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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. A couple of years back, Nieman Marcus has those rare items sold in the catalogue for Xmas and it was the 1:1 X-wing completely detailed and right to scale. I think it was back in 1999. I forgot how much it was auctioned but it was over $40,000. And to be a real Star Wars geek: The S-foils needs to be folded with the landing down. S-foils are attack mode.
  2. ?????????????? He says "Dubya. Tee. Eff. Ing. Hell" which translate to WTFing hell. Warner Bros, has been going down the tubes... Let them air it. I exercise my right not to watch it.
  3. Looks digital.
  4. too bad he'll never get to use them...
  5. dammit. Hard question there. I got my 1/48 yammies, 1/35 Gakken alphas, BPX-01 Space Battleship Yamato, and MP Optimus Prime.
  6. China will never attack the Japanese mainland. But the two might very well fight over disputed islands. Both nations import oil and natural gas, and as the world supply of them dwindles, pressure will get intense. There are yet-to-be expoited areas that both nations (as well as other, weaker nations) claim. And while this airplane talk is interesting, let me tell you that naval spending by both nations has absolutely exploded in recent years. Here is a recent article: http://www.realcities.com/mld/krwashington/10907131.htm A bigger question is that would engagements just be limited to those islands? We all know the answer. The shooting will not be confined to those islands... it will expand and quickly it will. Sure missile and bombs strikes on support centers on both Japan main island and mainland China to hinder each others abilities to conduct combat operations. But to effectively prevent use of ports and support centers, you have to control them or wipe it out. The implications are clear: invasion. Nuclear and chemical weapons would be a viable option for China but the ramifications and fallout is too great. And more importantly, both capitals are within striking distance for both sides for cruise missiles. China is more like corporate greed. They want money and money is what makes the world goes round. But are willing to risk a war? War will not be profitable to both sides in the long run. Markets would tumble, investment for both countries will halt, companies and corporations from abroad will pull out in both countries, and economic recession will unsue for the world (in Japan's case worsen). US will try to prevent this as much as possible as US economy is tied to both. If it does become war, Japan will continue to be the only to be nuked because of China's nuclear capabilities because knowing the some of the hardliners, they will use it if this becomes a full fledged shooting war. China has enough problems on its hands. Feeding its billion people, human rights violations, Taiwain's verge of claiming independence, NK's nuclear weapons arsenal, China's WTO violations, etc. Now, here is an interesting topic. Who would the US would support if war does come?
  7. Who is your favorite character? That should be able to help you determine what valk to get.
  8. Wow. Good thing I dont order from them.
  9. Yes they are, took forever to get those hands on them. Finally took them off since everytime someone bumped the area, one or both would fall off. Cool! I thought so. I got one of my valks holding the sniper rifle from the HALO weapons pack. My goal is to get the rocket launcher fitted into the valk's hands.
  10. I mention Koreans as well. Read above. Japan apologized to the Korean women used as comfort women during WW2 for the Japanese Army. Nobody in Asian theater of war was immune. If you want to take a step further, no one mentioned the millions of Polish, Russians, etc that the Nazis put in the death camps with the Jewish population. We are not highlighting plights of specific races during the WW2. I only mentioned the fact with Chinese because I am Chinese and my dad's nanny (who is still alive at nearly 90 and still with my grandparents) was the one who told me her story. She treated my father like he was her own. I mean if want to go further, North Koreans tortured UN troops in the Korean War. Well said Major. Also I have noticed in anime, when they portray Americans as war mongers, American Empire (GitS: SAC), world policeman (Full Metal Panic), etc. Is it me or are the Japanese have warped sense of view how the United States is?
