they probably didn't have that kind of technology at the time.
EP4 is 20 years later.
With begs of pardon to the Pythons:
Luke: Yeah, all right, Han. Don't labor the point. And what has the Empire ever given us in return?
Rebel2: Skinned prostheses?
Luke: What?
Rebel2: Skinned prostheses.
Luke: Oh yeah, yeah. They did give us that. That's true, yeah.
Rebel3: And sanitation.
Leia: Oh yeah, the sanitation, Luke . Remember what the planets used to be like.
Luke: Yeah, all right, I'll grant you the skinned protheses (looks at own hand) and the santation are two things the Empire has done...
Lando: And the guarded hyperspace lanes.
Luke: Well, yeah. Obviously the hyperspace lanes, I mean the hyperspace lanes go without saying, don't they? But apart from the sanitation, the skinned protheses, and the well regulated hyperspace lanes...
Rebel4: Ability to destroy planets.
Rebel2: Medicine.
Rebel5: Academy Education.
Luke: Yeah, yeah, all right. Fair enough...
Rebel1: No Gungans.
Rebels: Oh, yeah <mumbled agreement>
Wedge: Yeah. Yeah, That's something that we'd really miss, Luke, if the Empire left, huh.
Rebel6: Better ship designs.
Leia: And it's safe to walk the in streets at night now, Luke.
Han: Yeah, they certainly know how to keep order. Let's face it, the only ones who could in a place like this.
Rebels: Huhuhuh. Huhuhuhuhuh.
Luke: All right. But apart from the sanitation, the medicine, the Academy, no Gungans, public order, the ability to destroy planets, guarded hyperspace lanes, better ship designs, and realistically skinned prostheses... What has the Empire ever done for us?
Rebel2: Brought peace?
Luke: Oh, peace. Shaddup.
Sorry...long winded, but wanted to share what went through my head after reading the last few posts.