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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. AW HELL. Good thing I am not going nuts on the Vf-0... then again any more 1/48s... Actually I am waiting SV-51. Now that is a piece of work there even though I have not seen M0.
  2. DUH! Yes you are beating me in Bandai 1/55. Gee, where does my money go to? Oh yeah, I forgot to add the 1/55 Jetfire on my list.
  3. Thanks for the reference to the other thread Godzilla. And holy crap you have a lotta valks!! 12 stealths and 8 LV 2s, you have got to be kidding, right? 401569[/snapback] Why do you think I am called Godzilla? Well I didnt add my MPC count nor my Mospeada since this is a Macross Forum. I am seriously thinking of selling my MPCs Vf-1. I didnt get the YF-1R b/c I thought it was fugly.
  4. Damn nice stickers. I would want to get those. I would love to get some kind of Vietnam era scheme on the LV2.
  5. 386168[/snapback] Godzilla's collection pics is the topic I posted a while back. At the time I only had like 60 1/48s.
  6. Go here: How many do you own and here: Official valk count. As for me: look at my siggy. It says it all. But not count yet since I dont have the VF-0s (coming friday) and the 2 Vf-1S Hikarus. Also on preorder is 12 stealths FPs and 8 LV 2s.
  7. Starship designs I like the most are (in no particular order): 1. Yamato from Space Battleship Yamato 2. Andromeda from Space Battleship Yamato 3. SDF-1 from Macross TV. 4. SSD Executor from SW ROTJ & ESB 5. USS Saratoga (Space Above And Beyond) 6. X-wings (SW) 7. TIE Defender (SW Tie Fighter VG) 8. USS Enterprise-E Sovereign Class (ST) 9. Calamari Cruisers (SW ROTJ) 10. USS Defiant (ST:DS9) 11. Akira class (ST:TNG series) 12. Imperial Class SD (SW)
  8. The ending is like all endings of 24: it is all nice and fine and happy then something comes out and turns it ugly head and rip it away. What I dont get is that they drag Bauer to a ship within 10 min? Yeah right... Also, how the hell those cell phones dont need the recharging because I want one of those...
  9. Problem is that Armour and corgi do not look real enough i.e. they are not true to actual. Plus the flaps, landing gear, and armaments are fixed. The only thing that is authentic is the BBI and 21 Century 1/18 stuff like the f/a-18.
  10. Is cyclops going to die? I would hope not. That is a bunch of bull...
  11. My family has tons of theories. Mom thinks the First lady would kill her hubby Charles. Dad was thinking he may shoot himself. I think Charles will kill Aaron Pierce. Man, Aaron looks roughed up in the preview. I figure Jack would pull the trigger on him. As for Miles, I hated that bastard from the get go. I knew he would step in. I hope Jack bust a cap on him or at least pounce him. I would like to see the Jack extract info from Henderson. Start with the kneecaps... It is so obvious Bierko would escape. I am trying to figure out how the hell that driver got into CTU and become part of the TAC Team. You would figure CTU would strengthen their security after the bombing and the chemical attacks. I suspect Bierko will attack but the question is who or what? Maybe he will attack the Presidental Retreat and wouldnt that be ironic Logan dies and the Russina president lives. I am wondering if Curtis buys it. I think it would be too obvious that Audrey would die. I mean how many times does the hero's love die? It would get old... then again they got rid of Palmer, Michelle, and Tony.
  12. Well, I am not a fan of that. Partial transformation is stupid IMO. Then again it is a good way to suck ppl into it. The smaller Gakkens and larger Gakkens do full transformation. I just disavow (sp?) its existence.
  13. It looks like it is the medium one where the Alpha/Legioss only transform in 2 modes: gerwalk and battroid.
  14. Hmmm, my most expensive item is the Go Lion AKA Voltron Lionbot (Korean version) MIB cost me $350. I wonder how much I could fetch that on ebay... My next item is the SDF-1 Matchbox was $200 when I was on the Macross tear... well I am still on the Macross tear.
  15. Awesome Kurt. I gotta get the decals so you can do mine.
  16. Actually I cannot believe we are arguing about this. I mean why cant we enjoy the stuff that is coming out. I mean Macross Fans should rejoice instead of arguing that Yamato owes us or something like that. Just enjoy things in life instead of questioning it. Yes there is a time to question it but heck this isnt one of them. So we do or do not contribute to the sales of Yamato? Does it really matter? It seems they are doing fine now. Why else would they be able to sell other anime products. We are blessed (or curse depending on point of view) with 1/48s and other Macross product line.
  17. Damn this looks good!
  18. I guess I will need o wai to see how mine are as I think I got 4 as well. I hope Tamin can find out if his batch is bad.
  19. yeah, you're so right... I mean the 4 dozen or so other unique toys that Yamato produces OBVIOUSLY means that yamato is dependent upon the Macross toys they produce! They just spend the time and money to hire sculptures and use factory time to produce molds and ship out all these "other products" just to make people think they don't need macross! I mean, let's totally ignore that pretty much any of these other properties are current shows with a large, growing and healthy fan base. Let's do something fun, lets add up all the yamato toys that we own here collectively and compare that number to whats been produced. The numbers speak for themselves. 395373[/snapback] oh you're talkin' about those high priced vinyl figures that they put alot of time and effort by hiring cheap chinese labor to do it for $1.50 a week. as opposed to having CAD designers that they hire into Macross products. 395387[/snapback] Just FYI on China, it may cheap wages but their cost of living is damn cheap. I lead 3 different teams in China as we "outsource". I will spare you the details of the specifics. Let's say I am a manager in the US that has to talk to China and pull double shifts. Anyways, I *heard* that my people get paid USD $500 per month. I kid you not. We technically run a sweat shop but it has air conditioning since we run a lot of computers there. Anyways, that equals about USD $6000 per year. Considering that I took out one of my teams for dinner once and it cost me less than USD $20. I bought 9 dishes for 6 ppl including me. Sorry to derail the topic...
  20. Well, I will have to inspect all four of mine.
  21. Awesome! Kinda strange to watch it as non-anime.
  22. 394811[/snapback] Looks like my basement. 394824[/snapback] You suck ................ 394832[/snapback] Godzilla, You're just asking to be lynched aren't you? 394836[/snapback] Of course. NOT!
  23. I was thinking the same thing. Prenup...
  24. 394811[/snapback] Looks like my basement.
  25. I am glad it comes with the strike cannon as well. Box is huge... I preorder 12 of them...
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