Is it me or the line is going down the tubes? I have to say wave 9 was the best but noiw it feels like this is the peak of the 25th line and it is slowly going downhill. I mean look at wave 12- it is meh to me. Carded dreadnok Ripper from the cartoon no doubt but I got my dreadnoks from the comic pack. I mean nothing really new just damn repaints. Looking at the sea command 3 pack. Hasbro really screwed up with Cutter. He is just a gung-ho with a shipwreck body. Deep-six is an Ace repaint and Shipwreck is another baroness repaint minus the chest. Oh Leatherneck is a gungho repaint as well with the Brazil colors. I just wish they finish the line with Recondo, Footloose, Ripcord, blowtorch, cover girl, heavy-metal, frostbite, Iceberg, lifeline, Cross Country, Zap, Sci-Fi, Mindbender, Zarana, Zandar, Monkeywrench, Tunnelrat, Chuckles, Jinx, Big Lob and the Renegades.