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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Makes sense to me to use the molds and milk it. If they make M&M FP as a double pack, that would be very expensive say like $185x2 basing my cost model from VE when I made my preorder there. I really doubt that. That would put a definite hurt in everyone's wallet unless you are Sith Lord. I already hurting from my 5 purchases of 1/48 from last month. (1 max and 4 low vis .) Individual ones would be great so I can get mutiple Max. I would like to see a CF and Kakizaki (DRYL and TV version). A Max version of the VF-1A would be great... As for the VF-1D, I see that sculpting the head and cockpit to make it from one to two pilots would be costly (mainly the cockpit). Although if yamato wants to milk it they could make the Elintseeker and SuperOstrich. But I dunno how popular it is with the 1/60 line. Like some, I am limiting myself to 1/48. I quit getting the 1/60.
  2. I can send you some pics since I have all of battriod modes. Their figures are really pretty good. I skipped the gerwalk ones.
  3. Why dont you put: All your base belongs to Yamato?
  4. So get going. Go buy one already instead of hating me. Better to concentrate on the postive like buy one than on the negative of hating me.
  5. Godzilla

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I have to agree with you. I am just happy to see the damn thing. That means the 1/48 is not very far? So I hope.
  6. Ok, I am a Macross fan but I was a robotech fan before I watched the Macross DVDs that I bought from Animego (sp?). Years ago when I went to Hong Kong (1984) I saw DRYL on the movie screen. That was when I discovered Macross rather than Robotech and figured out the Robotech was not really Robotech. Now when I watched this movie, it was real strange to me. I know there were scenes from Macross TV series cut to make it in the USA. My question: so the movie DRYL when I was in Hong Kong, did they delete some scenes that were in appropriate? Also, wtf about they make the DRYL into the clash of the binoids? That was messed up.
  7. Welcome aboard. Have fun. I certainly do here.
  8. Yeah, LucasArts is not that great some games I own is: X-Wing Tie Fighter XvT Xwing: Alliance Dark Forces DF2:Jedi Knight Jedi Knights 2 Rogue Squadron 2 on GC I skipped Galaxies because it cost too much and I dont pay to play. From what I hear ppl who played came in from Asheron's Call. Then after a couple of months, they went back to Asheron's call.
  9. Aint that the truth.
  10. ....in a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snow storm... BTW, I officially own 5 Low vis valks, now. And a 1/48 Max.
  11. It is OK. Never had time to complete BC but I heard about it. If you ask me, I am not buying any more MPCs. Once I saw the 1/48s, I have been kicking myself for buying the 1/60 yammies and MPCs. I thought no one else would make em. Boy was I wrong! <_< I think i will keep the MPCs I have (and I have all 5 with the 3 FPs and dups of Max, Max FP, Rick, and Ben.) for now but I will not add to it until the Alphas come out. Thank go do for ebay since I never pay for the MSRP except for Rick.
  12. When I do that my wife just raises an eyebrow and says "No!" I got neither a gf or a wife. So I spend all my money on valks now. Mom went to hong kong and got me 1/60 Max. I did get a look and some comments from my grandmother whol lives in HK. Her comment was that no wonder I dont have a gf. oh well.
  13. Godzilla

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    You can read that on the card? I could barely make it out. I dunno... your eyes must be better than mine.
  14. Basically, it's a VF-1D with the same scheme as Max's VF-1J. Hasegawa makes a 1/72 model. But doesn't it have a VF-1A head?
  15. Please dont. Not yet at least. We all are gonna go broke on this. I am planning to set aside another bank account just for toys. Man, I have to go review my toy budget. My technology budget is already over spent... <_< I guess I will have to live on ham and cheese sandwiches..
  16. What does that look like? Technically, I like 1/48s a lot better than the 1/60. I bought too many 1/60 DRYL ones. 2 of each. 1 would be fine but after 1/48, I have to turn my back on it. If I didn't, I would be flat broke.
  17. Godzilla

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    With luck the 1/48 will follow suit! Seeing the 1/60 GBP makes it no doubt in my mind that the 1/48 will be shortly. If it the add-on kit like the DRYL FPs, I got no problem with that! Hey TOYNAMI, See what your competition can do??? Damn. I should never bought the toynami VFs... hmmm maybe I can place the 1/48s in there the toynami boxes... Now there's a thought!
  18. Now if yamato makes a VF-1J Low vis, I am all over like white on rice.
  19. Good to know I am not the only one diagnosed with this "disease". What till the TV Vf-1J max w/FPs comes out... I may get 3 or 4. I think I can afford it.
  20. That is why I havent bought the FPs yet. I will get the 2 FPs for Max and Roy but I think Hikaru VF-1J FPs would look great on the low vis. Problem is that I need to buy 3 more VF-1Js to get those FPs... I dont think so... I am saving money on getting VF-1J Max when he comes out. Millia too but I will buy 2 or more of Max. And with Xmas coming, I need buy everyone presents... damn it
  21. I think I went overboard. But what the hell... I love the low vis fighter. Should be getting Max and the low vis from Valkerie Exchange. I must be sick. And I am bidding on another low vis on Ebay. My credit cards is gonna love me... <_<
  22. M&M with the TV fast packs. I like them. Of course, the cannon fodder and vf-1A TV max would be cool too.
  23. I am still debatging... I got the original 1S but I am not so sure I want to get the newer one. I may pick it up... depends on the money... Xmas is comingand I have some presents to buy. I wish it was all for me but they are not.
  24. I agree. I hope you can take the TV Fast Packs apart like the DRYL ones.
  25. I would like to see the Felix the Cat on those tail fins on the valks.
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