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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Meh. I like the kit symbol but I still want the Flexi-stands.
  2. Godzilla

    TV-1A head

    Cool. Thought the project was dead. Good to know it isnt.
  3. I am interested especially for my Virgin Road VF-1D. I would like to get a Max and anatomically correct Millia.
  4. Godzilla


    VF-1D Conversion Kits Geez. Wake up!!! 339593[/snapback] Yeah, where have you been.
  5. I added into the map.
  6. Godzilla

    TV-1A head

    An update?
  7. Update: I was so damn lucky. I came home at 1:30AM from work. Yes work was a bitch especially your team is in Shanghai. Anyways, I got 2 boxes of CMs. I was lucky to the Max DYRL in the first box. I have yet to open the 2nd box...
  8. Godzilla

    VF-1D decals

    339339[/snapback] OOOOHHHH BABY! Count me for that bad boy! Actually anybody knows what the Virgin Road designation number was?
  10. Godzilla

    VF-1D decals

    Too bad you dont have the VF-1D Virgin Road stickers. *HINT* *HINT*
  11. But it depends on what you collect for. For the love of the anime/hobby or for monetary reasons. 337495[/snapback] Your words are true, Godzilla, but the 1/48s are far too sweet to ever be considered "worthless". 337564[/snapback] Yes it is true, the 1/48s are the crowned jewel but I am talking about the other animation toys that are available. That philosophy will work on the 1/48s but depends on other toys.
  12. I can see it from a company point a view that the strategy of Max DYRL as being a chase as an excellent idea. Hey it generates money. Now on the other hand, as a collector I am very pissed. I hope the 2 boxes I am getting from mindy will have a Max DYRL. He is my fav character and it sucks to have him as he chase. GRRRRR!
  13. Only to you Dr V. 338971[/snapback] What is that? A super pickle? Looks like it was done by a retarded dog. 339075[/snapback]
  14. 338583[/snapback] *In Emperor's Voice* Rule the Galaxy. Everything going according to plan as I had forseen this.
  15. Well only 8 have arrived. I have like 5 more cases coming...
  16. Funny, but I think some boxes in the design of the Macross "Gold Book" would look awesome (especially for those that don't take their toys out of the boxes). Just to be clear, I'm not saying I'd pay an extra $100. . . well, maybe if Yamato gave the 1/48s the light up eye (or head as the case may be). Just kidding about the light, BTW. 338123[/snapback] Well for me it would be expensive since I bought 32 of these CFs...
  17. I would be interested in knowing how he did that...
  18. Hope the 1/48 GBP is better!
  19. I am not certain how limited it is. But, from what I hear they (only a handful ?) were raffled off at one event Wonder Fest (or perhaps another Hobby convention in Japan)-I think. Not certain. If anyone knows more about it please tell me because I am interested in knowing the exact details myself. Also, I wonder if there was a limited YF-21 to go along with the YF-19.... -nanashino www.macrossmecha.info 338121[/snapback] Really now? Hmmm I dont feel so bad about not having it.
  20. Really? Was this the MSRP of the first Yamato 1/48 scale VF-1A Hikaru? 337609[/snapback] I thought it was around $110-120, I think.
  21. Wow never knew about the limited edition ones. I only have these: 1/144 VF-1A Valkyrie DYRL Hikaru-Type 1/144 VF-1S Valkyrie DYRL Focker-Type 1/144 VF-1J Valkyrie TV Max-Type 1/144 VF-1J Valkyrie TV Millia-Type 1/144 YF-19 Macross Plus 1/144 YF-21 Macross Plus
  22. Godzilla

    CMS Series 4

    I would like to see Kakizaki in DYRL. I would definitely want the TV versions get some love. Maybe the chase would be the shower minmay in DYRL.
  23. Don't get me started on Yamato's art work on the boxes. I know it's a silly gripe but when I see the work that they did on their Votoms (it's the same company, no?), I feel like Valk fans are getting gypped. There's TONS of great Macross artwork that they could have easily used on the packaging but instead they go for some second-rate photochopping. Ugh. 337937[/snapback] What? And spend another $100 like Toynami to get the book case version?
  24. 337002[/snapback] So does the normal figures fit in the 2nd cockpit? I didnt see an answer on that.
  25. Straight up you're right. When it's there, nothing. When it's no longer there, something . 337283[/snapback] Deadset. We collectors got problems. Like everything else, we procrastinate and then kick ourselves when we stuff up. But do we ever learn? I thikn you all know the answer to that question. 337289[/snapback] I'd be careful with that philosophy. You may buy too much of one thing that may not be so popular thus you get stuck with something that is worthless.
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