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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Holy Creole! That looks awesome!
  2. So who is ordering thru Dashgtr? Anybody know him?
  3. Yes. If you have one, I want one. Actually I need 2-3 as I am helping fellow collectors in my area. They helped me out on getting Wave 7,8, and 9.
  4. Godzilla

    More Customs

    DAMN! Looks awesome. Nice work. I love the US Navy markings on the VF-0A.
  5. So who here is taking orders? Or willing to be contact and fillout the forms? I want one-two. I can careless about the Hikaru.
  6. I disagree. The carrier is fugly. "A ninja? I didn't know we had a ninja." NOW YOU KNOW. I was expecting the next one to be: AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! YO JOE!
  7. Anybody still taking orders? Sorry been out of touch due to work. I am interested in getting the Max. I would appreciate it if someone in japan can get it for me.
  8. yes RA series is always about stereotypes. Sure RA was a copy of C&C. I mean the graphics are the same and the engine was the same. All they did was redrew maps and added some new units like the bug zapper trooper and bug zapper defense which was cool and funny. Still nothing really goofy. The movies looked serious but still you see the stereo types. RA2 was stepping up to be a little wierd, a step up to being funny and stereo typed like we see the president smiling at the young girl that similary resembles Monica Lewenski, Texas accented General, hot commando played Kari Wuhr, funny witted Seal commandos. Now Dolphins wasnt goofy. US Navy is actually experimenting with them. It was the creators that wanted to have a counterpart squidds for the Soviets. And yes they even make fun of the tabloids in the in end where you defeated the Soviets. So the proportions where the tanks are giants to the police cars driving around NYC in the first mission but it wasnt bad. RA2 was borderline goofy. I love using those zeps. They are armored flying tanks. Takes a lot to kill them. Even Yuri's Revenge wasnt bad. The saucers were the only thing goofy in that. RA3 is just plain outlandish. Spectacular explosions, flying bears, and stuff that looked like they were drawn for kids. I think of it as kiddie cartoons. It looks more colorful too. To me it seems like it breaks away from the traditional RA series. Sorry EA, I am not biting on this. It is one of the few I dont buy from EA. EA got my money for Bad Company and the Madden series and C&C TW.
  9. Ok, so now that I am getting up to speed on this, any idea how much this game will be?
  10. I dont like it. RA2 units werent bad. I liked them but RA3 units looks goofy and outlandish. I am dissappointed with EA on this. I wont be getting this game.
  11. I agree with that. Make the variants later like they are doing for Flint. However, they need to hurry up on the cartoon version of flint.
  12. I ordered then reordered, and then reordered again. We will see if they allow for it. I cannot I beleive I sat for 45 min for the blue cc and i couldnt get it.
  13. Aw crap. I was in a hurry to get the fig I didnt use the promo. I got 6 black CCs. I was screwed for 45 min on the hasbro server. I had the 1 blue cc in my cart but the servers dumped. I am quite upset I dont have a blue CC.
  14. Watch the mass device. She was introduced as a blonde when she and timber got the bobbytrapped canister that contained the radioactive crystals out of the base. Covergirl wikipedia. Later in the cartoons she was a redhead to follow the figure that was released for the Wolverine.
  15. I think Short-Fuse didnt not have glasses in the cartoon. Look at the original 5part series. I have to agree with the Steeler. Looks tame to me. I also miss Steeler's visor. I for one would rather have the mauler especially where he can sit in the turret.
  16. So there is no lottery then? If so, I feel a lot better that I have a shot at it.
  17. This quote is priceless. I was laughing so hard at my desk that my boss is asking what I was laughing at.
  18. Eels gets a helmet? That is so cool. But no gun? Well time to dig out the extra joe weapons I have. That is cool though. It gives me great hope for a Wetsuit with a removable helmet. I thought shortfuse had a visor not glasses? Also, they need to make a new Leatherneck. This Mission Brazil look is meh. Man that is the original Beachhead and mainframe I was looking for. I am happy with what they are gonna release. So far. This made my day.
  19. Who said I was wise? I never claimed that. And whoever did say it was on drugs. Just leave me alone. I am having a bad day and it goes from bad to worse. Oh well... you are right, err I was right... it is a toy.
  20. You really think so? Then I got a bridge to sell you. I have nothing but in support of Yamato to the point I was called their fanboy when the flamewars about the toynami crappy robotech stuff they put out. I am fine if they say it was that you had to mail-in coupons but to add the lottery just adds insult to injury. I dont understand why dont they make a regular release of the 1A Max TV. Of course then again, ppl said they would buy Kakazaki and the angel birds but now they are shelfwarmers at HLJ. Marketing should be on job telling them if the release would sell in Japan especially. I know Kakazaki is not the popular character. But Max? Of course Max 1A DYRL didnt sell so well did it? My question is how would you pay for it? I mean you write the check and if you dont get it, they return the check or shred it?
  21. WTF?!?!? ARE YOU #@$&ING KIDDING ME? GOD*@#$ @$$HOLES AT YAMATO! *SIGH* And I bet we get to see those on ebay at ridiculous prices it wont be so funny. If that is the case, I am going to our customizers here on MW. I rather them make the money and I got so many extra valks. Sure I like the new head but I cannot justify the price it will command on ebay. 250 pieces... B@stards. They make the Angel Birds and DRL Kakazaki and those didnt sell well. So this justifies their decision to "limit" the next set? Idiots and morons. All of them are. Why didnt they put the TV versions out first with the new head sculpt? ok, I need to stay calm, it is a toy. It is only a toy...
  22. Sorry I missed that. Talk about cool things there. I like the cosplay kids. Maybe next year for Godzilla to go. I do like the P-51 mustang colors on the valk. looked cool. EDIT: spell check.
  23. BLASPHEMY! You will anger the 1/48 gods. I am only putting one 1/60 on display with my other 1/60s but the 1/48s will stay displayed.
  24. I dunno whether to laugh or be in complete horror based on these answers... you ppl are either sick pervs or comedians . Or both. I rather be Mikhail. I want my sniper rifle and nail those SOBs fro far away. And if you give me binoculars, I JDAM them... oops this isnt BF:Bad Company. Sorry having my flashbacks. Anyways... yes I dont mind the bonuses: messing with Sheryl and Klan.
  25. Anyone buying the 12" Joes? I mean $15 vs the $80 Macross 12" dolls, I dunno but I rather buy the Joes.
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