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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Unless she's hot! 343287[/snapback] Well then she HAD better be worth the $170 USD! 343451[/snapback] Why $170 USD? I got mine for $140.
  2. Good luck on that notion.
  3. I agree. I would like to see Sgt. Johnson. It would be good to see him. I think Samuel L would be a great actor to fill in that role!
  4. You could always sell some of yours and raise the funds that way for a house. I am sure we'd all be glad to help out. Priorities, priorities. 342165[/snapback]
  5. Well that is good news. Still... Maybe I need to comission Kurt or someone to do the job.
  6. I guess I will wait till it comes out before I get it. It looks good but I have enough valks for an airwing. I need money to save for a house.
  7. You're not? 341956[/snapback] Yeah, he doesn't have a spare valk to customize... 341963[/snapback] Actually, I am not sure about the sturdiness and the the gummy canopy and such. No insult to you Capt. You did a hell of a job and you need to be commended. It is that I need time to make it. The cooking of the canopy and sand papering requires a lot of time. (I am a perfectionist since I am not real happy with my VF-1A TV max and I want to start over. )The time needed for me to work on it is not there. I just moved and working 50 plus hours a week with a 2 hour drive round trip to go to my parent's home and not to mention I will be in China for weeks or months...
  8. that's just embarrassing. 341870[/snapback] No kidding.
  9. Wow. Very detailed. Too bad I am not getting this.
  10. Now that is dumbasstic. I feel real protected now. Dont they have better things to look for? I am sure the scanner shows nothing but hey they got to be thorough, right?
  11. A7, I love that Novemeber avatar babe of the month. You really need to setup a site for all pics of the previous avatar babes of the month.
  12. Give the guy a break. Just because the handle name is some we dont like, dont take it out on him. People are entitled to their opinions. Frankly I have to say it was Robotech that turned me to Macross. Even though I knew the background and what Robotech really was of 3 series into one, I didnt care. Only till 3 yrs ago I turned into a Macross purist. Just give it a rest. Give the guy a benefit of the doubt. He may or may not be MGREXX (AKA moron). Still we should be a little more mature and welcome new ppl. And now we are detracting from this thread...
  13. I am not bashing the 1/60s. What pisses me off is that Yamato offered us 1/48s. Now most of us are not cash plentiful, right? Yes yes I know I have a ton of 1/48s but for now take me out of the equation. I was going to start doing a huge collecting of the 1/60s. But the 1/48s are much better. So now what? collect both? Talk about ouch for $80+ for the 1/60 and $120+ for the 1/48. For now I sold off my extra 1/60s and kept the open ones for work display.
  14. FYI, I wouldnt buy the Xbox360 right now. My contacts at Microsoft are saying some tests in the productiosn seems like they are having issues. Specific ones, I do not know since my friend cannot disclose those. He told me he wouldnt get one till they get to the 3rd production run when then iron out those issues.
  15. Godzilla

    Orgami VF-1

    I disagree. I think the MPC looks better.
  16. If you are not adding the 1/60 Q-raus, I believe that is it.
  17. Yeah, well it is a Chase Minmay. Big fricking joy. I am happy about my Chase Max.
  18. And that means more money go out the door. I dunno. I think the paint jobs are alright. I rather have them all. Too bad they dont have the AS from other countries like the US, Soviet bloc, JDF, etc.
  19. Damn it. There goes my wallet.
  20. Godzilla

    VF-1D decals

    Interesting. I wonder why they Say Max and Miriya. I thought it was Millia.
  21. actually it opens and closes just like the 1/48's. looking at a standard 1/48, if you look at the hinge part of the canopy(back of the fuselage), you'll notice the curved plastic piece that holds the canopy in place(its glued down). cap'n didn't glue the two pieces since you have to do some sanding and modding in order for it to open and close, that and the rear seat needs to be glued as well as the HUD in the back, plus you have to paint the interior. outside of all the sanding and tweaking, i'm actually kind of glad he didn't offer it as one piece since it would've been a pain in the butt to get in there to do anything. the hinge on the canopy does need to be sanded quite a bit for it to open and close freely. you'll have to make the hinge thinner(thickness-wise) as well as sand the back of the headrest of the rear seat(its slightly in the way) in order for it to move freely. if you got the kit in front of you, its much easier to understand what i'm talking about. either way, just make sure you don't glue anything down until you're 101% sure everything is going to fit perfectly and move perfectly, if anything, just use tape or funtac at first to hold things together. hope that helps. 340232[/snapback] Thanks for the info. Did you get the heat shield? As well. From what I am hearing, this job will take more time than I have since I worked 56 hours last week and 44 this week so far... Is the resin sturdy?
  22. Wow. I thought she would never sell that badboy at that price.
  23. So the Canopy comes off, not open like the normal 1/48s?
  24. Looks cool.
  25. The site is ok. At least he tells you what he has opened toy items. He is still a little high in my book.
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