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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. So this thing doesnt com out till may?
  2. Yeap. Who would pay for that 1/60 for that much $$$$?
  3. As the grunts in HALO say when you throw a plasma grenade on them: "VERY BAD THINGS! VERY BAD THINGS!"
  4. I was thinking the same thing. I instantly recognized it being the Togusa's revolver. But why give her the gun?
  5. Anna Ohura. Avatar Babe of the Month info is always on the signature. 324282[/snapback] A7, you need to post these pics of these beautiful babes in their entirety.
  6. I dont think I need to get that much. I am thinking maybe 4. GF will be getting on my case. Though I need to watch M0.
  7. I think it is worth more than the LV based on what we have seen on ebay.
  8. McDonald Douglas? Um it was merged with Boeing. And if Skunkworks produce a VF, it'll be a damn ice multirole fight craft.
  9. Crap... more toys to get and the more my wallet wants to scream....
  10. I have to admit this first person view is a pretty nice touch but it still the story sucks.
  11. I am in the same boat as you. I think Microsoft is trying not to follow the dooming tread of video games to movies. But then again, MS could still screw this movie up.
  12. Well I rather have the TV stuff but I'll take the Movie stuff first since they already putting them out.
  13. They need to release it already.
  14. Godzilla: remember it well 321592[/snapback] I like that.
  15. And where can I get the doll?
  16. Mgrexx, That is all.
  17. Wow, I missed this completely but I am glad to see Max get put in here. Anybody know when they get released?
  18. And the plot thickens...
  19. unapplied stickers, unfolded box flap, still sealed in tray by factory tape... worth it to some I'm sure if an unopened jetfire with uncreased box flap can fetch 1400+ 321224[/snapback] Holy crap!
  20. Good things come to those who wait chances are there that they'll reissue the Hikaru 1S (though not a certainty) 320552[/snapback] Well you are hoping they will. If they do reissue it, ppl who paid $300 and over are gonna be sick.
  21. Is this Jetfire worth that much? I dunno. $709 is quite high but it is nice. Ebay Jetfire
  22. I dunno. I think the LV is $350 and Max is more likely $195.
  23. You'd get no argument from me on it. Robocop 2 wasnt bad. It was 3 that turned me off.
  24. Looks cool. So how much are they worth?
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