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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. I voted for a glaug. My next one would be for the battlepods.
  2. #27 - Law of Conservation of Firepower (from Tom Williams) Any powerful weapon capable of destroying/defeating an opponent in a single shot will invariably be reserved and used only as a last resort. Sounds like Star Blazers/Spaceship Yamato.
  3. I would like to see the SDF-1. Sure I would like to have options like to have the Prometheus and Deadalus with the ARMD-01 and -02. I will buy 4 of them! 2 for DRYL and 2 for TV version with each in different modes. Of Yamato has to make it happen. We wishing will not help. Not unless they listen to this board.
  4. Now that was what I was looking for! Thanks Neova.
  5. Ok, I was looking at hobby town deciding on what color of paints best fit, etc... Now I am kind in a quandry here. Yes me being the degree engineer I am perplexed on what equipment to use... airbrush, spray, regular old brush. Now when I painted some of my models waaaaaayyyyy back when, boy did I suck. and I had no idea if I should get primer, etc. I reading some books they have at the store, etc trying to get pointers. I mean I just want to get the smooth painting like I have sen on the customs but I know I always manage to screw that up. I like tohave some pointers.
  6. I agree with that. Very fitting since the VF-1 is based on the Tomcat design.
  7. I think it was meant to be HK dollars. The guy prolly forgot to convert.
  8. Hmm, I dunno if I want to get it. I will have to see. I like to see Mecha combat as well. I mean that is what drew me into FMP. Just call me Shinji (FMP, not Evanglion ) What really was great was some comedy and some action mixed in. 3rd season? I hope it will contact mecha combat.
  9. Ok, I was at the EmeraldCity ComiCon in Seattle, I saw something from this Japan Hobby Store. They had all these DVDs that were region free but they were from Japan. Made me suspicious so I asked. They said theya re not. They even had the DRYL one that I have with English subtitles. Anyways, I saw FMP and I thought it was the original but after looking at the scenes in the back, I don't remember seeing those scenes. So I am guessing a 2nd series? Anybody confirm/deny this?
  10. From what I know about the 2nd one which is a complete remake of G1, you will be missing their personal weapons. That is what I heard about the aerialbots one as well. You will have all the stuff to make the big guy and his gun. Which is about it...
  11. Godzilla

    Jm Regult

    Using bifocals are we? Small is better. Grandma Battlepod... cant aim worth a flip.
  12. Dude! What are you smoking? No FPs? You have to have them. You have to get them. I put VF-1J FP on my Roy VF-1S for the TV version. I place my Hikaru pilot in the VF-1S as well.
  13. Godzilla


    Ok, So what is wrong with it?
  14. Are you sure it is biased but not performance? From what I heard, the F-35 was far superior because of the VTOL. From my friends in Boeing told me (I use to work for Boeing Commercial Division), they knew they were dead if Lockheed got the VTOL engine to work. The F-14 is being phased out prematurely if you ask me. So did a lot of Tomcat pilots I talked to agreed with me when I was on the USS Constellation for the 2002 Seattle Seafair. The F-18 has been around for a while, it is the Super Hornet is coming in. The Tomcat is being phased because it role as fleet defender/interceptor. Of course it can bomb now (AKA the Bombcat) but the conversion took on too late (I am quoting from a Tomcat driver). The F-18 is a multirole fighter. Anyways there is no bias against Boeing. Boeing was never into the military fighters until they acquired MD. MD makes the harriers, hornets and Eagles at the St. Louis plant. Sure Boeing has other military contracts like the AWACs, satellites, and now the tankers. Boeing was into commercial and space at the time before acquiring MD. Why do you think Lockheed left the commercial aircraft business? They were doing well with their C-130 and C-141. The c-141 are now being replaced by the C-17 made by Boeing.
  15. I hope they do a release of the VT-1 and VF-1D but I don't think that will happen. At least not for now. Right now everything is in speculation. Most likely Yamato will not make them because they need to redo the molds. I think the VE-1 will be the worse since the have to remake the mold of the VF-1 series..
  16. Godzilla


    OOOOOOOOOOH! Temptation is strong... Must resist... Feeling grip slipping... ARRRGGH!!! *looks at wallet* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!
  17. Damn you! I was going to do that! Oh well I have to figure something out...
  18. Godzilla


    damn it. Should I get it or not. What a dilema! Ugh, I am saving for the preorder for 5 max and 2 Millia I preordered...
  19. Nevermind. I see the SM logo. Any place I can get this soundtrack that isnt bootlegged?
  20. I cannot tell if this is the bootleg made by SonMay. Maybe I should ask but I like to see if there are experts here. ebay
  21. I thought they found Lilith in the same cavern they were in. If I remember correctly, adam was in embryotic shape in a perfectly sphered underground like the one they have in Tokyo-3. Am I wrong in assuming that?
  22. OMG. You are the man! Good job. I think you need to submit this to the customs page. Dude, how many 1/48s you have to do this?
  23. I dunno. That is wierd. I wonder how long it takes to combine them. I rather have the Constructicons and Aerialbots.
  24. Oh ok. Yes you are right. That would explain why Gendo wanted to fuse because he wanted to with Yui, correct?
  25. I can. Not much to choose from. I hate Kerry and Bush is really pissing me off.
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