are not bad but they are a step down compared to the Alphas.
  11. Why? You can take off those FPs and pu tthe GBP-01 armor on. Well then again, it is why I have a bunch of VF-1J Hikarus. I just use the FP armor on my LVs.
  12. Just PM the banned gaijin....... And who is this person? And how much are you err this person wants for the posters?
  13. The VF-11 is by far the least fav toy but the scheme looks good on it I have to admit.
  14. Actually that is true. I also found out that USAAF gray from Tamiya works as well.
  15. Well crap. I just bought another 11 valks (8 were VF-1S reissues.) I am really hoping it will come in later in december.
  16. yes, plz put in some pics.
  17. Cool. So it is like the 1/60 GBP release. Well I one to need to fit it on my VF-1S as well. Aw hell, I what am I saying? I will get the so many of these it wouldnt be funny.
  18. OMG that is great news. Now I need to get a bunch of them for my VF-1S and VF- 1J Hikarus. So is the CF and 2 seaters around the corner?
  19. yeah I know, I've been watching that one. Might be some shill bidding going on here as well. The last one I watched went for $202. Hell I'll go down to the local anime store and get the VF-1S for $80 and sell it on ebay for that much.
  20. WTF? The MPC VF-1S is in that much demand? Ppl need to stop smoking crack.
  21. You've got to be kidding me. I guess he'll do anything for a buck.
  22. What figs are you using there?
  23. Aint that the truth. But it is better than having Reba West sing.
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