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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Heh. I think it is to make it close to the TV show as possible. Now I know why they use those missiles liberally. They cant see thru that canopy. No wonder they couldnt hit the broadside of the barn. Top Guns they aint... I don't mean to sound snotty or anything, but have any of you that have commented on the Canopy actually bothered to goto the RT.com site and read the post, before you complained? It clearly states under the transforming picture, that it will come with additional decals and a CLEAR canopy. Plus one other person before me in this thread has also mentioned this already. Sheesh, I was trying to make a joke. Christ on a crutch... some ppl.... Oh, btw I dont go to RT.com if I can help it. Occasionally I will go there when I want to see what is going on. Frankly I like this place better because there arent any Nazis running this forum. I cannot stand that the fact that a slight complaint of their products and your post is wiped. Even mentioning yamato and their macross toys, it is wiped. Or even buying MPCs from ebay, they will not hear of it! I digress... debating this is another topic. Anyways, has anyone confirmed that the beta is coming out? I keep hearing that sales of the Alpha depends on the Betas. Regardless I will take a wait and see attitude. I went into the panic mode when I couldn't buy Rick MPC when it got sold out. Then I bought it from another place for $80. That was big mistake. After receiving the toy, no way. When I complained about the MPC, HG said to return it. Uh-huh, sure. Like the place I bought if from will take returns. Anyways, I will wait. I am not jumping in like I did before.
  2. It's offical that Toynami has stated that any Beta produced would depend on the sales of the Alpha. If the demand isn't there for the Alpha, they're not going to make the Beta. Yeah but will the Beta connect with the Alphas?
  3. I dont understand why everyone likes this new BSG. I think it is ok if it was spinoff or offshoot but taking a series and just remaking it? I dunno. Remaking any series or doing movies doesnt sit well with me. Maybe if it was based on the old BSG with different characters I can live with it. I am not saying the old BSG is the greatest but it made an impression nonetheless which is why I cant stand butch "Starbuckette" and "Boomerette". Boomer I can stand because she is cute but I am still having a hard time clashing the black guy and the Korean chick are the same character.
  4. If they make 1:1 Valk with the costume and all, Sure get the helmet. But that seems a waste of money. Even for a Halloween costume, I still think it is expensive. And where the hell is the uniform? No complete uniform to come with it? I use that money on 1:48 Valks.
  5. That was plain wrong to put Michael Jackson on there. Now I am scarred for life!
  6. Why get the helmet? Like anyone will be flying a Valk in the near future... And if they make it why dont they make the uniforms as well? Just dumb unless you get the helmet for a show piece.
  7. Heh. I think it is to make it close to the TV show as possible. Now I know why they use those missiles liberally. They cant see thru that canopy. No wonder they couldnt hit the broadside of the barn. Top Guns they aint...
  8. They do?!?!? HOLY @#$%ING $H*T!!!! How much will they buy them for?
  9. I see that Hasbro is rereleasing as well but I like Takara rereleases better. Just wondering if there are websites/news on who is coming. I know #13 is Hot Rod which I can really care less about. I just want to know what is coming unless they are like Yamato being tight lipped and all.
  10. For what it is worth, we should be grateful to Graham for these updates. I can certainly understand that Yamato doesnt want to let the public (us) know about the upcoming toys possibly due to hype. I for one knows. I was waiting anixously for my Toynami Rick VF-1J MPC. Delays came as fustration mounted and then when I got it, what a @#$%ing disappointment. And guess what I bought more of them because I had no other valks other than the 1/60 DRYL. I didnt know Yamato was going to make a 1/48 or the TV versions 1/60. Good thing I sold my extras... I digress. If people were let down, Yamato's name becomes mud. One side, I do not want to be let down. On the other side, I am anxious to see what Yamato have in store for us. Their QA is not the best at times but let me say this: YAMATO is much better than the rest out there.. I think a wait and see attitude is in order. Sure I would like to plan on my budget but I think I budgeted my toys correctly (or so I hope! ) Then again, I can always shrink the technology budget.
