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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Guess what folks, the 1/48 FPs are now $100. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1
  2. That is just too damn funny.
  3. Godzilla

    Low Viz

    Yes the LVs are thing of beauty. Why do you think I have 10 of them? the LV was my 1st 1/48. I bought one on ebay for $90 shipped. That was my 3rd LV.
  4. The ole BP-8 issue. Hit up Rohby for the recasts.
  5. Godzilla

    1/48 Yamatos

    Group buys are great. I cant tell you how much money I saved.
  6. Well, ATI is the leader in Graphics Chips. Not that I like them. I like Nvidia better. Anyways, I like to get the Revolution since it is suppose to support previous Nintendo platforms. Now Xbox 360 will support previous games thru updates which I feel will hurt MS in the long run.
  7. I heard it was gonna be Jennifer Aniston, god forbid. Oh come on... She would be great at that. It should be Jessica Biel. The right age and body for it. I would have to agree.
  8. Godzilla

    Low Viz

    $120 was the standard price at the time of release.
  9. I know who it is.
  10. Bah I can beat that.
  11. slacker, ya need at least 32.5, thats half your collection Yeah yeah. I know. Trying to work on it. Then again, I have 5 TV FPs fromt eh VF-1J Hikaru.
  12. Hell, I got 13 FPs. I'll trade one of them for Jetfire.
  13. I am betting on the SDF-1 or the Cyclone. Why? Because Toynami are lazy SOBs. They are gonna steal whatever desogn from the past and make it their own.
  14. I think of an ex-A-10 female crew-chief who I wouldn't mind seeing do that, mmm. Got a pic of her?
  15. 1/48s are never taped shut. At least from all the 1/48s I got and I got a lot. As for the landing gear lights, they are painted with clear color paint. Those can chip off. Oh, BTW, welcome to Valkaholics Anonymous. Enjoy one of your many 1/48s.
  16. So you guys are saying women crew chiefs will flash their tits?
  17. Oh well. Nothing beats a 1/48.
  18. Haha . That is how my hair looks like when it is not oiled / slicked back . BTW, Godzilla, the vf-1a's were commissioned. Let me guess... Jung? Very nice indeed.
  19. It is a toss-up between Darth Maul vs Obi-wan/Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan vs. Anakin (Darth Vader) ROTS. Man, decisions, decisions.
  20. You're an idiot. Ignorant fool. They movie will probably suck and tank but Jessica is worth looking at of course. HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Well not sure if I should compliment on your really smart post, or on the fact that where I live in California, NASCAR isn't talked about because none of my neighbors have an engine block on their lawn... They also have all their teeth and no prison records which would disqualify them from being NASCAR fans. I really hope you are kidding A1. I know ppl who are NASCAR Fans and they are certainly not ppl that you just described. And I grew up in the South and in some instances it is true ppl have engine blocks sitting in their lawns but that is like most rural America.
  21. Godzilla

    1/48 Yamatos

    Welcome to economics 101. Law of supply and demand.
  22. I am wondering if the missiles are removeable hence why the thick chest.
  23. Max Vf-1A DYRL for 227.50? You gotta be kidding me. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1
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