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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. I want mine now dammit. When does Tam get his shipment?
  2. i think its a TV max, the 1/60 FP armor and YF-19FP all bundled in one.
  3. Need to add more Millia as well.
  4. you're sick! Yes I am. And I will soon have 58 1/48 valks.
  5. The reason why I ask this because my friend got this controller that you plug up to the to TV and you play like 70 classic Nintendo games. One thing I saw was Macross. Was that ever released in the US?
  6. That is simply awesome. I cant wait to get mine... err 6!
  7. No it isnt me. I am keeping all of mine unless someone offers me $1000 per low vis. I got no problem with it. Seriously, I dunno if I trust this guy.
  8. What's all the fuss about? So he is trying to yank our chains. Why let him do that? We all know he works for HG, a company that likes to use legal means rather than build a solid product. Frankly, he would be far more effective if he spelled stuff correctly on his website. Gee, what does that tell us about the ppl working at HG? Oh wait, does that mean their QC ppl release MPCs with defective issues to the public? Hmmm, inquiring minds would like to know.
  9. Soze knows now. He is reporting them.
  10. I dont understand the bitching going on. I mean regardless how much we complain/debate this issue, the US Navy isnt changing their minds. Yes, I agree the F-14 is by far superior in every aspects including bombing role over the F/A-18E/F. And who says the F-35 will be better? All we got to see is the prototype being used and Lockheed Martin won the contract. Doesnt mean jack until they do more testing. The F-14 is an old design but the Hornet is too. The hornet was designed in the mid-70s. So they improved on the F/A-18 to give us the E/F version. They could have done it with the Tomcat. The only reason why we got the F/A-18E/F is b/c of the actual maintenance cost is less than a Tomcat. And to those who are saying the F-14 is too old and should give way to the Hornet, then are you saying we should give way the A-10 to the F-16 as the new CAS? Frankly, the newer isnt always better.
  11. I can imagine what a disaster Toynami's upcoming Cyclones are gonna be. We all know their track record and, with the much more intricate design of the Cyc, there is plenty of room for error. I predict a floppy pile of mispainted parts masquerading as a toy. Didn't you guys already know they're using these as the base for the MPC Cyclones?
  12. Thanks for the info Kev.
  13. According to the Seattle Times I just read recently, PS2 supply is not able to keep up with the demand. As for the Xbox, look into Costco if there is one in your area. I got mine close to $200 with an extra contoller, dvd remote and Mech Assault.
  14. Yeap. I doubt it will sell. Price is way too high.
  15. Dont you start.
  16. Well I inspected my first case of VF-1S. On the right side, you can see the skull is crooked. On the right, the skull looks more leveled. I cant complain too much though. Hopefully my 2nd case doesnt have that problem.
  17. With the cash that is spent, you better have the harem of strippers and hotel room for a week plus you get laid with all the strippers.
  18. Oh yeah, I forgot: .hack... anybody understood how Sukasa (sp?) finally logged out? We saw them fight a monster and that was it. WTF ending was that all about?
  19. Damn, I just sold mine and got only 175 bucks for mine. I guess it's a lesson learned that you have to present your auction professionally with lots of detail and nice photos. Oh well... Well, it depends. On ebay things are real funny. I mean I am selling a buffy the vampire slayer figure and 2 weeks ago I saw one go for $39. Right now I don't have a single bid. Go figure...
  20. 1/48 yammie hands down. You can't go wrong with it. Good choice Anubis. Who knows, the pandora's box is opened and he will have as many 1/48 yammies as me.
  21. Just wondering what brand, type, etc, and should I get a compressor. I like to build models with it but it will be used for customizing the 1/48s too.
  22. Why bid on it?
  23. MPC VF-1S Roy Auction $192?!?!? WTF. Get a 1/48 VF-1S yammie for God's Sake.
  24. Well, here is my planned customs: 1. VF-1S LV 2. 2x VF-1J LV 3. TV Kakazaki 4. Vandy-1 Playboy But I think I need to get a airbrush. I just might redo the TV max if I do get an airbrush.
  25. Who you calling a freak? Yeah I customize some of my Valks. What of it? I mean that is why I have 50 of them.
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