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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Very nice. Very nice indeed.
  2. yeah. stupid ppl.
  3. Godzilla

    Anybody know...

    yeah but its either buy it now, or pay out the butt later...they're getting pretty rare as is. i don't really know any shop who has them other than tisinc. maybe they'll do a 3rd production run but with the lack of future 1/48 releases, i'm really not counting on it. Yeah. Tinsc is asking for $65 here. Damn etrade is asking for $79.99 here?!?! And he is in HK.
  4. I definitely did not want to be on the receiving end of that! That is just took cool. Up close and personal. I saw vids of the miniguns used on the C-130 Hercules gunships. Talk about death and destruction.
  5. So where does ED live?
  6. Me neither, but the Captain seems hell bent on getting us PT two seaters. Hey, don't fault the guy for pursuing perfection!! I never fault him for perfection. If he can do it, great. If not, not an issue. As I said before, I bet Yamato is facing the same problems Capt America is facing.
  7. ok, After screwing with the test I got a 12.(really hard to do). Here is what it says. Zombie Chow Congratulations! You scored 12! You failed, and failed miserably. Not only did you fall victim where it could have been avoided, you didn't even rise again, since most of you was consumed by your attackers. Talk about a final indignity. That is funny. My friend just tried again and got a 6.
  8. My friend got a 40 and lowest I have seen is 36. I wonder what it says if you are 8 or something.
  9. *Hands everyone a shovel to rebury the dead horse.*
  10. I can think up better ways to spend $3 million.
  11. You capped him? I figured that'd be a waste of bullets, so I went with the dynamite/bait route. Damn straight! Sorry buddy but you are already dead. Better to use him now than later to cap him when he goes zombie. My score: Official Survivor Congratulations! You scored 71! Whether through ferocity or quickness, you made it out. You made the right choice most of the time, but you probably screwed up somewhere. Nobody's perfect, at least your alive. Test statistics: Compared to users who took the test and are and in your age group: 100% had lower survivalpoints scores. With respect to survivalpoints, users aged 25 to 29 scored highest.
  12. Yeah but I thought those engines on the valk are nuclear fusion so what do you need to fuel with it? Liquid uranium? I dont think the valk needed to be refueled or do they?
  13. The VB-6 Koenig Monster. Yes all six of them they are.
  14. Gee, I wonder why...
  15. I had to do it again.
  16. The diorama is ok. Wouldn't it be easier to use the rotary drum to load the gunpod? .
  17. Wow. You guy get that far? hell my highest is 6109.76m
  18. Are Robotech stuff going that high? Invid Shock trooper
  19. That's what I really appreciated about the 2nd movie. They knew that was going to pretty much be the last word on Patlabor, so instead of making a big show of how each character ends up, they simply show them all a little older and some growing a bit distant, but still good freinds. Very much like real life. The biggest demonstration of that is where Noa mentions it wouldn't be right to take Alphonse for a spin, that she essentially out grew her need to obsess over him. So she may be maturing, Ohta and Shinshi are working outside of SV2, but Goto is still very much Goto, showing how some things change and some thing stay the same. As much as I like the 2nd movie, I think the 1st movie is maybe Patlabor at it's best. It really deserves more praise, particularly outside Japan. It's too bad the cartoon network doesn't pick it up, but I think a lot is lost in the English dubbing, and they'd never air a series with sub-titles. In the 2nd movie, I liked it as well how everyone is older and little mature. Ota is still the psycho but toned down. His accuracy though is pretty good when he was teaching the cadets. I assume Asuma and Noa relationship was more than friends since in the TV show, it was beginning to grow into something more. If you remember in the 2nd movie, Goto says that this will be Special Vehicles Division 2's final mission. It seems that Hiromi and Goto never changed though. I like Movie 3 or Wasted 13. It isnt bad, just a different perspective in the Patlabor world. Yes, SV2 only make some cameo but still it was interesting.
  20. I love the Special Vehicles Division 2 guys. Kanuka is one of the my favorite characters. She is the only one that can control Ota. As much he is a pycho cop as Kanuka said about him, he has his moments. Of all the characters, Noa is my least favorite for some reason or another till the episodes 31-34. Sad to see the voice actress of Kanuka died. Anyways, so I need to wait for the 3rd boxset? Great...
  21. Crap. You mean to tell me there are more?
  22. Ok, I just went thru Patlabor The Original Series and the TV series up to Volume 8 but I see more but that is the last of the boxset (I assume no but..) So how many show was in the TV series?
  23. But the Wings are different from the VT vs VF-1D.
  24. Yes, Please go back to the topic.
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