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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Bridge bunnie would be nice too.
  2. You're explaining to me why Anakin did what he did. . . but not why the prophecy "made" it happen that way. The thing about prophecy and destiny (in most fiction) is that they are unavoidable and that they really are sorta controlling things. Okay, let me rephrase: If the entire purpose of the prophecy and/or Anakin's destiny is to kill the Sith Lord, it seems awfully counter-productive for Anakin to stop Mace Windu from killing him. If the purpose of the prophecy is to destroy the Sith, it seems odd that its instrument would stop that from happening, only to accomplish it twenty years later. H Well we are assuming the prophecy was interpreted correctly. Remember Yoda had doubts when he was talking to Mace and Obi-wan.
  3. You see if Anakin does kill Sidious, he will not learn the secrets in saving life. Remember Anakin's fear is to lose his wife. We know the whole bit about fear leads to anger which leads to hatred which leads to suffering and the path to the darkside is complete. Sidious just played Anakin on his fears. Remember what Yoda siad when Anakin was talking to him? Yoda told him he has to let those fears go. If someone close to him dies, he has to let them go. Sidious just twisted the facts saying the Republic needs to saved. The Jedi are the ones who wanted to take over the Senate which isnt true but if you see one standpoint it did. Anakin had a decision to face. Of course he had justify that once he cut Mace Windu's hand's off. If you remember Obi-wan's quote in ROTJ: Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. OMG... I feel like a Star Wars geek.
  4. Thanks for the mention but I dont think I can beat sithlord on Macross. I have seen some ppl's collection put me to shame. Problem is I collect a variety of things not just Macross and Patlabor. I collect GI JOE and Transformers reissue as well. Right now I am limiting myself to Macross.
  5. The more I think about it, the LV has to be a rumor on needless hype. We all know the GBP and CF is coming. Two different versions of CF is still a rumor.
  6. Well, I saw it yesterday. After my friend told on Friday how the theaters were not crowded, I decided to watch it yesterday. Here are my thoughts: The Good: 1. I have to say the film was better than Episodes 1 and 2. 2. The battle scenes over Coruscant was incredible. 3. I enjoyed the humor (i.e. SBD kicking R2 after being zapped, Obiwan's comments, droid sounds of dying, etc..) when Obi-wan and Anakin was rescuing the Chancellor. 4. Light Saber Duels galor. 5. The Chancellor vs Mace duel and the betrayal to the Jedi Order by Anakin. The way the Chancellor pretended to be weak so Anakin would step in was just great. Ian McDiarmid acting as the Chancelor/Darth Sidious was just great. 6. Obi-wan has come a long way from being a punk padiwan in Episode 1 TPM to a great Jedi knight. Obi-wan became my favorite. Ewan McGregor acting was superb. The Bad: 1. Recycled dialog. I am so sick of recycled dialog throughout the Star Wars movies. All three movies suffered from it. "I have a bad feeling about this" has been over used. I mean Lucas basically used the dialog from the classic Star Wars. Just like in Ep 2, "Concentrate all fire on the battleship core." Gee, since when does Yoda become Admiral Ackbar? Better yet, Padme's last quote before she dies: "There is still good in him". Put in some fresh dialog. 2. The tender moment scenes of Anakin and Padme. I could have deal without. Bore me to death please. 3. Padme's death. She sees her kids names them and then dies. The medical droid says she is healthy but she lost the will to live? Give me a break. 4. Seems like the cutting of certain limbs is what everyone does. Jedis get their hands cutoff (Mace Windu and Darth Tyranus) and beheadings (Yoda beheaded the clones in a foil assassination attempt) 5. Darth Tyranus's death was too quick. I thought he was all powerful. Though interesting, the padiwans are the one who took out the Sith Lord apprentice where Obi-wan took out Darth Maul in TPM and Anakin took out Darth Tyranus. 6. When do cruiser guns use shell/projectile based weapons in space? You see the clone troopers on guns eject shell casing after firing. Um, what happened to turbo lasers? The Ugly: 1. IMO This film still does not best the the classic Star Wars. By far this movies ranks 4th. ANH and ROTJ are trading places for 1st and 2nd IMO with ESB in 3rd. 5th and 6th place would be Episode 1 and Epsiode 2 thought they trade places. I am debating about less screen time for Jar Jar versus the nice Naboo landscape. 2. Padme was not hot looking as she was in the previous episodes. I am sorry but Natalie Portman was damn hot in Episode 2 especiallt the backless dress. 3. How in the world does Obi-wan in ANH do not remember R2-D2? The story continuity is just messed up. Better yet, how come Beru and Owen do not remember the droids or evan Darth Vader? Overall I like the movie but I came out feeling so so. Not like when I watched Star Wars as a kid where I had the feeling of wow. I dunno maybe it is because I am older. Still I rewatch Star Wars classic and come out feeling wow still. *shrugs*
