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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. CNN article. Another director exits 'X-Men 3' Wednesday, June 1, 2005 Posted: 11:38 AM EDT (1538 GMT) LOS ANGELES, California (Hollywood Reporter) -- With just two months until production begins, the director of "X-Men 3" has left the Fox project, citing personal reasons. The Marvel superhero sequel would have marked the first big-budget studio project for Matthew Vaughn, who made his directing debut with the gangster tale "Layer Cake." "X3," with a cast that includes Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry, is scheduled to begin production August 2 for release on May 26, 2006. Vaughn is the second director to be involved in the project. Bryan Singer, who directed the first two "X-Men" features, had been expected to direct the third, but when he chose to take on Warner Bros. Pictures' upcoming "Superman Returns," Fox abruptly cut its ties with him. Fox insisted that Vaughn's departure had nothing to do with either creative differences or the pressures of mounting the multimillion-dollar project. Instead, Vaughn, who had planned to commute between the film's Vancouver location and his family in London, said that he'd come to realize that he would have to move to L.A. and Vancouver for a year, and he decided he did not want to uproot his family for an extended period. "We understand Matthew's reasons for leaving, as nothing is more important than family," Fox president Hutch Parker said. "Luckily, we have a fantastic script, the original cast is returning, and there will be some great new characters. We will decide shortly among several directors who are keenly interested in the project and are fully committed to remaining right on schedule." The $7 million "Layer Cake" has grossed $729,488 after 18 days of limited release via Sony Pictures Classics, as well as $8 million overseas. Vaughn also produced Guy Ritchie's crime movies "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch."
  2. Just to note: The Bismarck wasn't sunk by aricraft. It was sunk by naval gunfire. The aircraft only disabled its steering (which is obviously important, but not quite the same as sinking it). And those aircraft weren't WWI, they were interwar designed Swordfishes. Just because it is a biplane doesn't mean it is WWI. The Swordfish is much better than any WWI bomber. Oh yeah. my bad. The rudder was stuck because of the torpedo. I thought the swordfishes was used in WW1... hmmm maybe a WW1 design then.
  3. Man that is cool. I recognize some of the planes. I wish I can visit there.
  4. Bismarck is not in the league of Yamato. Yamato displaces nearly 30-40% more. Bismarck was not the super-battleship Discovery Channel and most other sources of info make him out to be. A South Dakota class BB could theoretically thump Bismarck. To be fair to the Germans, they had to make up for that 2 decade lull period after WW2, so they had a tall order to fill. Even Yamato with that huge armour plating and honking big rifles had weaknesses like lack of radar fire control and proper protection for the secondary batteries and AA turrets. IMHO, the pecking order of WW2 Dreadnaught classes is like 1. Iowa/Yamato 2. South Dakota 3. North Carolina 4. Bismarck/King George V 5. All the WW1 leftovers, although the rebuilt USN BBs with Radar Fire Control could theoretically take out even the Yamato in bad visual conditions. The fire control is pretty important, big rifles can't do squat if they can't hit. Thats why I think the planned 'Super-Yamato' class would suck. Having 6 x 20 inch rifles wouldn't be a good trade for 9 x 18 inches. Its not like you are gonna fire at immobile armoured fortresses. A high rate of fire with more hits is a better bet since the 18 inch shell is enough to give any other BB a bad day when it hits. Retracting Head Ter Ter is correct. The Bismarck would be pounced on by the Yamato. Bismarck has 15" cannons. It had 3 (or 4 turrets) with 2x 15" cannon. Yamato had 3 turrets with 3x 18" cannons. The Bismarck was the terror of the Atlantic. Sure it took out British Battleships and destroyers in one shot but it was nothing compared to the Yamato class. According to one of the websites, it took over 20 bombs and torpedoes to sink the Yamato and that was with upgrades air defenses. The Bismarck was sunk by bi-planes of WW1 whereas the Yamato was sunk by advanced designed US Naval aircraft in the late days of WW2. The Montana class was suppose to be in the same league with the Yamato. It sported 12x 50 cal 16" cannons on 4 turrets. Now I agree that with good fire control, the Montana could thump the Yamato and hard in the first salvo. Their armor was spec to survive 18" shells or was it? Too bad they were scrapped before they were even completed. Could the Iowa class survive a salvo from the Yamato?
