No I am not a drug lord. Just that I work for a company that is able to pay me OT and last year's bonuses was very nice indeed. All I did was change focus on collecting. I collected Joes before and so I quit because I had everything I wanted till now... damn hasbro for releasing the real Oktober guard. And I am collecting reissues of TF gen 1s as well. Dont care for the BTs or armada. Oh yeah I stopped collecting comics as well since the stories suck like the GI Joe. I am trying to slow down now but dammit I see good bargains everywhere.
I couldn't help but ask you this Godzilla, you don't by chance work for e-machine do you? (or currently Gateway). *Just curious*
I work for Tecplot, Inc. I work here as a Test Engineer and Tech support backup. I am also the CD protype burner and backup network admin. It is when we have product releases, I work my hell of hours. 6 months I was working 65-70 hours on average for the 1st Tecplot v10 release. I like working here because the ppl are great unlike my former place of employment (now defunct) and contracting at Microsoft.