  7. Another LV run? Oh hell. I am going to go broke...
  8. Yes, go with Kevin. I just bought in bulk from him. His service is great. His response times on emails is damn incredible i.e. within 30 min-1 hour in one case 10 min. Kevin's prices are not bad. gee $10 more. Yeah, yeah, a buck is still a buck, a penny saved is a penny earned, yadda yadda... 1. You will not screwed by Kevin. 2. If you buy in bulk I am sure he can make a deal with you. 3. he is good guy to work with. As I said before I much pay a little higher to folks like Kevin and Tam because I know I can trust them. If they make a little profit great that is how businesses work. If it helps them stay in business to continue on providing us products, so be it. EDIT: spelling errors.
  9. i highly doubt the 20 valks you're trying to get is going to put a dent in the yamato stock, all these folks are just crazy. I think he's saying that, if he can't get as many as he wants, he'll be okay with it. I don't think he was offering his valks up to try to sate demand. H i know that, i just think its mad funny that people are actually giving him a hard time about it as if he was single-handedly going to buy all of yamato stock. i know how godzilla operates, whether it be all at once, or over a long period of time, he'll get the quantity is aiming for. my man got deep pockets and the worst case of valkoholism known to man. Aint that the truth! Amen brother!
  10. I am preordering because that is hoe I operate. Sheesh. No need to panic folks. If there isnt enough to go around, I 'll cut my stock. Geeze Louise...
  11. Nah I am pretty sure it won't sell out before released. Even if it's going to be a LE it's not one of those where it's like only 100 produce or something. The thing we should ask is how fast will it sell out once it comes out. This will depend on alot of circumstances. Like whether its a LE, size of production and demand. But still if you look hard you probably can pick one up after a few months being released. But the price then could be lower, higher or the same. That's wha I was thinkin. Even if people want to collect it to sell later, they are going to ahve to dish out an enormous amount of cash. It will not get critical in the first few weeks of sale. It probably will get critical in late October or next Jan. I swear... people here are such experts... the speculations have hit ludicrous speed... yeah tell me about.
  12. No not yet.
  13. I want the battlepod.
  14. He does?!!? time to throw in my order. He does but make sure you go to the preorder menu. There's no "add to cart" button on the 1/48 CF page itself. How many u ordering? 20? So far, yes. I preordered 20 from 2 different ppl.
  15. He does?!!? time to throw in my order.
  16. It would be best to do it from scratch. Matching the paint would make you go insane.
  17. I will absolutely refuse to go this weekend. I will do after the crowds die down.
  18. I dunno. The armor looks a little thick but I like it.
  19. Wha? No "None of the above" or "I dont play MMORGP"? For shame...
  20. Well I am already ahead of the curve b/c I have a HDTV.
  21. Capital Idea , if your stuck in traffic you just roll over other cars. Roll? ROLL? Mister, I have a big, 120mm cannon, and I INTEND TO USE IT! Actually, I agree about the M1A1. It uses a jet turbine, no? A bit hard to pull into the local gas station for a top-up.. In traffic I intend to use all weapons available from 7.62 coax to the .50 cal to the 120 mm smoothbore. I am surprised no one mention the Merkava. Anyways I'll take all the tanks. EDIT: misspellings
  22. That seller aa521490, he was buying a ton of valks on ebay. Wow, I guess he is selling everything.
  23. He could get more money for Rick and Roy MPCs if he sold them separately. The Ben, Max and Miriya wouldnt fetch MSRP. They Yammie and Battlepod he could get a lot of money...
  24. I voted none. Why? because they are just too expensive when they are initially released. I already have Xbox and GC. I dont see the need to get a PS2. I have enough console and PC games... Also, does anybody know if PS3 will have HDTV support like X360? I think X360 it is a requirement.
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