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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Even though you posted this explanation, there's going to be somebody who will say, "Oh my God! They're no longer making Valkyries," "Yamato is out of business!" hey now! I was just asking a question. I thought Macross was like Star Wars to Japan. I just have 1/48 yammies on the brain... Why else would I have 15 of them. And more is on the way!
  2. Dude just calm down. So some people express their opinions. Some in positive tone... some in negative. Yes I agree you shouldnt be lectured how you collect things. Just dont let things like this bother you... Just have fun and keep on collecting your hobby.
  3. More importantly, how would they perform the Daedalus attack without the Daedalus? Exactly! So no manuever to use which would mean they would be stuck defensively using the pin-point barrier or take on damage when Macross fires her guns which DYRL never showed.
  4. HOLY CRAP! Looks like s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d just met his match. I feel better now. And I thought I was bad!
  5. Looks nice. I like the minmay and dragon on the heat shield. How did you do that?
  6. Why oh why they get to sell that crap?
  7. I care about 1/48. I wasn't a fan of toys this size until I saw the detail and complexity that can be packed in. The 1/48 Hikaru VF-1S w/ strike packs is one of the best toys ever produced in my opinion. I would love to have some other valks in the same general size (not necessarily the same scale). I enjoy my 1/60 & 1/72 collection as well. They are a decent size, have decent detail, feature quality materials and have decent amount of complexity. Any valk that Yamato puts out that has good quality, good detail and minimal parts swapping will get my interest. I'm not a fan of extensive parts swapping since I like to look at the jet and know there is a robot inside, not that there are parts that can be used to make a robot sitting in the drawer. I agree with VF-1 guy. It was the 1/48s that drew me in. The 1/60s were ok. I know bigger isnt necessarily better but looking at this, it is certainly the case.
  8. Yeah, I would like see that too bu I dont think i will happen. Buut you never know...
  9. Well all this talk about Yamato will or will not do it because how things sell. I mean they thought the sales of the 2 seaters were pretty low but you have to remember that the 1/48s came out and so did everyone assume they will release it for 1/48 as well? I mean Yamato essentially did cannibalized the market. I would definitely like to get the GBP but not in the 1/60 scale. But if there will not be one for the 1/48, I have to consider buying the 1/60 scale.
  10. Is there any pics? I assume these are kits I need to build and paint?
  11. Ok, I am a little concerned here how someone who posted here said they came back from Japan and said they were surprised in not seeing Macross as much as he thought. Now something in my mind started rolling and what I came up with was not good. If the popularity is not as great for Macross now, Yamato may just stop making valks after Max and Millia. That would definitely make a 1/48 2 seater VF and a CF definitely out of the question. Any thoughts on this?
  12. I thought it was cow.
  13. Get your mind out of the gutter.
  14. Thanks. I guess I wont be spending money on a ALPS printer. SO how much do you do customs?
  15. Most expensive toy I bought was $250 (if memory serves me correct... I bought in 1998) for the Voltron/lionbot MIB from Korea (the one with gold instead of silver). Either that or the $150 Battleship Yamato Popy Chogin. My most expensive Macross? The VF-1J Hikaru FP for $175 at VE. The macross toy I felt the most ripped off? Paying full price for the Rick MPC. My most expensive electronic? my 36" Sony HDTV for $1300.
  16. Congrats on finding one... now if I can get #6 I am halfway thru to my squadron. I am quite shocked to see that Macross died down. Then again, my interest has picked up.
  17. yeah... right. I smell anime magic.
  18. Congratulations! Enjoy it now from what I have heard, you will need it. Me married? Look at my valk, GI Joe, and Transformer collection. That answer is that damn obvious. anyways congrats. So have you and your wife decided on a name? Err names... one for boy and the other if it is a girl.
  19. With all that extra space you would think you could store a couple more rounds but that would increase the weight significantly. Or am I looking at it wrong?
  20. I have to agree. It looks damn good.
  21. Interesting to see the hooks ar where the rear landing gear is. I know that the Robotech MPCs have the tailhook where one of the landing gear resides.
  22. Funny how I was reading Tom Clancy's Armored Cav. He was saying that the Comanche would be a great addition as part of the 2010 light army. The comanche was suppose to replace the Kiowa. He touting how great it was going to be. I thought the Comanche program was going way too long as it stands...
  23. I was seeing a thread in the toys section about printing/making custom stickers for your 1/48, 1/60 etc. Now is the ALPS printer the only printer or are there other printers? Would it be better just to ask some of the fellow MWers here like Taka to make them for me?
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