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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Thy will be done. HOLY COW !!! What on earth is that ???, I tell you one thing, my wife comes back home clothed like that and she is gonna sleep on the porch I tell ya. Great body though... Why does it matter? If your wife sleeps naked in the bed, the clothes is not what makes her... I wont go any further on this.
  2. OK, does any know of a strip club close to him,,,,,,we'll all chip in on a few dances and ,,,,,,,uhm, whatever else...Im up for $10 I dunno any in HK. Last time I have been in HK was back in summer 91. Yes I saw them there (No I didnt go in there. I was 17 at the time. It was that they were that explicit unlike the US) but after the takeover, I dunno if they are still there. All I know in Seattle there is a nice one that... nm. Come on over to seattle. I will gladly pay for a lapdance for ya. Just gimme the scoop on the upcoming releases and whatever else those evil yamato planners have in the future. <_< Or Montarvillois will pay for a couple of lapdances.
  3. After seeing it, all i can say this show sucked. Noticed how all the missiles hit their mark? Ummm, *Cough* Bull *Cough* $#@! *Cough. Give me break. Even in Macross they missed thier marks on some missiles. So the human race is in peril... You got that right. The show is in peril. More women on this show. Not that I dont like it but somehowI keep wanting to see Boomer and Starbuck as guys. Now Apollo will prolly get it on with them... big some bad imagery for the old BSG . Boomer chick is a cylon agent? How? WTF? Too bad I keep channel changing. Too much talking and less battle. Anyways, the asian chick is CUTE. Too bad I wont watch this show anymore.
  4. I dunno about you guys but I feel that this VF-1J is incomplete. I want the GBP armor for it!
  5. Godzilla

    Age Check! :)

    Hey I am 29. I have 8 1/48 valks, 4 1/60 valks, and 5 MPCs. Now if you count the 1 foot Tomahawk, the small spartan and monster as well, I have a nice collection.
  6. Thats why ya jump on the band wagon right away, I bought my 1st one on ebay for $90 plus shipping which was $30. So when Yamato lists something as limited, get one as soon as you can,,,,,or rob godzilla for one of his BAH! You can try to steal my stuff. I have rigged them all to explode if you dont have the access code. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Aw crap. I forgot the access code.
  7. Is it me or it just dont look right on the shoulder missile.
  8. hmmm. I missed the shock and awe didn't I? Good thing I did not see linda tripp's face. Maybe you shoulda put Monica face with the Got Milk ad.
  9. Aint that the truth.
  10. Gee, are you advertising yourself?
  11. Yup, I kinda miss those days already... Now the only tease in this forum seems to be my avatar. A very nice avatar indeed! Anyway, about Graham... I'm sure he knows, and he's probably dying to tell us... but if he did, he'd have to kill us... all. Slowly and painfully... then kill anyone we know we MIGHT have told... do you really want that? DO YOU?!?! I sure don't. I have people that owe me money. Hnmm? What did you say? I was too busy looking at Montarvillois's avatar.
  12. Hey Godzilla, are you also Transfholic , so just break down and buy 5 Masterpiece Optimus Prime The release date ? It really seems to be close to mid-December as you noticed in this thread... Can't wait within a week Actually I should buy two. I only have one preorder. I think I better pre-order another one. I think I'll go to VE since they delivered my VF-1J. 5 Primes? Lord what will they do? I just need one MIB and one opened for viewing pleasure. Like I said, wait till Max VF-1J and hopefully his VF-1A, I'll buy more than five and I will have blue squadron. I hope I get a good raise.
  13. DonĀ“t you have five already ? I need 7 more for my low vis squadron for my total domination of the world.
  14. Yeah, what Aegsis said.
  15. Ok, I admit I am. Heck with 5 low vis (NO I AM NOT SELLING ANY OF THEM> THEY ARE MINE I TELL YOU! ALL MINE! ) and sure to come with mutiple M&M (Hurry up Yamato and release them! ) And God knows what I would do when a VF-4 comes out. Is this some disorder? Or this is all normal? If it is a disorder, any cure or some group to get me thru this? (Ok, I am not to the point of thinking about valks everyday where it affects my work and my non-social life but these valks rule which is somewhat the problem.).
  16. Ok, I got my VF-1J and all I gotta ask is when does Millia and Max VF-1J w/FPs coming? Ok, major dilema now... should I get the VF-1S Hikaru or not. Ok, I am a valkaholic. I admit that but Now I see the Roy and Hikaru reissues coming, I am hoping for a major raise. Either that or sell some things for space. And we all know I am going to buy mutiple M&Ms when they come out. Since I cannot complete my low vis squadron since I saw this on Ebay. I mean OMG. Nice to see the price goes up but then again... I digress. Ok back to question at hand: Should I get the hikaru VF-1S? Ok, dumb question but I need some convincing. MPC prime is already burning the hole in my wallet as well.
  17. And no one has given us a date of the Takara release. <_< hmmmmm...
  18. got mine today. Thanks kevin.
  19. TV baby!!
  20. Godzilla

    Macross Destroids

    That would be so cool if they fo make a 1/60 tomahawk. Hmm would they make a 1/48 one?
  21. Yes! Cave in. I did. I need 5 more for my low vis fighters.
  22. Of what..? The fact that some dumb sap doesn't know what a 1/48 Yammie retails for? I own a 1/48, complete with FAST Packs, and if I'd wanted to I could have bought a Low Viz too. And I can tell you for a fact that I would have gotten it for much cheaper! In today's online market, there's no more excuse for uninformed consumers. Oh I thought you meant me buying mutiple valks. On the current statement, yes I agree with you.
  23. You ppl are sadistic. Favorite is when Roy died in DRYL. He sat in his VF-1S and those zentradi get blown up by the damaged VF-1S.
  24. He's just jealous. Pay no attention to him. Yes I admit I am a valkaholic. I wasnt till I compare the Toynami so-called MPC to my first 1/48 valk which was the low vis. I have a habit... Sold off my extra MPCs and 1/60 yammies. So I have a habit. I have 12 computers too. Still figuring out how to retire three of them... Oh I have brains and money. I have been saving money ever since I had a real job when I graduated from college. I just needed a hobby to focus on... now it is too much. Not so in the money but space... Ok the money just because I hate spending money... Too many hobbies include classic GIJOE, transformer reissues, and now these valks, not to mention building my computers...
  25. Waiting for the 1J Low vis too. 'zillas got 5! You're one up on me! I would like to se 1S or J low viz no doubt! heh. I was working on getting 12 for a low vis squadron. I will have to get more Max 1A and Max 1J to make Blue squadron.
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