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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Hopefully Yamato will foloow the 1/60 line for thei 1/48s but we not know for now...
  2. I wonder how long the Max will be in Tam's and Kevin's shop?
  3. Man that looks awesome. I wish I could do that kind of stuff.
  4. 1. GI JOE Starduster 2. 1/48 valk 3. Optimus prime 4. Bandai SOP Yamato (AKA Starblazers) 5. Bandai SOP Andromeda 6. Lionbot (AKA Voltron) 7. Jetfire 8. Gakken Alpha 9. GI JOE USS FLAGG 10. MPC Optimus Prime Too bad I dont 5, 7, and 8.
  5. I barely opened mine. I just havent had time to apply the stickers yet or opend the air force yet.
  6. Looks cool. I like the red color.
  7. It is a toss-up between the Tomahawk and Monster. I voted Tomahawk b/c of its versatile weapons.
  8. Godzilla

    Custom Hikaru VF-1S

    Nice custom. And you did it from scratch? Wow.
  9. Actually a delay would be nice for the VF-1J Max. Gives me time to fatten the wallet.
  10. I love the f-14. I have been a big fan of it. I am sad to see it go. It was one the reasons why I love the VF-1. I am simply amazed how Yamato can make the VF-1 so perfect. Perfect meaning the airframe and transformation. Not to mention the detail and such. It is just a piece of Engineering art! Ok, I am a degree engineer.
  11. I'm so glad they changed the color blue they're using for Max compared to the preliminary photos that we've seen. I have to agree with you there. That baby blue on the early paint just didnt do it for me. No they need to change that catapult landing gear attachment to white as well.
  12. Damn, it is out? Anybody else that can confirm this?
  13. I have to say that the GBP-01 and the Tomahawks are my favorites.
  14. I would like to see that but I would hate to see the price of that. I would like to see the VF-1D in 1/48 as well.
  15. Technically there is a difference when it comes to Robotech toys because Robotech is the western thing where they took 3 japanese shows and put them as one. So Japanese toylines will only be specific to one of the three Japanese shows. Macross is the biggest hit of the 3 series. With that said and as Exo pointed out, you will only see the Macross series of Robotech of the toyline being sold. You will not see the Robotech Master nor New Generation toys in Japan because those series were not popular. Now in the West, mainly US and Europe, there are Robotech toys. The company (*looks to make sure there is an exit*) is called Toynami working under the license of Harmony Gold (Evil ppl I tell ya). Hence you see the Robotech VF Veritech and alpha MPCs being sold. The 1/48 is bigger and better because of the detail. Yes there is more detail like the Cockpit, airbrakes, landing gear, removeable nose cone to show the radar, moveable flaps, and above all perfect transformation. The GBP is the named use in Macross Japanese version. It is the armored veritech in Robotech in which Rick flew in his fight with Recon vehicle that the 3 Zentradi soon-to-be spies were piloting when investigating the Miss Macross broadcast. Just to note: Some ppl in the MW are Macross purists. They believe Robotech is just a crappy adaptation for the Western world. I would have to agree since I grew up on Robotech and only now become Macross purist. Why? Watching the Japanese version was much better. It wasn't annoying like Robotech. EDIT: Damn EXO for beating me to this post.
  16. My Toynami MPC VF-1J. What a disappoint piece of a crop!
  17. yeah thx for your help.
  18. me 6 of them? Hell no. I wish. I have only 5. I need 7 more for the squadron.
  19. Ok, they why didn't Hikaru fly the VF-1J? What's the point?
  20. I never liked hot rod nor Rodimus. In fact, I never liked the movie. I wanted to leave the theater after Prime's death. I was really unhappy that they killed off Prowl and a ton of the orginal Autobots. And season 3? OMG how I hated it. Springer and his GF Arcee, Blurr, and all those other stupid newer transformers... I never really acknowledged that Rodimus existed. When they broght Optimus Prime back, I was like cool. Just to have him kick Rodimus' ass was great. Anyways, I have to agree with Trueblueeyes. All the others suck as well.
  21. Yamato cannot hide what is in a printed magazine: so come on, what are the feet? What was on the rest of the page? Even if it's not Macross I want to know what the feet belong to! Please Dare I say it but it looks like the monster's feet.
  22. I have to KingNor. Well like I said before in another thread long ago, the Destroid armor should withstand what the enemy can throw. If we looked back at the M1 tank when it first came out in the early 80's no one had a real clear idea of its capabilities. There were complaints how bad this system was. Even the Bradley was given a bad rap in the media. As the mainstay of the US armored corps, only then in 1991 did we know the capabilities of the M1 and M2. Speculation before the Gulf War I was that we would lose. 60 minutes did many interviews with "experts" and they said the M1 was not able to handle desert conditions. TOW missiles would fail in intense heat, etc. Basically the Soviet era weapons were far more superior so the "experts" said. Now we know how much BS that was since US Navy F-14s took out 2 Su-22 and 2 MiG-23 and submarine technology was decades ahead of the Soviets. Ok, so what does this have to do with this topic? I assume the creators of Macross used what information that was used out there. Remember this was the early 80's when this was made. Then again, one can argue that the aliens are far more superior than Earth. Still no one really knew what this Chobham armor could deflect a TOW missile. So I assume the creators just used what they have. It is kinda like Battleship Yamato. They used WW2 tactics in space. I assume that is what they have to go on. Frankly I find it stupid for some thing as armored as a Destroid, one hit can destroy it. Sure, they are slow BUT there is a reason why they are slow. They are lugging heavier weapons and have armor. Regardless, you would think that pilots of both valks and destroids would become more trained as experience would be passed down.
  23. I think in US Dollars, it is about $40. Anybody knows it can hold 1/48? The info was not available on a lot of sites who were preordering it.
  24. Shorty after Misa orders the Skull Squadron back to defend the SDF-1, you'll see several shots of various Destroids defending the ship. I think it's just before the Monster makes an apperance. Now I have to go rewatch it. I swore it was VF-1A CF. Someone tell me they saw that as well. I think my memory is going bad on me.
  25. If you blink you'll probably miss it. I thought I saw the VF-1A CF in the armor. Which part was that?
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