  11. Hey chowser, Is your Max VF-1S 1/48 holding the SMGs from the HALO 2 figure?
  12. I dont think that there will likely any news from yamato. They shut off Graham's pipeline of info.
  13. Please don't misinterpret what I said. I didn't say anything about the Japanese being right or wrong in the war, or anything about them "deserving what they got" or otherwise. All I was stating was that the Japanese experienced wartime attrocities (this is true) and that, combined along with other factors has lead to a modern Japanese society which is generally opposed to war. As for "deserving what they got," I'd question your logic as to the justification of innocent children being killed (Japanese or otherwise) but that would be more off-topic than we already are. Ok, I might have been a little upset when I said they deserved it. I am not saying it was right I said since I was in an emotional state of anger. Still it doesnt mean it was right thing to say. The Japanese do not even acknowledge that it did happen. It is my understanding that the rest of Japan did not know they were at war till the atomic bombs were used but they had to know if their country was at war if they were reaping the spoils of war. To me, they turned to blind eye without questioning the spoils. As Sundown said, the Japanese text does not even teach there was the war nor the crimes against humanity but they received the atomic bomb and how they suffered. It just gets me in a pissed off mood when someone said Japanese suffered just as worse when they damn well inflicted suffering. The Japanese were not kind to POWS as well. They did torture, starvation, etc. Look at the Phillipines with Death March. And it was back by the Japanese govt. They knowingly did it. Only the German govt acknowdleged what they did was wrong in WW2 and we had the Neurnburg trials. Was there ever one held for Japanese atrocities? Hell no. Only recently Japan admitted to forcing Korean women to be comfort women for the Japanese army and a subdue apology to China. You'd think they were the sufferers of Allied aggression b/c of the nuclear bomb if you read their history books when they damn well planned and executed the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor while "negotiating" in Washington DC. Yes I know any war is an atrocity. But everyone involved is to be held accountable and more importantly learn why this happened. Look at the Massacre at Me Li (sp?) in Vietnam but there were trials for that. We take responsiblity. No one is ever immune to war but I have never seen Allied govt condone to crimes against humanity. Yes I can see there are isolated incidents. But there were trials. Look at the current trial at Iraqi prison abuses. Regardless I was wrong in my statement and I apologize AND I damn well went well-the-hell off topic.
  14. I'd second that... Here's the conversion equations, I know someone said they did it already but I ended up doing it again, just out of curiousity... Phalanx Actual (Ground to searchlight) - 11.27m or 36.97ft 1:60 - 7.40in or 18.78cm 1:48 - 9.24in or 23.48cm Tomahawk Actual (overall including missile rack) - 12.7 m or 41.67ft 1:60 - 8.33in or 21.17cm 1:48 - 10.42in or 26.45cm Actual (to head unit) - 11.27 m 1:60 - 7.40in or 18.78cm 1:48 - 9.24in or 23.48cm Spartan (Ground to shoulder) 11.31 m or 37.10ft 1:60 - 7.42in or 18.85cm 1:48 - 9.28 in or 23.56cm Defender (Ground with antenna) - 11.27 m or 36.97ft 1:60 - 7.40in or 18.78cm 1:48 - 9.24in or 23.48cm Monster (Height to guns' muzzles) - 22.46 m or 73.68ft (damn!) 1:60 - 14.73in or 37.43cm (damn!) 1:48 - 18.42in or 46.79cm (damn!) Sans the Monster, 1/48 it is then. Damn straight!
  15. I dont think Japan has anything to worry about China. China maybe a threat but they are not stupid. Firefox is right, they want money. Also I dont think N. Korea wants to attack Japan. They have their own problems of feeding their own ppl and S. Korea. China is more worried about the break away Taiwan. Taiwan is considered renegade province of China and China has yet to deal with them unless Taiwan does something drastic that really pisses off Chinese leaders. In that case, China would most definitely invade Taiwan but US will have CVBGs (Carrier Battle Groups) and USMC there to counter them. Why would China and N. Korea attack Japan? They would only attack to invade if they want Japan. Japan does not have the resources needed for war. Japan has most of it resources imported in to create goods for export. Moreover, China and NK navies needs to be huge to bring that much troops and armored units to invade Japan. It would be tactically stupid on the Chinese and/or NK to invade Japan since neither have the resources to invade Japan. Besides, China's and NK's pilots are not so well trained unlike Japanese pilots. Yes the Flanker is nothing to sneeze at but the Japanese fighter pilots have better training which means they could very well capable against the Flanker. Oh yeah, to Yellowlightman's comment on the Japanese suffering some of the most wartime atrocities. No offense but I don't think so. They deserve what they got. You forget (or not heard) the undocumented atrocites the Japanese army (Which Japan still denies) commited in China. (Watch the Last Emperor.) You thought the Nazis were bad to Jews, Polish, and Russian ppl, the Japanese were just as bad but we will never know since record keeping wasn't at its best in that region. They killed countless Chinese in experiments and massacres. My father's nanny watched the Japanese soldiers forced her husband, son, and the rest of men in her village dig their own graves and to be summarily shot.
