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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. What anime is this from or is it anime?
  2. Misa also writes out the lyrics to DYRL in english... so I think we're to assume that it was really sang in english by Minmay. 320545[/snapback] Do not forget in the DYRL, you hear the Radio chatter in English with all the air controllers and from the VE-1.
  3. Happens to me too. Pissing me off.
  4. Are you talking about these girl figures this?
  5. Damn u ppl for getting the FMP TSR. I am waiting for ADV to get it translated.
  6. Godzilla

    1/48 VF-1S Hikaru

    If you ask me, the red heat shield is better.
  7. Where -except for paranoid rumors- did you get the idea the 1/48 CF is a limited edition??? Some morons believe that because the 1/60 CF was a limited TRU release this one will also be a LE the TRU CF sold so well the decided to mass-produce it so doing another LE in 1/48 would be useless since they know people will buy it so far the LV is the only limited edition valk, and I'm guessing it wil be the last 319872[/snapback] There's been some debate on this because the ads running around says it is a limited edition CF. I dunno if they are distingushing stuff or not like one is TV and the other is DYRL.
  8. The only reason I can't see anyone doing that would be because there's practically no chance and of reissuing the LowViz because of it's "limited" run and theres a slight chance of them reissuing the Hikaru. Whether they will or won't is up to Yamato. Nice try though. 319770[/snapback] I like the idea but the LV recently sold for $350 on ebay.
  9. Not really about Laughing man this time.
  10. That is a good point. Ugh. I need to remove them.
  11. Get the 1/48s. They are perfect in my book. I was in the same boat as you but decided to go with one scale. I am hoping Yamato would produce the 2-seaters for the 1/48 scale like they did for the 1/60. Also 1/48s go out of stock faster.
  12. You only get robber when it's against your will. This was just plain haste and stupidity on the buyers part. 319291[/snapback] While the buyer may be a complete moron, there may also be some shady SHILL bidding going on. I keep seeing this more and more on Evilbay. 319796[/snapback] If that is the case we ppl who are honest on ebay get shafted then...
  13. Yeah I saw those as well. A shame...
  14. HOly cripes! $389 for a VF-1S? I dont think ppl are that stupid.
  15. Post those pics man!
  16. Nice Maisto collection. Tailwinds? 318848[/snapback] They are because I have them sitting my office as well.
  17. Well, isnt Korea the most wired and dont they treat video games like sports here in the US? I mean they have sponsors and craps for video game tournaments over there.
  18. OMG, what did he do the VF-19A? A futuristic Jetfire?
  19. Welll the guy was fired from his job because of him being late or not showing up due to playing games. I think this was a little too much. All things in moderation... reminds me of girl I dated. She said her ex would rather play games instead of having sex with her. Now that was a moron.
  20. http://www.toysnjoys.com/macross_figuresyamato.html this is a link to the only online store i trust that has any left. looks a bit steep in price. but its a start i suppose. 318923[/snapback] A bit steep? How about a whole hell a lot. Damn. $250 for a max VF-1A?
  21. Wonder where he got those models from.
  22. I have to agree with ya Hurin. But then again, they said they would make the YF-19A FPs, and 1/60 monster destroid. They had prototypes but we never saw them. I guess they go both ways.
  23. If ya colorize it, I would like to put it on my desktop.
  24. I dunno, the perfect transformation is pretty hard because of the heat shield issue.
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