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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Of course it is anime magic.
  2. I think the better question is who is you fav character. Me? I am partial to Max VF-1J. Then again I made a Max VF-1S from the DYRL (using the head of the VF-1S Hikaru DYRL). Roy VF-1S would probably be the most popular and Hikaru VF-1S second.
  3. Godzilla


    Yeah, you can never trust the Chinese. J/K! Oh quit being stereotypical. And yes I am Chinese.
  4. Just make sure the pics are not huge in which I need a scroll bar back annd forth. It will also cause a hurt in bandwidth.
  5. I am jumping for joy... NOT. Nemesis was really bad. Oh god does the script needed help. Insurrection was better.
  6. The utter stupidity of ppl never ceases to amaze me. Perfect example of ppl who needs to get out more. Even better yet buy common sense.
  7. even a plain old window pane blocks most UV rays, the whole UV protected glass is a total sham IMO. say you spent a bunch of money on some UV coated glass....now would you be willing to display your toys in direct sunlight? i doubt it and neither would i. it might help but it isn't going to prevent anything. I have to agree with haterist. Even exposed to air will cause detoriation. We will have to live with it. It depends on climates, humidity, temperature. THose are other factors besides sunlight. I mean some of my old joes like snow job yellowed and I never even took him outside in the sunlight. Those combinations are factors but not one thing is direct cause. My case came with a mirror.
  8. Did it grow a pair of arms? Man, I need to go home and look up this on the Robotech Art 3. Talk about un-originality.
  9. Why? There have been several threads on this. General consensus says Yamato is the best of the best. Toynami cannot even compare. Toynami has its fault but they are the only ones producing the Legioss/Alphas.
  10. Nice view. Well I wont be doing the STP (Seattle To Portland) bike ride this year. I think I will sit in Renton or goto Vancouver, BC and wait this out.
  11. Why? Why did you have to show it. I havent seen the sentientels but I am glad I didnt. I unforunately own Robotech Art 3, though. As for the new Janice... I prefer the purple hair than then hooker as A1 mentioned.
  12. Gee, I am surprised no one mentioned Femalien 1 and 2 or Emmanulle in Space. Seriously, I liked Blue Thunder. It was more realistic than Airwolf.
  13. You dont have to go with with what we say. Choose what you feel like. But hey you ask for our advice. I'd say go with MP Prime.
  14. Needs co-op. At least in both Halo games you can play cooperatively.
  15. She is Chinese. So therefore her eys are brown. Green Maybe would make sense. Nice custom. Very nice indeed.
  16. That info came to me from Yvan. He wrote the article that is translated into English here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mospeada/lansa...y_tread_toy.htm He contacted me when I first posted pictures of my Tread. Just wanting to give credit where credit is due. Thanks, Carl That is what I get for not doing a simple search. Thanks for the correction Carl. .................................... And MGREXX, count me in as curious about your source. I'd like to know if it is a guess, info from Toynami or RT officials, or just from the voices in your head. j/k Seriously, I'd love to see a tread/beta from Toynami but I am not holding my breath. I'd think if they were really serious about producing one, we would have seen a prototype or mockup long ago. After all, I am admittedly no toy design expert, but it doesn't seem as if it would easy to design a beta to link up with the alphas without some forethought put into the alpha design from the beginning. And I've yet to see anything on the production alphas that look as if it could be connection points to a beta. There is still hope for the 1/55 Beta. Or at least I still have it.
  17. Damn Kurt! Looks great. Sooo tempting to buy this...
  18. Nice. I like it. I would have done tha to my 1/48s but I have other projects for these babies.
  19. All we can do is hope and pray. If not, we will see what Captain America can do for us.
  20. 35? 35?!?! 35!!!! You wuss.
  21. The only reason to see it is to see the chicks. Another movies using hot chick and possibly some sexual themes with T&A to cover up the crappiness of the script. No I wont go see it. Not worth the $7.
  22. Fulcy? You gotta respond to this.
  23. Godzilla

    Low Viz 1S Heads

    SD.. VF-1J head? for Joke Machine? Noel Looks like it. He is just teasiing us.
  24. Ya know, Hikaru, I got your ex girlfriend right here! I'm in love with a resin kit. LOL! If Hikaru played it right he coulda have both Minmay and Misa... he's a dumb@$$.
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