  5. why, all of John Woo's movies of course! *ducks*
  6. Aint that the truth.
  7. Why you guys complaining about the GBP? Be happy they are making one. I agree it is out of proportion but I will still buy it.
  8. Mine is fine though I am worried.
  9. Could be the temperature. That has an effect as well.
  10. Hmm, I wonder who is starring in it then?
  11. Looks damn good.
  12. Well I started in to collecting when I just got out of school in 1998. I just moved to Seattle from Atlanta working for the Boeing Company. In summer of 1999, a coworker introduced me to ebay. Well that pretty much screwed me. I was into collecting. Mind you I was still collecting comics but really losing interest due to lack of stories and excitement, etc. Anyways, I went on Ebay and bought 2 GI JOE 12" figures: Flint and Ace. Thus I went to collecting GI Joe 3 3/4 and the new Star Wars Power of the Force series. Then I saw the 12" release of the Star wars figures. I got the special FAO scwartz Wedge and Biggs figures. Also, I dunno if it was that summer or 1999 but the TRU brownie CF was out. Man I bidded like hell for it on Ebay thus becoming my first real macross toy. And yes I made the mistake of buying those ARII Macross Figures. Oh well... I was slowly getting the 1/60s. In 2001, I bought the MPCs with much enthusiasm. That was a hugh let down. In 2002, my GI JOE collection was reaching it's apex and completion (1983-1987, anything after was crap in my book.) My collection slowed down. I stopped getting Star Wars figures b/c I couldnt keep up. In Sept. 2003, just when the collecting was slow, I got my 1st 1/48 the LV. Holy crap. It was my conversion from "Robowtek" to Macross. Anything Macross was being bought. The 1/48s collecting... I never thought I would be into them. Damn Yamato! Well I have to thank them for a good toy. My wallet is saying "DAMN THEM!"
  13. It was a while ago.
  14. Dude, that sucks. But oh well. Pay an extra $40 and you would've got the 1/48 yammie. But oh well. Dont feel bad. I bought my MPC Rick for MSRP. After that, it was hell no to MSRP. Bought most the MPCs for $50 except the VF-1S for $60.
  15. TISINC huh ? Had to be. Or it was Valkaholic.
  16. Speaking of Noeva... Where is Noeva these days?
  17. I thought the CFTs were used on the F-15s for long flights say from US to Europe in the event of a Warsaw Pact invasion.
  18. Airwolf was alright till the 3rd season. So was it because the star's drug problem?
  19. Of course you do. The FX 5200 is a poorly rated, low end video card. That's not to say you can't do decent graphics on a budget, that's just a really shitty card. If I remember well the FX5200 was comparable to a high end GeForce 3 I don't know, were the GeForce 3's crap, too? Seriously, though, the FX 5200 is considered to be a fairly poor video card. From performance to cooling, its gotten some pretty bad reviews. The FX5200 got beat by the GeForce4 TI4200 on benchmark tests if I recall. The FX5200 wasnt up to snuff againt the GeForce4 TI series.
  20. I think it is CV. The "N" denotes as a nuclear carrier which the Kennedy is not. I have a buddy flying f-18s on the Kennedy. I think I will send him an email about this.
  21. Thank you. We do not need more useless drivel.
  22. Or, it could be what George Lucas said it was. That reference by Palpatine doesn't have to have any relation to Anakin's birth. Now, I could see the need to assign it that meaning if it had been mentioned with no obvious purpose. But it already serves as the plot device that motivates Anakin to consider the Dark Side. It doesn't need to serve two purposes. And, according to Lucas, it doesn't. Indeed. If Plagius really did have something to do with Anakin's conception, why the hell would he use a slave woman on a remote planet and then disappear before the kid was born? Surely doing this would be to serve his own purposes, and thus he would want some control over the "outcomes". And yet there is nothing of the sort. Palpatine is just leading Anakin down the path... Before I leave my SW geekdom... If memory serves me correct, Plagius was killed by his apprentice in his sleep according to the Chancellor. Seems to be recurring theme. Apprentices kills their master for the Sith. Yeah yeah, Maul and Tyranus were killed by Jedi. But if you look at RotJ, Vader finally killed his master.
  23. Well we should replace lightbulbs with dorrknobs for A1's sake.
  24. You think you're some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that? Mind tricks don't work on me. Only $500. No money no deal!
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