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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Are those fig 1/48 scale? Even the command car? The figs look fugly but it could be just the picture.
  2. Yes, I would like to in the future. I am also planning for Windows Vista upgrade later. Looking at reviews on these TV tuner cards I dunno which is good to get. I assume it would be better to get a remote? Some cards do not include remotes, so I can buy that seperately? I plan on getting a DVD burner as well.
  3. Newer models shouldnt be a problem. The 8 series are compatible with the ACAD 2008 (coming out in April) IIRC. Also ACAD2008 will have 64-bit option as well. So if you have a 64-bit O/S, you can install it. I can tell you however, when the testing is going on, previous ACAD versions are used in the system testing for the upcoming ACAD release. I dunno if you are going to get the new ACAD 2008 or not as they are expensive as hell.
  4. Anybody have any idea which TV tuner card I should get. I am building my MCE to record stuff from cable. What do you suggest to build a MCE? My specs is a 2GB Ram, AMD x2 3800 and 500GB HDD. Still figuring on the video card and tv tuner.
  5. Damn it. I am buying this...
  6. Frak, I ordered the megahouse instead of the Good Smile.
  7. So where did you get it from? tisinc from amazon?
  8. Hey Sebastian, I am coming to Shanghai again in April-May time frame. Your supplier have more of the Patlabors? I just bought a house and funds will be low. This maybe my last purchase in a while unless I sell those MPCs.
  9. If they do that, they (toynami)can kiss my @$$. I bought 4 scott's in anticipation of the the Tread plus two of each of the rest. I am really debating on selling my MPCs since CMs is making the new legioss-tread.
  10. Well hell, that is like the destroid conversion kit. I wanted two patlabors not one to switch parts around. That is very upsetting. Means I need to buy two (or three) to get the TV version and 3 movie versions. WTF? And they aint cheap here.
  11. That video of the Wave SDF-1 is making me rethink my decision on buying it buy the price tag is holding me back.
  12. I am buying this. BBTS has them for pretty expensive ($130). HLJ is the cheapest. I havent seen it on Tamin's site. I guess when I will go to Shanghai in April and see how much they are.
  13. I wonder if I could salvage the Toynami box and get rid of thier alphas. hmmmm.
  14. From the currency conversion, it looks like around $80. Is that right? Anyways, I hope they will make more versions of the legioss like the green and red ones. If they do, I am gonna sack my MPCs off to ebay. I need the cash for this.
  15. A part of me says "YES" with glee. Another part of me said OMFG I am gonna be a poor man. Yes my wallet is screaming bloody murder and yelping as it runs away from me. And I am going to buy a house soon. Man this legioss and tread combo got me drooling. And Patlabors too. Damn CMs.
  16. Why cant I find one that has the same interest as mine?
  17. Frak. I maybe closing my house then. Anybody getting rooms and transportation?
  18. G-man = Graham Godzilla, Zilla, God (ok maybe a stretch ) = Greg (me) Keyword you seem to all miss is TRYING to date this girl. Have I been successful? The way everything is going from my work to my posting on these threads, probably not . Still I dont see the point of this thread. So you rant about the prices. It lead to finger pointing from Yamato to the dealers to the conspiracy that it was corporate greed to blame it on >Exo< (j/k >Exo<). I mean I tried to set everyone up from Jason, then he was telling me stories about ppl dictating this that and wanting the perfect damn box for MISB to some ppl playing between other dealers and some ppl wigging out of their orders (not mentioning names). And some ppl complained about his latter prices for a little too high. This is fustrating as I have seen both sides of the coin: Some dealers gouge us and some of us collectors seems to be too demanding for something so above and beyond perfect that a little scratch on box of yammie was something to cry foul about. I know some ppl would not be so happy but I didnt expect to see a mob that was so upset that they were ready to get the torches and pitchforks and start hanging anyone who was against them whether it was dealers, yamato "defenders", and yamato execs. (You can hang >Exo< j/k ) I guess to keep this thread on track, maybe we need to answer some questions rather than openly say we are being gouged, let's gripe. Maybe we should try this approach: My question to everyone, why do a preorder? If you feel the price is to high, then wait for the prices to dip. I have seen some yammies prices dip. Is there a mentality they this will be a LV1 syndrome if you do not preorder? LV1 mentality means ppl will miss the boat where they didnt preorder and the prices went up to buy later? Better question would be how much should you feel you should pay for the yammies? I mean reasonble pricing not "I'll buy that for a $1" or anything being obnoxiously low. Just a thought here...
  19. You guys are a riot.
  20. I know. I forgot to put this after my statement. Give me a break it has been rough 2 weeks at work and dating this girl.