  16. Panon, Thank you for that answer. I was beginning to wonder myself since I only got the 1st DVD.
  17. Ok, I need to chime in. I like the 1/48s because of the detail and care they (yamato) put into it. Look at the cockpit, the figure, the level of detail on the engine intakes, landing gear. It is near perfect. Then they made the Fast Packs... I think this is no need to discuss the level of detail we ALL know how detailed it is. Of course that is the reason why I have so many. But not as many as Kensei. I am big on details. I use the 1/48 because it is easier to create the details I wanted like open cockpit, different figure pilot for the destroid (I assume they are different helmets and such) , open missile compartments (especially the 6 missile bay on the Tomahawk), removeable missiles, and good poseablility. Unlike Graham, I am big on getting most of my toys to scale hence why I am getting into space issues... but that is a different matter altogether (I have a huge GI Joe collection to name one). I like to keep the scales the same because I can create cool dioramas like those ppl who makes large battlefields for WW2 and the American Civil War. My hope is to if I ever get the damn time such as recreating the deck top of the Prometheus with Hasegawa figs to launch the VFs off or with the 1/48 scale destroids with missile bays opened on the Daedeleus when it punches thru the Zentradi warship. You guys get the picture. Dont get me wrong. I liked the 1/60s but the details are not all there like Gunpod, landing gear doors position, removeable legs to "transform", changing cockpit canopy to heat shield, half a pilot?!?! and that is just naming them off the top of my head. I bought like 2 of each of the DRYL except the TRU one when they came out. They are hellva a lot better than Toynami POS MPC. Yes I have all of them except Jack's MPC. I got it for the packaging but I never paid full price after . At first I thought the 1/48 was just too much money but when I got the low vis, hell broke loose. I never even thought I would get that many at this point and I am still clamoring for more like the CF, VF-1S Max (I mean they made a Max Q-rau, why not his VF-1S since it had a longer appearance in the film), 2 seaters including the Virgin Road, Kakazaki VF-1A TV and DYRL, and max's VF-1A TV. Anyways, yes I would like to have quality toys (hence why I dont buy everything GI Joe when they come out). But they all dont have to be in all in 1/48 in general. Look at the SOC BPX-01 Space Battleship Yamato. I like the detail on that sucker. Basically to sum it up, Most Macross 1/48 is desirable long as it is good. Other toys, depends on the quality. I say most of of Macross because I do not see a 1/48 SDF-1. I mean you can only do so much.
  18. Seriously, I wish I had a partner that was as romantic as yours. My girl paid some money down on them so I dare say you are correct. Wow. I wish I can find a girl that would do that for me.
  19. He's alive. He's alive. Welcome back.
  20. Umm nope. not yet. I just help tip the scales for the 1/48. I like the 1/48. I like everything in the same scale as my 1/48 yammies. Helps me when I work on build the 1/48 Daedelous.
  21. Godzilla

    Yamato SDF-1

    If and when the SDF-1 Macross does come out and from the rumors saying that it will be Yamato's last release of Macross items, I would certainly hope some other macross item will still come out *COUGH*2-seater 1/48s*COUGH* before then.
  22. Yes you did. I think it got lost somewhere in the shuffle.
  23. Wow. And I thought I was the only one who thought movies in the past 3 years. I mean I havent been to movie theater since July 2004 seeing RE2. And that was because I had a free ticket. Before that, I saw Underworld in Sept 2003 in a movie theater. Movies these days suck and prices are getting higher. Easier and cheaper to rent them. Plus Hollywood is running out of ideas so they are doing remakes (Assault on Precinct 13), taking comic book heros (Daredevil, Elektra), and video games (Alone in the Dark, Tomb Raider, etc). And they are totally trash. Talk about raping our childhood...
  24. I don't understand why it is so hard for people to just wait and see WHY! Too many people need everything to be wrapped up and spelled out for them immediately. I guess that would be TV's fault since that's how it's been for so long. I for one think it's refreshing to see things slowly unravel over an extended story arc. Be patient!! Sheesh! Chris Exactly! There is a reason for it. I think the reason is that of the Cyclons wanting to mate with humans. Remember they go impatient waiting for the Humans to destroy themselves. So they sneak attack. And the whole point is to have humanity in its despair that they they need to propagate for survival as a species. Hence why they have human looking cylons. Those cylons will then mate with unsuspecting humans. Thus why we have Boomer clone with the stranded pilot. It is all a plan in which boomer is gonna go boom-boom with the stranded pilot. So to recap: Cylons plan is to make a superior species. To do that they take the advantage of humanity's despair in which the Cylons created.
  25. I have to say this is by far the best pic.
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