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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. So how big is the Macross SDF-1 comparitively?
  2. Regardless I will not waste a 1/48 to customize to that. Sure I would make it like some NASCAR colors but those?!?! NO FRIGGIN WAY!
  3. Ok, in Basra's video in the MAcross 20TH anniversary DVD, they had the VF-1 on the planets. Arent the VF-1 used as reserve or planetary defenders? Now I will have nightmares on what they did to those VFs...
  4. Damn does it look good.
  5. Anybody have the flap issues where one keeps falling off?
  6. Crap. I need to inspect all the 6 VF-1Js Max...
  7. I own 3. If there is gonna be a Starscream that will be cool.
  8. Yup http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/art/_art_macrosstv.htm I've seen those images before and they are increcible. Are they touched up at all? Because they seem more vibrant than the TV series ever did! Even the Animeigo DVDs. . . Thanks! Hurin Edit: And now that I look more closely at some of them, I'm almost positive they never appeared in the actual show. Could easily be wrong though. So, what is the source of these? Did the original team get together to re-render some of these as sorta "commemorative cels?" I have to agree with Hurin. It looks too nice and crisp. Not that I am complaining...
  9. Minor detail but you have 001 on the wing and 011 on the fuselage and FP. Other than that it looks great.
  10. I have gotten 6 of them. I love it.
  11. Looks damn good.
  12. Talk to Kevin at VE. He has some blemished boxes of Max.
  13. I have no problems with mine. 2 of the 6 came in yesterday and 4 more are coming in. Thanks Tamin. Anyways I love this plane. I am glad they didnt use the blue tow piece on the landing gear. Upon inspection, it looks fine to me but I need to take off the armor. Max is my fav character in Macross. I liked Roy and hated Hikaru. I dont understand why Hikaru couldn't play with both Minmay and Misa? He shoulda been the player. Heck a three some would be great. hehe... I digress. Anyways, I have no real complaint except the head antenna should be gray.
  14. Hound rocks! I like him in the Jeep mode. The binal tech is not for him. I was disappointed that he is a Jeep Wrangler. I thought Hound would be a US army Hummer to keep the scheme of things.
  15. They need to send me one as well.
  16. Now that is what I needed. Damn. Can't do it like I thought I can. Oh well. Anyways I will have need to paint it. I was hoping to swap parts of the VF-1J max for my vf-1A max I was working on. Less painting for me since I isuck at it. Oh well.
  17. Problem is the little fins paint color. Each one is different so I just want to know which one is the real one from TV.
  18. I know I will him. I dont like Hotrod or the target master series. The orginal Transformers were great. ANybody collecting these series from Takara?
  19. it would have been good to know what was the question, If it is if the Max VF-1A TV and the Max VF-1J are painted in a different way then it is yes... Oh I know that. I can see the immediate differences like the shoulders are white in the 1J and blue on the 1A. Chest plate is all white in 1A and blue in 1J. Looking to see more differences as I am doing a custom soon.
  20. Cool. Thanks for the pics. I would like to see the whole plane/battroid mode but I am not complaining. It answered some of my questions.
  21. No kidding. I mean Yamato can not just ignore us. We have a significant dent into their profits.
  22. wow~! you wll have 32 valks~! let me guess.... VF-1A HI X 3 VF-1A MAX X 3 VF-1A KAKIZAKI X 3 ( CUSTOM) VF-1S ROY X 3 VF-1S HI X 3 VF-1S MAX X 3 ( CUSTOM ) VF-1J HI X 3 VF-1J MAX X 5 ( COMING SOON) VF-1J MIRIA X 3 ( COMING SOON) LOW VIZ X 3 total 32 is that right? or you will make it all in different veriation? Actually the numbers are: 5x low vis 5x Max VF-1A DYRL 4x vf-1S Roy release 2 DYRL 1x VF-1S Roy release 1 DYRL 2x VF-1A Hikaru DYRL 3x VF-1S Hikaru DYRL 7x VF-1J Max 3x Vf-1J Hikaru 2x VF-1J Millia on preorder I will make a DRYL VF-1A Kakizaki, DRYL VF-1S Max, TV VF-1A Max, a VF-1J low Vis, TV VF-1A Kakizaki, and one special VF-1J custom. The thing I have other projects around the house that needs to be done. I would like to get my little workshop setup. I am looking into paint and such. We will se if I have modelling skills. VF-1S Max is ready... just need some paint on the head. VF-1A Kakizaki will need some green paint. Also I willmake the one the VF-1S Roy into a TV roy and the other VF-1S roy for a TV Hikaru VF-1S FP. And dont get me started on the FPs. I have like 5 DRYL FPs and 4x VF-1J Hikaru FPs I got from Neova. I will buy more later to see if Yamato will make a CF or not. Still it is a nice collection.
  23. I have 18 VF 1/48s. But I have 5 VF-1J Max coming. Oh I am about to order 7 more. This month is gonna hurt. I know I have 2 more on pre-order as well.
  24. I like to see the differences between the two. Thanks.
  25. This does bring back memories. I liked the Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs but that toy needs to transform like it did in the cartoon!
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