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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. So Millia's armor has the sex girl pic then?
  2. WIFE? Hell, I dont have one... yet... maybe... I dont know.
  3. Only 4! You are slipping. Better make it 12. Graham 359132[/snapback] Hey now. I will soon have 92 1/48s. Money needs to go elsewhere. Why do I need a fleet of VF-0s when I have an advanced fighter like the VF-1? And yes when you are trying to save money for a house, it will cause you to reduce your buying binge.
  4. you know me Graham... I am buying 4 of these. I am doing my part. I am sure Kensei will as well.
  5. Awesome. I lik ethis over the weathered one. Now I wish I bought the kits...
  6. Here is a couple of movies I couldnt stand and couldnt live the hype: 1. Matrix Reloaded. It couldnt live the hype of Matrix. 2. Mystic River. I am sorry Clint, but that movie just sucked. I dont care how many academy awards you get. 3. The Piano. How the hell it get any academy awards?!?!? 4. Das Boot. Good god was it boring. 5. Chariots of Fire. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
  7. Maybe I should get one of these: F-14 Remote Control Jet.
  8. Noir was great till the end. From the previews I saw on ADV, it looked good. I was nearly close in getting it and the Macross re-release.
  9. I have been debating on getting this. Of course I have heard and based on the synopsis, this is pretty much Noir reloaded... or am I wrong? I saw the previews and it looks better than Noir IMO. So is this a good anime to get?
  10. Man those flight suits looks good. I have to admit I was afraid they would be a discgrace but so far it looks really good.
  11. OMFG! It just looks so sweet. Thx for the pics.
  12. Well I know the feeling. My VF-1A hikkie 1/60 is yellowing. It is sitting here in my office at work. It was in my home office before I moved where there was alot of sun (but directly on the 1/60 mind you) and the room was always warm.
  13. Godzilla

    Valkyrie Girl

    I like the Valk girl. Very nice. Very nice.
  14. Great Scott! Sorry to see that man. Listen to Valk-1S. Rohby should be able to help ya.
  15. BUWAHAHAH. my Gf sent me an xmas gift using my BBTS account.. sigh. false alarm. 353948[/snapback] Well at least you know she sent it to you.
  16. Yeah, what he said!
  17. Wow. Those reissues look really bad.
  18. Holy fracking crack pipe! Kurt, you never cease to amaze me.
  19. Good luck on finding a low vis. Be prepared to spend a lot of money. As for me, no tells me I need more valks. Well not any more...
  20. The greatest idea for Yamato is to make the TV and DYRL VF-1A Kakazaki, TV VF-1A Max, DYRL VF-1S Max, TV VF-1S Roy. A limited version of the TV CF VF-1J would be nice. Of course, we would be all clamoring for the 2 seaters as well. A limited edition Virgin Road VF-1D wouldnt be such a bad idea as well.
  21. Yeah right. Bring back a limited release? I would be pissed since I own 10 of those babies.
  22. So what's the verdict? Buy or no buy?
  23. Holy crap. I wonder HLJ has them up on the preorder. Good thing I aint buying more valks or valks into the $200 price range. Good things happen to those who wait I guess. EDIT: Hit the submit button too early.
  24. I voted no unless my Animego Boxsets burst into flames all by itself, then I will buy the ADV ones. I am no fan of the dubs. I like to see the subtitles and hear original voices.
  25. Oh man... I almost got a heart attack on the release date... whew.
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