That info came to me from Yvan. He wrote the article that is translated into English here:
He contacted me when I first posted pictures of my Tread. Just wanting to give credit where credit is due.
That is what I get for not doing a simple search. Thanks for the correction Carl.
And MGREXX, count me in as curious about your source. I'd like to know if it is a guess, info from Toynami or RT officials, or just from the voices in your head. j/k Seriously, I'd love to see a tread/beta from Toynami but I am not holding my breath. I'd think if they were really serious about producing one, we would have seen a prototype or mockup long ago. After all, I am admittedly no toy design expert, but it doesn't seem as if it would easy to design a beta to link up with the alphas without some forethought put into the alpha design from the beginning. And I've yet to see anything on the production alphas that look as if it could be connection points to a beta.
There is still hope for the 1/55 Beta. Or at least I still have it.