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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. I did exactly the same thing . Graham Done that as well. I would get more valks with the armor. Why? Because I do a lot of customization especially the 2-seater project capt america is working on.
  2. I recommend that the you follow haterist's recommendations. If you like the alpha, get more. Otherwise, get the 1/48s.
  3. Plethora of naked Boomers = Heaven on Earth = Bits of Boomers sprinkling down from the Heavens to the Earths... Well, that's what they get for petting the nuke. They are cylons, they can disarm a bomb cant they?
  4. That may be the most outragous thing ever said in the history of MW. Do the mods know about this!?! This guy must be French or something... (no disrespect to the French intended ) And we wonder why so much of the world hates us... I don't.. Its because we are the most successfull, we have the most control. They are just jealous. They all loved us when there was another power that was actually evil and WE were the only ones who stood up to them... But now that the Soviet Union is gone, we are the only superpower left. NOW all of a sudden it isn't fair. No they dont really love us. They never did. They just love the greenback. Money is what the world goes round.
  5. Somehow that didnt sound right.
  6. Shipping will the killer. I would assume that Yamato would learn that it would not be a good idea to make a bigger package.
  7. Well, I didnt like Pearl Harbor. I hope he doesnt screw this up.
  8. Man, that sucks. Looks like I will not buy those VT-1 from him.
  9. Better keep that away from Mike Tyson Or Michael Jackson.
  10. Hm.... I'm sure in your case, there is no such thing as "overkill" in your dictionary, only "ensured victory"! Damn straight! Should talk to my brother. When I play Red Alert with him, he dies with hundreds of tanks of mine overrunning his base.
  11. You still need MORE? Don't worry Lynx, he's just trying to psyche me out. Nope. No need of a pyche out. It is just gonna happen. If they ever release the CF, I am buying 30 of them. The 2 seaters are another story: 4 VE, 5 VT and 6 VF-1Ds, if they ever make them.
  12. I want to know why the hell the boomers on the base star was petting the nuke like it was their own pet dog. WTF was that all about?
  13. Oh no, it won't die. I don't care if I have to beat on it's chest and scream.... LIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! It will not die. I just hope that the 1/72 Regult is the only thing John has on his plate before this project. Given the lackluster response to the fanboy Valkyrie Girl project, I would hate to see it push back this one in favor of the 5 fanboys that actually want those things to be made. I'll be there helping you. Heck, I'll do CPR. You sick puppy. Hey now. You are sick too. You are the only person here that have more 1/48s than I do.
  14. I am with Mechamaniac. I want a 1/48 version.
  15. Damn, you guys talking how many you will get... I am stillwondering if I should get 15 of these puppies. Of course it would require me to get more valks.
  16. Wow, international shipping must be a bear! I would be pissed too if they broke my minmay.
  17. Oh no, it won't die. I don't care if I have to beat on it's chest and scream.... LIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! It will not die. I just hope that the 1/72 Regult is the only thing John has on his plate before this project. Given the lackluster response to the fanboy Valkyrie Girl project, I would hate to see it push back this one in favor of the 5 fanboys that actually want those things to be made. I'll be there helping you. Heck, I'll do CPR.
  18. Holy crap! It better have some of her DNA on there.
  19. She was in the defunct Karen Sisco TV show.
  20. Yes, since that is the 1D head . Anything else would just be a two seater X head valk. As to the status, and progress pics, you can check the 1/72 Regult thread in the Models section. That one is definitely in the queue before the Cap'n can start on the conversion kits. He indicated when I first asked him that it would probably be May(ish) for a time frame. Sounds good. Just making sure this doesnt die.
  21. Overall, I thought the movie was alright. I like Rouke as Marv. That story was great. The last story with where Bruce Willis kills himself wasnt great. Dont get me wrong here... Jessica Alba was just pure hotness. If she asked me to do her, I would say HELL YEAH. It was just a story that wasnt all that great.
  22. Hey Cap, Got a status for us?
  23. Summer 2005? Given their track record I reaaly doubt that.
  24. Amen to that. Amen to that, bro.
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