  21. Ok, Now that I had enough sleep and not so cranky about this, I am gonna break this down as reasonable one can get. 1. Many of us so-called Yamato fanboy, defenders, etc did not say Yamato can do no wrong. Let me repeat: Many of us so-called Yamato fanboy, defenders, etc did not say Yamato can do no wrong.. We saw the problems and are in no way belittling your issues. We acknowledge Yamato has problems. Heck we agree Yamato needs more testing. So you can stop attacking Kensei, me, DnD, Graham, and others who speak out against you about this. 2. However, as points have been made where does this complaining and whining end? We have three threads with more than 7 pages of bickering each thread about yf-19 quality, pricing, and Yf-19 FP releases. And they are the top 3 threads in the toy sections. So now what? You want another thread to complain? Let me ask: Will it solve anything? You made your point and now to move on. No need to dwell. Or do we? 3. You should be civil about this. Attacking Graham is not right. He has done things for us and at one time he paid for it when he released info that he should not have released. Attacking other ppl, calling the YF-19 fold booster a Dildo and such is childish and stupid. Show some respect around here. Stay calm, it is a toy for our enjoyment. That's right enjoyment. Except in here we are bickering, fighting like a bunch of kids in a schoolyard. Are we enjoying this? I sure dont when I come to the toy sections. Am I asking we go happy go lucky? No. Just not seeing bickering from kingdom come. Turning friends into enemies and such. Can't we just get along?
  22. And become a robotech.com forum? Surely you jest. As I said before the points are made. Yes Yamato has issues. Not like I experience them but proof from the pictures posted tells us so. I am not defending Yamato but finger pointing that is it someone's fault leads us nowhere. Complaining more to a mentality of mob is just plain stupid. What else can be done? We gotten to the point on some threads that went after Graham himself and that just isnt right.
  23. How can we? Technically the US market belongs to Toynami and HG. In essense, Yamato doesnt have to listen to us, do they?
  24. Wait a min, you mean to tell me I am getting toys as investments? I never ever stated that. If I did so, then I have no business getting these. I dont want your yf-19. My point is that you said you dont sell toys that are deemed broken. I have seen toys on ebay and here go for sale. You can get half or more. I am sure the yf-19 would be snatched up. What I dont understand (and the point you missed) is that we have gone over these points well beyond its shelf life. I never by means say Yamato is perfect. Sure they have problems. My Point: This b!tch fest has long outlived its welcome. We see the issues so let's move on. Although I see it as minor yet you think it is major. So we have difference in opinion on that but it is a toy. I am saying this isnt a perfect world yet everyone wants what they buy to be perfect. Has anyone bought a perfect house? Car? If you want perfect, you have been watching way too many Walgreen's commercials. BTW 757 and 737 are not govt projects, they are civilian contracts. AA, United, Delta, British and other airlines like them buys from Boeing. They are consumers as well.
  25. I never called myself an expert. Where did I say that? Apply a little common sense. I am telling what I experience and looking at law of economics. Did you go to school and take economics? Do you run a business? I can tell you from experience when I was selling on ebay shipping UPS and USPS, I had to pay more due to high cost of fuel in recent years. The USD always have been sliding against the yen. You watch the financial news about NYSE and Wall Street? Or are you that oblivous to the world news and events? As for the other jap companies, are you really comparing apples to apples? Are those toys complicated? Most of them are damn figures not complicated toys that transforms from a vehicle to robot and these are resins. Aoshima Aliens dropship is great but I would not pay for that much for it. Now let's talk about Transformer reissues from Takara? That is apples to apples comparison. Why the hell they that much? They are the same molds. Hell I remember as a kid, those same exact toys are were $20 not fracking $40 to $50. Ask Takara why it is so much? How about those BTs? They cost alot for plastic then? Why not Diecast for BTs? And adding diecast? You wanna pay more shipping as well since shipping is by weight? This is fraking useless. I put it my views just to be flamed as a so called expert when it should be common sense. If I was a so called "expert" I wouldnt be arguing my points in here but on CNN so I can get paid more. I cannot believe so much crap about this as it is a toy for god sake's. I mean what do you all want? You want the yammies to sold at what? $100? $50? $10? $5? Where do you want to see the price? Where does it end? Let's say you work and someone gripes about your quality of work so they should what reduce your salary? Oh hell, you get fired. So fire Yamato. Keep your money. Seems like everybody thinks they are being held hostage to buy Yamato Macross. I am not saying these are perfect by any means but hell they have gone a long way to try to satisfy ppl like us which to me it seems never enough based on these posts. When did everyone get unreasonable?
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