Having since been picking up on anime, I am noticing more and more, the closer to the end, the worst it gets? Are the story writers idiotic? I mean, you have a good series and then there isnt a bang but a whisper in the end. Perfect example is Evangelion. My friend was clamoring that how it was the greatest anime. I have to admit the the 1-24 wasnt bad but the last couple of episodes, I had to scratch my head with the WTF in my mind. My friend told me to ignore the last episodes. But I see more and more of the endings such as Najica, FMP, Witch Hunter Robin, etc... the endings are eh, alright but not spectacular. Maybe it is my opinion but some of you seem to agree that the endings are disappointing.
Well I am watching GitS: SAC. Finished the 2nd dvd bt wondering if the ending is like most... blah.