  11. Boy would lI like to see it in English just so I know what is coming up. Talk about a pain... As for the instructions, I see the pitcures of transforming my 1/48s easier to undestand.
  12. Looks damn good.
  13. OMFG! Why did they have to make it a live action movie?
  14. Looks ok but the shoulder missile just bothers me...
  15. Well, I need to plan more. I am just now up to date with the 1/48s. Well almost... (Yes I am talking about you Kevin at VE. Find that shipment. I was so looking forward to seeing the DRYL DVD as well. ) Anyways, I can blow nearly $400 (like I did at VE.) Soon it will take its toll though... I just bought a 36" HDTV ($1800). Bought $1900 bedroom set this month. In November, I bought a new laptop for $1300. Can you say holy crap?!?! Good thing they are on the 18 months no interest plan. And thos item were on sale! Anyways, I plan on buying M&Ms and mutiples of them but after that, I dunno. I am budgeting my money. I need to save more money. Incredibly, I was saving money even though I bought 12 1/48s and 4 FPs in the past 5 months. (I dunno how the hell I did that but I did it! ) My plan is to get 1 Q-rau (TV version I hope), anymore VF-1's 1/48s, 1/60 Monster, and maybe a VF-19A. My hope is for a VF-0 1/48 but that maybe pushing but, I WILL NOT do what I did before: buy 1/60 versions only to see a 1/48 come out. I also hope for a VF-4 but I don't see that happening.
  16. Ok I upped my numbers on my 1/48 1/60- 7 2x each DRYL, 1x TRU cannon fodder 1/48- 7 (5x low vis) 1x Max , 1x Roy Update Part 3. 1/60- 5 (I sold my extras) 1/48- 8 (5x low vis, 1x Max , 1x Roy, 1x VF-1J FP) Update 4: 1/72- 0 1/60- 5 1/48- 9 (Plus 3 more from VE make it 12 total!) 1/48 FPs- 4 Damn... I am spending a minor fortune. That included the 3x MPC Prime I bought.
  17. I say Kite at Fry's when I was buying Full Metal Panic Mission 1 DVD. My friend said it was good but it was short. But I saw Kite in the Adult Anime section. It said that it was a Director's Cut. Any opinions on it?
  18. You ppl are hilarious. On a monday morning this is what I need to get thru the day. Anyways, since I am not married nor even have GF (Ahem... sill looking for a woman who likes to collect Macross) I am not even overtly worried. My philosphy: Get as many toys as possible before you get married. My motto: The man whos dies with the most toys wins. Anyways, you can always keep some of your stuff still MIB. I still do and they are sitting in my closet.
  19. Thanks to you guys, I decided to buy it. Looks like I will buying the rest of the DVDs. I am glad you guys give reviews.
  20. I am watching the series DVD#2. I see that on Minmay's room, her name is spelled Minmei. But the series keep saying Minmay. I thought Minmei was the robotech name for her.
  21. After getting these DVDs, I have never watched the Macross TV series. Now I know how Robotech was lame but after watching the Animego released version, all I have to say Robotech is really really lame. Some parts of Macross was funny but I still can't get over how Hikaru saves Minmay in mid-air I dunno but wouldn't the canopy rip off when doing a nose dive near terminal velocity? Anyways, my buddy couldnt stand robotech. It was painful for him to go thru one episode, but I think he would like the original Macross. Funny thing is that when I see the copyright stuff on the DVD, It stated that both Animego and HG. Hopefully I will go thru DVD# 2 tonight.
  22. The Stampede was for anti-ship operations according to the website but damn does it look fugly. Then again, it looks nasty but not something I would bring against the battlepods. BTW, I see that the low vis customs, the valk is VF-1J. I wonder why Yamato decided on a VF-1A.
  23. That stand rocks.
  24. One word: Destroids. Frankly Tomahawk first and then all the rest.
  25. As I recalled Max did a lot of ass kicking in the battle against Bedolza fleet. He and Millia in fact. Sure I would like to see a VF-1A Max but that aint gonna happen. Better yet, I would like to see VF-1D Max with Max and Millia gummy figures.
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