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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Man, we complain they dont re-release and now we complain they are putting too much that financially draining. Damned if you do and damned if you dont. But hey I am in the same boat with you. I just need to figure out my finances... means selling some of stuff I really dont need to have like other toys (SW, extra joes, etc.)
  2. I just a raise and bonus... like that will work since I put it into my 401K and saving for a house. As I said before, repeat after me: "Yamato: We say wow and our wallets say oww." Damn it. I made my custom for nothing... Dunno if I should curse or be happy. Man all this macross goodies. my airforce is growing. I gotta start limiting my buying or just collecting macross. Makes me wonder what else is in the works... Graham, spill the beans. or not. Dont want you to lose your good graces with Yamato.
  3. Ohh. I may have to buy from you. Cut down my soon to be custom requests from Kurt. Oh yeah, I need the briefcase too.
  4. He was in Sand Pebbles which was an excellent movie. He is definitely the pioneers of the asian acting. I enjoyed that movie. RIP my friend. Thanks for the memories.
  5. Um, hello? It's Hollywood. When they're not making movies, they spend their free time getting further and further out of touch with the rest of the world. 418950[/snapback] Now that's a statement I can agree with. We are too fracking PC. Oh lord I hate this PC-ism. Good lord ppl, use common sense. Oh wait... too many people dont have it.
  6. All I can say is that you go ask Graham. He has the 411 on all the stuff Yamato will release. Like he will tell us.... Now repeat after me: Yamato, we say wow and our wallets say oww.
  7. OMG, Looks like I will be getting 8 of these... damn it yamato. Now hurry up and make those 1/48 2 seaters. Damn, I missed the forum for a couple of days and get good news like this. I missed the yf-19 news like this...
  8. OMFG Those look awesome. Anyways, wouldnt it be idea for them to have fast packs for quick insertions. Like launch from a carrier in space and insert on a planet for commando tasks? Use the fast packs till they reach the atmosphere, ditch the packs and go planetary insertion. That is what I would use them for.
  9. Well they try to make everyone happy. I guess everyone cannot be happy. Give Yamato some credit.
  10. Now she isnt bad at all. She is definitely pretty by far on this thread.
  11. Nah, Lord Kungfu will win since he says he has a warehouses full of Yammies...
  12. Why are complaining about this? this is a small detail. If it was like the major defects like broken canopy and such, ok batty all you want. Obviously you didnt get a MPC. Wanna a see a QC nightmare, get a toynami MPC. Crooked antenna, crappy paint job, floppy leg, etc... Now those are things to batty. Hell it lookes a Bandai with a makeover but the Bandais are still better. So the moral of the story, when you batty, batty about the major stuff. Better yet, you can always return the 1/48. Or someone here will buy it.
  13. Kanata is busy so I am not sure he will be able answer the question.
  14. Frankly I dont understand the hype on this. HG always drag their feet. They announce something and then it is delayed and delayed and then the product we get isnt all that great as hyped. Maybe HG will go bankrupt again... I am not a hater of HG but their track record on products are way below stellar.
  15. F-22 was dubbed as the "pelican" in it's earlier stage. The nose originally look like a pelican. Lockheed designers didnt like the nickname. Not exactly striking the fear in your enemies, ya know? So they fixed the nose without compromising the stealthness.
  16. FMP AS mechas Tachikomas Patlabors Those would be my choices.
  17. Man I like the Minmay doll in the sailor outfit. Maybe next year I will be there.
  18. Damn. That looks real nice. Well I guess I better put that order of decals in ASAP...
  19. he..........got banned......awhile ago....sadly. 414366[/snapback] WTH? I missed that.
  20. Taking it apart is not really an issue. It is best to replace the part.
  21. Frankly, the 1/48 is the way to go. Yes, I would like all the fighters in the same scale but I am not for it when I got other scale VF-1 that is perfect why screw with it? Then thing is that my wallet and for that matter, everyone's wallet will take a beating. If they want to do it right they should have done it in earlier. I know that they need to make the money back on the 1/60 molds but it is time to move on. if they stick with perfect transformation for everything on a 1/60 scale, good. I rather Yamato not waste resources to redo the 1/60s. They need to move forward on the 2 seater 1/48s and other VF series like the VF-4.
  22. Yamato is all about perfect transformation these days. Removal of major parts died with the 1/60 VF-1 line. While removal of small optional parts such as intake covers and pitot tubes is acceptable, they won't go back to large removeable parts. Graham 413170[/snapback] Thank God.
  23. Um how about the virgin road VF-1D?
  24. Look, can we get back to the topic on hand? I mean if we keep responding to ppl like LK here, are we just feeding the troll here? It keeps growing. Best thing is to ignore people who are egotistical and narcisist. Hurin: I appreciate the list you compiled. Thanks for your time in compiling it.
  25. Well it shall remain to be unseen since we will never see the collection because Lord Kingfu has them in a warehouse somewhere in the desert. As he said it takes him time to get there and since time is money and he makes a lot of money, it isnt worth his time to drive out and take pictures.
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