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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Yes it was me. I was asking about Max's heatshield color b/c I was doing a custom for my Max 1/48 VF-1S. It started a debate because I did not know which was right to make the custom. Now, I am done which was easy changing parts. Now I need to paint the arrows on the VF-1S head as blue.
  2. I dont think there was VF-1J in DRYL.
  3. my $0.02 is that it was great till the last 2 episodes. Then the movies came out which confused the hell outta me more till my friend tried to explain it. I was somewhat confused but I think some ppl MWers got me set straighter though it sparked some debate. Regardless, I found it ok. When I was watching the first 20 episodes, I was like cool. Then it went downhill for me.
  4. Yes our local sith knows all, he is an evil man, always torturing us with his greater knowledge of yamato's release schedule. Cant blame him too badly. It isnt his fault he cant say what Yamato would not allow him to say. Unless he is using that as a cover.
  5. Thank you Neova~! I've been send you the detail by PM. If that is the case of Neova doing it, where do we sign up?
  6. That was exactly the question that came to my mind!
  7. Talk about starting mass panic here ... I have those new energy saving light bulbs I am slowly moving over to. I think they are UV. Cripes... this sucks. Pay high energy bill or hide the valks. *walks away cursing*.
  8. Paris Hilton = WMD? Wouldn't the we, the USA, be in violation of Geneva Convention? Or is she just a DNA repository?
  9. Between Kevin and Tam, there packaging couldnt be better. Yeah my 1/48 boxes were a little scuffed from Kevin. That was because I ordered his discount special on blemished 1/48s. Anyways, I just my FP and 6.5 inch Polyresin Figure Minmay. Man do I like it! Thanks Tam. Oh I forgot, the packaging was solid. Wrapped my FP in bubblewrap and placed the Figure in thee box. Then it was stuffed full of newspaper. Of course I used FedEx.
  10. What was wrong with ID4? A lot more decent some of the films I see that are out there.
  11. You and me both!
  12. Godzilla

    Which 1/48 first...?

    What's the matter on purchasing multiple valks? I do that. It is isnt an addiction. *Clicks on complete order at Valkyrie Exchange.* Anyways, start on Roy's VF-1S. Or the Super Max that is coming out.
  13. No problem. Yes I have a nasty collection of 1/48. Mind you I do not even come close to sithlord but I will get there. But after a couple of purchases I should be closer.
  14. Amen brother, amen to that. Too bad those kind of women are hard to find out there...
  15. I thought the 1/60 monster was coming out as well? Great. I can start building my air force. And finally start on the customs I been wanting to do. That means possibly VF-1A CF? Or even better yet, the two seaters VFs... Ok, I wont start that rumor but one can dream.
  16. Looks like the monster is out of scale. Anyways, I thought these were cancelled? At least according to Graham.
  17. All the hatches on the Vf-1J GBP-01 open and close. I did not show the back side where there are two more missile bays on each of the leg. The chest missile hatch does not close but you can pull that cover voer off and place a closed position hatch. The Tomahawk can have the missile hatch open as well. Poseablity is somewhat limited like you can move up and down on the legs but side to side is restricted. Hope this helps.
  18. Even though you posted this explanation, there's going to be somebody who will say, "Oh my God! They're no longer making Valkyries," "Yamato is out of business!" hey now! I was just asking a question. I thought Macross was like Star Wars to Japan. I just have 1/48 yammies on the brain... Why else would I have 15 of them. And more is on the way! Maybe you missed the at the end of my sentence. Naw. Just getting on the sensitive side.
  19. you've been hanging out with Red Comet, haven't you?
  20. Prolly lurked about a 6 months and then joined last September.
  21. I'm going out on a limb here and guess: "Clerks" We got us a winner.
  22. I can't believe you guys are talking about this. This is like the Star Wars discussion which Did the general contractors all die on the Death Star 2? Kudos to those who knows what movie I am referring to.
  23. Pic#2
  24. Bored and decided to take some pics.
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