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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. 1. I dont think they will make any more low vis. It is a LIMITED EDITION 2. You will not be able to get a low vis lower than $150 plus shipping hence the market for it goes with the economic law of supply which determines price. Hence here, demand for for low vis is high and supply available for retail is now low which gives you a high price for it. Well, I got mine on average for $130 and I own 5 of them!
  2. Gee with all that Technology, you would figure you give the Destroids more armor for survivabilty. I mean look at the M1 Tank... it can survive many hits from other tank shells unless you are close to it. Even at that close, the M1 tanks does survive. I read that in Armored Cav by Tom Clancy in the Gulf War 1, where a T-72 was at less that 800m (I think that was the distance) with a disable M1 (stuck in the mud). The T-72 fired an AP round. It only grooved the armor of the M1. Seeing it was futile, the T-72 hid behind a berm only to be destoyed when the M1's 120mm AP round went thru the berm and it! Of course if you attacked it in the rear, you are dead anyways. The point is that, by that time, the UN Defense Research is looking at all avenues to have the pilot survive since you spend that amount of $$$ on training based on the lessons learned in Space War I. A pilot is a pilot whether it is a VF or a destroid. That still requires a large degree of training. In real life we focused on getting our pilots and crews survivabilty so they can fight another day despite the equipment loss. And they too can be used as trainer for the next gen as well. I know it is hard to develop that kind of armor for a variable transforming fighter. I mean, OMG, you have to cover all the joints, hydraulics, etc when the fighter transform. Does it mean will we ever see a variable fighter in a combo A-10/F-14 design where it is ugly, slow, armored, survivable, and kicks some major butt? Who knows... (hmmm I see custom... ) But I can definitely see a bad-@$$ destroid that you shoot the hell out it and it can still shoot back at you with a larger caliber gun that will wipe you off the face the planet! A destroid that has a combination of Lasers and ammunition type weapons would be the way to go as well. By that time, I would think that a power suppy that is capable of providing enough energy for your particle/laser weapons would be small enough to fit in a destroid. Hell, I would also assume the ammo type weapons would be like rail guns. Regardless, I was disappointed by this in the Macross series. (I never seen M7 so I dunno what to tell you there.) I mean, this by all practicality was like WW2. Casualities were high as Allies moved forward towards Germany and even worse in the Pacific. Talk about your CFs there! Ok, I know that Earth never fought an invading Alien race but still after the first encounter, our research would be able to help the survivablity of the pilots and crews... Anyways, I did see Destroids in Macross II Lovers Again., however.
  3. Go here for the website. Code3 Collectibles website
  4. Looks nice but we will have to see if they make a TV Max VF-1A. I like it though. I can get 11 of them and have Max VF-1J as the Squadron leader. Now a Max VF-1S would be good.
  5. I voted for the VF-1J CF. It would be cool to see it.
  6. Godzilla

    1:48 VF-1J

    I am buying a couple of the M&M w/FPs and one of each of the others.
  7. Welll, That's one I will have to let pass bye. Looks good though Me too. I can't wait for the VF-1Js.
  8. Like it will happen...
  9. How about these guys? Toynk
  10. Well, I am not sure to preorder since I am seeing Optimus Prime looking like all battle damaged. Anybody preorder him? What is the price you preordered him? I am seeing high as $99 and low as $85.99. I hate to not preorder him and then be sold out when I want it though... anybody seen better prices than the ones I stated?
  11. Godzilla


    Agreed. I think Yamato will milk as much of the 1/48 VF-1 line as much as possible. With that said, I cant wait for the 1/48 Max and Milla with the fast packs.
  12. Godzilla


