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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. TMI, my friend. I didnt want to know that much. Yes, I feel the pain of the neutered stacks as well.
  2. I have all of the season 1 and 2 of them and I like them. I decided not to get season 3 nor the movie. They killed off my fav characters.
  3. I have some in MISB but I have one where I do everything to it from flying, to posing, to mock battles. Hence why I buy mutiples but they sure do get expensive.
  4. Ok, I have to admit it was kinda stupid on the scale issues but I liked it. I am getting the reissues right now. I have the DVDs to the transformers but I will skip out on the Season 3. Everything including the movie and after, I thought sucked. They killed off the old transformers like Prowl Ironhide, OP and reincarnated Megatron, skywarp, insecticons, etc as the Galvatron and his guards. Bring in new people like R-CEE, Springer, Hotrod, Blurr. I was like WTF? I guess Hasbro wanted to bring in the new toyline but they needed a convienent way to get rid the majority of the "older models". But they didnt do that to GIJOE. Almost killed off Duke but didnt. Like Transformers, GIJOE's movie wasn't great except for the intro. Anything after sucked as well.
  5. Very nice pic indeed. Would be nice if they could fly em. They can use the gunpod. The leader needs to have the VF-1J and -1D though. I like the US NAVY logo on it.
  6. BAH! I skipped out on this. I cannot afford to pay to play! How would I afford a 1/48 yammie?
  7. How about the assault gunboats? That was always a question of mine... in TIE Fighter, whenever you ran into trouble and called for assistence, a flight of gunboats would hyper in a moment later with a blaze of lasers, ions, and missiles. In X-Wing Alliance, assault gunboats were all over the place... So where were they at Endor? Speaking of overwhelming odds, anybody remember how the TIE Fighter expansion packs made YOU, an Imperial pilot, fight against overwhelming odds? I still remember the beginning of Defender of the Empire (I think.. either that or the other expansion...) where your entire flight of two TIE Defenders hyper in to save the factories... I always had mixed feelings in missions involving either the TIE Defender or the missile boat.. it meant that either you were gonna go cap ship happy, or you were gonna be the only flight of Imperial fighters in the area.... mmm..... also when you first discover of Admiral Zaarin's nature... "Gamma 2 and Gamma 3, destroy Gamma 1!" 1 lone TIE Interceptor against... a minefield, a star destroyer and its contingent of TIEs.... okay, yeah, this is bringing back good memories... pity X-Wing Trilogy won't run properly under windows 2000 Gonna have to dig out the old Riva 128, Soundblaster Pro, and put together a classic gaming computer... Good question on the Assualt Gunboats. I dunno. They were hyperspace capable though. Maybe they took a wrong turn at Corellia? As for the "Gamma 2 and Gamma 3, destroy Gamma 1!" I just simply blew them up before I went into the mine field. Didnt cost me anything there. Based on those tones from Gamma 2 and 3, it just pissed me off. I also figured it was a trap.
  8. Amen to that brother!
  9. No, that would be ANNOYING!
  10. I dunno... it doesnt look that bad. Then again, I am not buying the Hikaru VF-1S anyways.
  11. Godzilla

    Hikaru VF-1S

    I dunno... It doesnt look that bad. But I am not buying it anyways.
  12. aren't those fighters that are cobbled together from spare parts from many different fighters?? Yeah, mainly pirate-fighters I like X-Wing Alliance as well. Uglies were TF ball cockpit mated to the X-wing's s-foils if I remember. The Twi'leks were using them in X-Wing Book 4: The Bacta War.
  13. Well supposedly, since the TDs and Missile Boats were advanced designs but came too late into the Rebellion. Gotta remember that the Admiral that went rogue in TF took the advance facilities that made those advance fighters. Once the Empire took back control, the production did not go into full swing due to damage to those facilities. Had that not happen, there would have been T/As, M/B, and T/Ds at Endor. But you gotta remember, TIE pilots were given low survivabilty. You had huge numbers to overwhelm your opponent whereas the Alliance/Rebellion were training their pilots to fight those odds. Even if the Empire had the T/As, most of those pilot were cannon fodder regardless. Sure technology would have given them more advantage but their pilot training was a lot to be desired... Also, T/Fs, T/Bs, and T/Is were cheaper fast to manufacture. As for XvT, I loved that game. I loved all the those series up till XWA. I hated the new HUD system. XvT toned down the shields on fighters that did have them and started factoring in more that Turbolasers were more powerful that regular lasers. So it wasn't easier unlike X-Wing whereas you can take out the stardestroyer.
  14. I cannot justify getting 2 OPs... well I can but, I will not absolutely get the hasbro one even though they are cheaper. I saw my friends reissue of OP at TRU and I was disappointed because of the shortened stacks. I broke down and ordered the New Year's OP with the matrix from Takara and it was simply awesome. I do not want to get it where I will be simply disappointed with Hasbro's version. Yes, I should be happy that Hasbro reissued the toy but the Takara version are a lot better to me. Hasbro has been a complete let down to me time and time again, and I for one will not support them. I rather get the takara versions of the g1 reissues than getting the hasbro reissues. The cover is a lot cooler looking than hasbro as well. It seems to me that the Japanese picks up the slack in quality again. They did it in cars and now in toys. Goes with the HG MPCs vs Yamato's 1/60 and 1/48. I have buyer's remorse on getting the MPCs and will not buy the Alphas unless they are cheap (which I will be on ebay looking for them.) Also I have sold my extras MPCs at a loss (sort of. I paid the Hunter VF-1J full price and never did afterewards.) Yes I know that the MPCs are made in China but so what? Looking at companies like HG vs Yamato and Takara vs Hasbro, you can see who made the correct decisions and better quality.
  15. WTH??? Oh well... I have 5 low vis 1/48. I rather have that than the VF-1S Hikaru, though.
  16. Looks real nice. I like the olive drab green on the FPs.
  17. This is just damn sad. I am sure we in the USA mutilate their language... talk about English mutilation... excuse me while I LMAO.
  18. Wait, wait, wait... I know what you can do! Buy him a 1/48 valk and show him Macross. If he seen it, let him watch the other ones. Better to get him into violent behaviors, I guess.
  19. I havent really seen this anime but curious tto see what the hell it is all about. Anybody can give me a synopsis? I was looking thru the anime section at Fry's. Sheesh, I didn't know there was a lot of anime for age 16 and over either... Of course there were the NC-17 ones...
  20. Buddy, Your son is pretty smart with that comment. And he is only 4!! He got you but good. I think dolls are fine. Customes is one thing... dolls are another. I mean what are valks?? Technically, I wouldn't worry too much. With a smart comeback he came up with, I would be damn proud, yet feeling trapped. I am sure he will be smart enough to grow out of that. Then again, I am not married nor have kids. I mean why should you listen to me? I am just the geek with 5 low vis valks. And waiting for your items... Damn USPS.
  21. I would be interested in it as well.
  22. While we are at it, why do we see if there would be Robotech vs Starwars like the idiotic threads I see on Robotech.com. This versus crap is too damn annoying.
  23. I am in the process of doing that now!
  24. Frankly, I love the VF-1 design. The thing is that I like buying alot of the cool ones I like. I plan on making some dioramas or build a Prometheous deck. I like to build a 1/48 SDF-1 for my 1/48s yammies but that will be a bitch to work on. And also, I suck at painting and scuplting. maybe I will just build the Armour series ships.
  25. Ok, I broke down and did a pre-order with Toynk.
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