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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. As much as I love Madden series, I am disappointed that EA had to go to the way that I most despise. I dont like NFL2K5 but those prices they placed would force EA to lower Madden prices. So what sport is next? Hockey? Basketball? I dont think that is a fair practice. Corporate greed... in the end only we the consumers lose.
  2. Yes, but the third was a joke intended to poke fun at those incredibly popular, and yet totally crap anime series. And I think what Godzilla is trying to point out is that these days, all too many anime series seem to run great until all of the sudden, they end on a sudden, and totally inconsistent note. It's like the producers are just running them for as long as they bear monetary fruit, and then ending them with a roll of the dice, and a cookie cutter ending. That is exactly what I am talking about. I am not looking for nicely packaged ending like a fairy tale and they live happily ever after. I am looking for more like the same great things I see during the begining to mid-season. Look at FMP, towards the end where Garon was duping Sosuke and the Mithril team so he can the sub, the story was getting a little bad. It made it even worse how they portray Americans because they obvious think we are the police man of the world which I think we are not. But that is another debate. The only thing I have a problem is the mystical Lambda drivers that the AS on both sides have. Regardless I enjoy these animes but I feel like I want more in the ending.
  3. Ok, Having since been picking up on anime, I am noticing more and more, the closer to the end, the worst it gets? Are the story writers idiotic? I mean, you have a good series and then there isnt a bang but a whisper in the end. Perfect example is Evangelion. My friend was clamoring that how it was the greatest anime. I have to admit the the 1-24 wasnt bad but the last couple of episodes, I had to scratch my head with the WTF in my mind. My friend told me to ignore the last episodes. But I see more and more of the endings such as Najica, FMP, Witch Hunter Robin, etc... the endings are eh, alright but not spectacular. Maybe it is my opinion but some of you seem to agree that the endings are disappointing. Well I am watching GitS: SAC. Finished the 2nd dvd bt wondering if the ending is like most... blah.
  4. I really hope not. My wallet is taking a beating on the VF-1S.
  5. Godzilla


    Doesnt matter, they all feel the same.
  6. Oh yeah, I have other projects I am working on but it will need to hold off till spring and summer. Saw my blue angels custom?
  7. Ah, the Max TV 1/48 custom. I remember my 4th custom in which I learned so much. You need to put primer on because you keep painting white to cover up the symbols but the paint becomes thick. I learned the hard way Gabe. Here is min if you didnt see it. I may redo it when I get my airbrush...
  8. God I would be happy to see that happen.
  9. You are? I maybe around there between xmas and New Years. Mom and Dad wants to go to Disney World for 2 days.
  10. but get scorned and kicked out at rt.com for dissing on HG and Toynami and mentioning other stuff made by better companies other than Toynami.
  11. Godzilla


    Wha? He ran out of doorknobs?
  12. Why? This topic is so beaten to death...
  13. My take on the special editions: It depends alot on the special editions. I bought Robotech Battlecry special edition so I can get the t-shirt and soundtrack both I have to open out of the package despite the fact I beat the game and unlocked craploads of stuff. But that is the only SE game I bought that was that expensive. Sure I bought Halo 2 SE Tin box but it was for $5 more. Oh yeah I spent a ton of money on the Halo 2 figure, weapons pack, t-shirt, etc. These days I dunno if SE are worth it. Yes I bought the Directors Cut of MOHPA but it cost the same as regular release at EA. To me if the SE or directors cut is the same price as the regular sure I will buy it if it has some extras I think it is worth it to me.
  14. Holy $*@%! That is one bad motherf*&^%r! As for toynami to do this? A snowball's chance in hell...
  15. Godzilla


    Does a body good!
  16. And so the bitchin' continues.
  17. DAMMIT! I got outbidded for the EDF battleship! ARRGH! Chuey, I like the pics.
  18. Exactly.
  19. Exactly. And why not if you can make a profit.
  20. Wahoo! I cant wait to get more!
  21. Show more pics of the EDF battleships and Andromeda. I have the Andromeda and teh Yamato but I am loonging at what else is out there. I see the battleship. was there anything else?
  22. Man, A-10 with all that ordinance... man I cant wait to have it in part of my gijoe arsenal... Cobra beware!
  23. Yes they do. Problem is that I will need to have 6 of them so I can have the Blue Angels squadron... ugh. I thinkI am gonna skip it.
  24. Now that is very disturbing! What's worse is that I thought of a more disturbing one I could do with the Vampire Savior gashapon! Inquiring minds want to know! I could put Basara's head on the Morrigan body, or on the Lilith body. Blergh, disturbing indeed. I am sorry I asked . The problem is that Basara has a post and hole type mount, not a socket like Misa. So it would take some conversion work to do that. Not that I am the type of guy who would do such a thing BF, you are really scaring me.
  25. Dont tell me this. I dont need to buy more stuff. Now I have to go look for it. I really hope to see the F-14s come out with the Red Rippers and Tomcatters squadron insignias.
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