    LOL!!! The wonders of technology. Just ordered my Misa RealDoll. (Just joking by the way.) You ppl need to seek pyschological help. And who actually found this site makes me wonder about this person...
  13. Aint that the damn truth.
  14. Graham, you are the man!! Thanks for the pics. And yes I agree with you about not having the hud from the TV version. It would look so nice... anyways, happy birthday mate.
  15. Why would you want to make an anime into a live action unless it is a porno like La Blue Girl. La Blue Girl is screwed up anyways. Thank you lord I stopped on Epsiode 1. Why should you turn an anime into a live action movie? I mean looking at sailor moon, who sees an asian chick in that blonde hair?!?! WTF? No , just leave it be. Anime as anime. Movies as Movies. God, this is like making the comics into movies and worse, video games into movies... BTW, A7, I think Kobe Tai would be a better Minmay.
  16. I'm a member of "the never had them as a kid and was jealous of the people who did" camp as well. But I don't think that it is the reason why we buy the same damn valk with a different head and colors. I think it is the child at heart. We collect all the different valks because we have to have the characters' VFs. We want them because we want to replay the scenes we saw in Robotech/Macross/DRYL. That is the point. Having just one and pretending it to be someone else just doesn't work. Especially now when we are adults making money and we can actually make purchases on impulse rather than begging to mom and dad for getting it for us. You should ask you wife why should she collect the barbies (if she does). It is the same damn chick with different colors and hair scheme. Even better with the different clothes. You should ask your wife that as it should be the counter question. I'll put money down that she will give her reasons by saying, "well, that's different..." [EDIT: Grammar and speeling mistakes corrected.]
  17. Toynami, Toynami, Toynami! Damn it! All roads leads to them. Well I got me the original Lion bots I bought for $200 about 6 years ago. It was the one where their shiny silver areas was all bronze. It was from Korea. I am not going to give it up. I will skip these. They are already overpriced from what I am hearing on this thread. I already got mislead when I got those MPCs. I also skipping on the VF-1R piece of $#@% MPC. I will wait and see how the Alpha MPCs will do. BTW, has anybody in Japan decide to pick up the Mospeda toys? Japan toy manufacturers know how to make alot of toys pretty.
  18. Same here. When is your birthday? Mine is March 29.
  19. I have five of them (Not to brag here ) and I had only one missing the catapult tow thing on the front landing gear and missing the little ring as well. I also found out the strap broke where the missing ring is suppose to be! I was surely pissed. I just won an auction on ebay with the complete set gunpod and strap. I just want the strap which mean some can get the broken strap for parts. I am also getting those catapult tow things as well. I may have an extra once I replace the low vis and Roy.
  20. The 1/48 Yamato Super VF-1J. Why? It costs the most. Saves a nice hunk of change so you can get the rest of the stuff on the list. BTW, I would skip the MPCs from HG. I have them all but I am selling my extras and refuse to buy anymore. The 1/48s stole my heart . Just my opinion.
  21. In other words, it's bait to get more cash out of the target audience(horny teenagers going "D00d, it has boobies!1111"). ... Which is pretty much what I suspected when they slapped hte unrated label on it. What? You mean there aren't any boobies? I am so taking my copy back to Best Buy. Now there's a brave soul who bought it for the wrong reasons. ROFL LMAO.
  22. Amen to that brother! I am gonna miss the Tomcat. I just wish I was able to see the plane in person and sit in the cockpit.
  23. Well that sucks for your friend and the miata My dad owns a 1991 British Racing Green Special Edition Miata. Right now the speakers are messed up. Sounds distorted on the front speakers. Anyways, you are ok. So now what? Your parents are pissed. So what? Nothing that money cannot fix. Looking at it now, it is bad but later on, you will laugh at this. As for your friend... drop him/her like a rock. If your friend goes down, you will go down if you are around him/her and it will be worse than your stint wrecking the miata. I mean if you already reasoned with this person, then you were being a friend. If he/she didnt listen, that is now his/her problem. Sorry to be blunt but I have seen a lot crap when I grew up. Just my $0.02.
  24. Oh yeah, what did the UNSM use? The Destroids?
  25. From the macross.anime.net, I see the glossary of the following terms: UNN United Nations Navy UNS United Nations Spacy UNSAF United Nations Space Air Force UNSM United Nations Space Marines Now I am confused. Why do you need an air force if the Spacy is your air force. Also I thought Spacy was the Space Navy, so why the Navy? Am I to assume the UNAF and UNN are for earth atmospheric force so-to-speak? And Spacy is devoted for space naval forces?
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