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Everything posted by Godzilla
That was too damn hilarious.
Very nice custom. I like it. Now do it on a 1/48 yammie.
Yeah but Hikaru never had the FPS for his VF-1J in the TV Macross. Only when his VF-1S (Roy's plane) had the FP.
Geeze. I didn't even notice till now. Must been busy buying more 1/48 valks. And now I know.
Well my credit cards I get points to purchase something or cash back. That cash back goes to my bank. I continually use my credit card on high purchases.
Well I know I will buy more Macross stuff after if they are pretty good. Heh, I am still buying 1/48 valks. Ugh, I need to stop doing that. I have customs on my mind...
101? Shouldnt it be 001?
Go to this thread. It talks about it extensively. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=6535
maybe all the MW member sell all their property and join the money together, buy / build a 1/48 SDF-1, then all of us can live inside this huge sdf-1 screw the 1/48 let;s do a 1/1 fucntional sdf-1 then we can have our own city. just stay in orbit and not worry about world probelms. I am sold. Let's do it!
USS FLAGG is the GI Joe aircraft carrier. I like the idea of the 1/625 scale. I would look nice sitting beside my 1/625 SOP BXP-01 Yamato.
Hehe. Sure. why not. Have fun going thru the guard dogs, electronic security system and my 27 oz aluminum bat.
Ugh, you guys are having me thinking of getting the PS2... I only have the Cube... Dont care for Xbox though. PS2 Graphics are not that great though.
Out of proportion? Whoever told you that was smoking some serious stuff.
A 1/48 Tomahawk? Now that would be so cool. Would be great if they made all the destroids and enemy mecha 1/48. But where in the hell would I put them?
Aint that the truth. I did to actually see one and have my picture taken with one. F-18 Super hornets are good but the Tomcat is the best in my book.
Hehe. I work at the I-405 and 1-90 interchange. I see the Blue Angels every year. They setup over my office. I got some cool pics last year. I hope to get more this year.
Well the long story here: in 1984, I was watching Transformers and the introduction of Skyfire espisode came on. At that point I wanted to get Skyfire. Later that year did I find out that Skyfire became Jetfire. My parents never bought it. You have to know that I was into GI JOE and transformers. So I had a lot of different toys from both worlds. I played with my friend's jetfire. Now I begged like hell for that toy. Why my parents never bought it, I will never know because they bought plenty of Transformers and GI JOE toys that we wanted. Go figure. One day after school at 3PM, I was flipping channels waiting for GI Joe at 4PM. I saw on Channel 36 (in Atlanta) I saw the commercial for what I will come to know as Robotech. Now I saw all these brown VFs and it immediately clicked in my head that hey, that is Jetfire in differnt colors. I was like WTF without the F or H since I didnt know those words well enough to use. I was youngun'. Anyways, I saw the show. It showed the episode 2. At that point I was like and . So I started watching it more. It jumped around here and there. When I saw the Masters, I was like WTF and even more WTFH with New Generation. I never knew that these were 3 different series only to be bastardized as one by us stupid Americans. I wanted to get the toys but I was a little late in getting them. At the time I was in 5th and 6th grade. I slowly began to understand the episodes as Robotech. During the Xmas of 1986, (I think) I was in Hong Kong and I saw ads for the DYRL. I went to go watch it dubbed in Chinese with English subtitles. I was like because I was confused about the Robotech series. I didnt have many toys of Robotech. I slowly bought one here and there especially when I was in college at Georgia Tech. I ran into people who were fans of robotech as I was but that soon went away. Only till 2 yrs ago did the passion of Robotech come up. I was on RT.com. I ordered DVDs. And then the preorders for the MPC #1. Now I bought the DRYL 1/60 yammies. I started understand the difference between Robotech and Macross/Southern Cross/Mospeda. Then the disaapointment of the MPC#1. I kept it because it was fully transformable unlike the 1/60. Now in Sept 2003, I saw this Low vis fighter. I have been to this site but never signed on. I knew about the 1/48s but I thought they were too expensive. I got my MPCs below MSRP via ebay. RT.com pissed me off when I complained about the MPCs. Now I decide to go ahead and buy the Low vis on ebay. When I got it, I was completely enthralled. Only then did I dig deeper on the difference on Macross and Robotech. So I got 2nd Low vis. And then I bought the SDF Macross DVDs. Only did I start watching the DVD did I have a better understanding. I promptly rejected Robotech and became a Macross purist. Of course my 1/48 collection grows. From Sept 03 till now, my 1/48 yammies collection is at 15. This month's plan is gonna be real bad. Ask Tam and Kevin. And that is my story.
Nice job. And thanks for the advice.
Yeah brutha... I'm in Fayettenam. This town sucks for anime, and general culture, but I do enjoy the Carolina style barbeque. Man do I miss southern BBQ. The Pac NW sucks...
You guys had it, it is the Low Viz. I've decided I'm going to try to keep it if I can. I'm going to go through my other stuff and see if I can get enough to dump so I don't have to get rid of it. (sorry man I know you're looking for one) Plus, I think it's more respectful to the original owner since he had a chance to make tons of money off of it but instead sold it to me for a more reasonable price. I couldn't pull that on him and not feel like the hugest jerk of all time. Thanks guys for all your opinions. Vostok 7 Good man. Nice to that there are nice people out there. It is tempting to sell but I am glad you went with your conscience.
I wouldnt mind getting a VF-1S Max. The thing is that I am making my custom already. I just need paint. One of my many projects I will work on in the summer IF I get the time. I would like to see Yamato make every VF that had screen time.
I heard about that. Let's hope the delay is on fixing QA issues.
Nice job. In the TV version, Max never flew a VF-1S. Oh that last statement, you made this for a customer? How much you charge?