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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Godzilla

    Custom VF-17S

    I guess she was showing Hikaru how it's done... Damn straight!
  2. heh so when the gun pod makes the sound "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" it set on pleasure instead of full auto. Meltraedi sized (brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) pleasure toy.
  3. 1/48s of course! Accept no substitute! (unless you want a super ostrich or VF-1D, get the 1/60. I am leaning toward it right now if no 1/48 2 seaters are released.)
  4. You guys need some serious help.
  5. It's been posted before.
  6. One can only hope.
  7. heh, you've obviously never been to a MWCon... DUH! What gave you the idea? Master of the obvious you are.
  8. Good luck to you UN MARINE. Just when you get done, make more of them b/c I want some.
  9. Any chicks gonna be at this con?
  10. Great... There goes the neighborhood.
  11. Thanks Pat.
  12. Yeah, I was yelling at the TV: "Run, Forrest, Run!" Talk about startling revelations. We also see Tigh's wife has an agenda as well. She shoulda been thrown out of the airlock.
  13. I thought those bulbs were sensor equipment.
  14. Ok, ok, back on topic you horndogs! So what does the book "Movement" cover look like? Damn... collecting macross books now. UGH!
  15. Of course it would, but only if it was 1/1 scale. You guys need help.
  16. Not bad game at all. I like it.
  17. Damn. I gotta see this when this gets done.
  18. Just under $400. I was right! Or did I jinx the guy....... Maybe YOU bought it ... No I didn't. That's a lie. You guys don't believe his lie do you?! Yeah right. Oh c'mon. Don't I have any credibility here? Hang on, there Kurt, hey Kurt buddy, tell them that they're wrong!
  19. Final date is June 19th? And where? If I can go, I may bring the Blue Angels custom. But I need a place to stay.
  20. GBP-1, man, GBP-01.
  21. The designs are great. Nothing more can be said about it. On an unrelated note: Dat Pinche Haro, who is that chick in your avatar. Why? Because she is driving me crazy! It has to be the red hair.
  22. I know I would be shocked.
  23. I am glad I I stopped by and read this. I am looking to get an airbrush.
  24. How much do you charge for commissioning projects like these, Ryuji?
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