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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Well, happened to me a lot over the weekend as well. It doesnt help when gas is going up as well. As much as I like the hunt, the cost of these figures are going up. I preorder from BBTS but if I find the wave before them, I will cancel my order. But in all sense, it is cheaper to preorder despite BBTS prices are little higher but in the end, with shipping included, it is either on par or cheaper. Of course if you lived nearby a Walmart and/or Target or actually drive by one on your way to work, then you gas cost is a minimum. However, walking out empty handed and knowing you wasted gas to get there and back gives a feeling of annoyance. I got the Storm Shadow and Firefly comic pack. I will post pics of the 2 versions of Stormie. when I get home for you.
  2. Godzilla

    Latest custom.

    Damn Kurt. Nice job. I like it. LV colors of the Minmay Guard looks really nice. Kurt, you rule.
  3. After watching this episode, it is by far the best save the Episode 7 full of mecha p0rn. I was getting bored since it was getting way too much of the Macross feeling, SDF Macross series wise. This episode stands outs different but still keeping a little Macross feel which made it more enjoyable. I like it that we know more about Michael and his past. Michael is my favorite character. As much as I hate Alto, this episode got me warming up to him with him being more forgiving and understanding. Everyone there has a reason to be in SMS. Looking forward to another episode now.
  4. Where's the Mauler, Tomahawk, and WHALE?
  5. OMFG! That is awesome. It says sept 2008. Man, I am getting cases. The Tomahawk is by far my fav destroid next to the Monster. I may get rid of my matchbox ones for these. I hope the monster comes as well as the rest of the destroids
  6. Damn. That was about how much I sold my Scott for on evilbay. Good to see it's worth is back up. wonder if I should put mine out there. Anyways, leave it alone. It is not your place to say. If you try to be a good samaritan, you get crap for your trouble. BTW, is this the right section to place this discussion?
  7. If I see one I will snag one for ya.
  8. I went to the Walmart near my parents' house and found a python patrol. Everything was wave 3, 4, and 5. No comic packs.
  9. Nah, I never been there. The stealth guy is Ghostrider. He was cool too.
  10. Jason was toydeals888. He and I got together since he notice I was buying tons of 1/48s at the time on ebay. He asked me to help him find a place to sell them so I showed him here. I was afraid at first to bring him here and recommed him as he might rip everyone off. He turned out ok. Granted some ppl liked him and some dont. When the angel birds and stealths were coming, everyone ordered thus starting him taking advantage of him and Kevin. He was flip flopping back forth for a good deal and then made 2 exact orders to both Kevin and Jason. Then when it all arrived he cut the orders down since he couldnt pay for all of it and screwed both Jason and Kevin. On top of it, AgentGHQ posted it like he was proud doing it. Sorry to derail the thread. Back on topic. I think the 1/18 toy companies are having a hard time trying to get licenses for the aircraft to make hence the WW2 planes they keep making. I am not sure I am looking forward to Omega force. If this is the beginning of bringing back eco warriors and ninja force, etc... count me out. I am happy if they just continue with the releases.
  11. That is why he pinged me so he brag about it. I found vipers and hiss tank drivers but not as many as AgentGHQ got. But then again, I didnt go after the manager to ask what they had in the back. To me that is extreme to complain to the manager about this. You are arguing over toys? Seems silly and immature. It is only toys. Me jealous of his find/haul? Not even. I dont have time to look for a manager and associate let alone b!tch for 30 min-1 hour. Whatever... to each his/her own. Good he can do that. Just hope he doesnt come online and bitch about the house he wants to buy but it i too much money or ask me why I have 10 1/48 LVs and sell him one... again. Talk about a hippocrit. He complains about good quality customer service at Target yet he screws sellers like my friend Jason and Kevin of VE by going back and forth placing preorders and jocking for a better price and then says he dont have enough money to cover. Am I sore about it? Damn right. That piss ant SOB got Jason out of the toy business (along with other reasons). He ruined it for all of us who get discounts. He ruined something I was trying to help MWers here as well he was screwing over Kevin. All he is an selfish @$$ and if ruins it for everyone for his gains. I wouldnt be surprised if he didnt help fellow hisstank members on getting those. I havent found wave 8 but I am working with another HISSTANK members on getting me vipers and all since I would like to army build. I saw some Wave 7s like Wild Bill, Duke, SE, etc. If you guys want, I am more than glad to help fellow members. Let me know. I wont buy them unless you tell me too. As for figures of the 25th line. I would like to see: 1. Cartoon version of Flint (he is in full camo) 2. Cartoon version of Ace (looks more realistic like a pilot not space suit or he was flying the U2 or SR-71), also need the skystriker preferably the 1/18 f-14 Tomcat. 3. Definitely the Oktober guard. (oh I would love Diana in her tanktop shirt in comic#101 ) 4. Sgt Slaughter and the Slaughter Mauraders. 5. Zartan's rest of the family Zandar and Zarana. 6. Dreadnok Monkeywrench 7. Alpine (need him to compliment Bazooka) 8. All hell, all joes and cobras from 1982-1987 including Falcon and Big Lob.
  12. HA! Wait till the Destroids and the 1/60 redesigned VF-1S come out. Then you say will I gotta have it. Welcome to my world. EDIT: Grammar corrections.
  13. This hobby is worse than crack. I spent at least $17k over the past 5 years on 1/48s alone. Granted I should have saved more money but I was living comfortably in which I was still saving but hell, why live life like that? Now being a house owner, long distance relationship, I have limited my collecting. No more 1 case of yammies when they release. Just 2 now when new stuff comes out. I may just get one from the 1/60 series
  14. Ok, I am meeting up with a fellow hisstank member. He got me tons of vipers. He found wave 8 and wave 4 comic packs today at his local walmart. I am hitting up my walmarts after I meet up with him. He cleaned out the walmart of wave 8s (not much from what he told me). If you need any joes, let me know. I know hunting joes is a PITA, so I am willing to help out.
  15. Mixed. Some were exosquad and some were not. Most are not though.
  16. Honestly, I wish Hollywood would stop remaking movies. Talk about raping our childhood... It just tells me that Hollywood is either lazy, stupid, or both lazy and stupid since they cannot come up with ideas for new movies. IMO, the movies are getting lamer and lamer. Sure there are some good ones here and there but come on, are we that tapped out of ideas? Remakes always suck for the most part. For the first time, I saw the classic Oceans 11 last night and let me say this: That movie was 100x better than the crap Oceans 11 remake. The only remake that is decent was the Italian Job. As for this: Leave all the movies alone especially Robocop and Red Dawn.
  17. Here is what I can display today in my house. The rest is still in boxes.
  18. Go here. Please note this was before I moved back to Atlanta in 2005. EDIT:Year was off and spelling.
  19. You dont wanna know. PSSSSST. Look at my siggy.
  20. Well, I dunno if you want to label me as a hoarder but I buy 2 of everything: one for opening and one for MISB. Well except for troop building. Of course, I call my other friends who are looking and ask them if they want it, then I start buying multiples. I dont buy more unless I need for trade or help a collector out. Selling is the PITA especially when got stuff that is not popular. What the hell is this Omega Force? Also WTF is up with the CC and SE releases? I am sick of SE, SS, and CC. Just bring back the originals. And all the sudden they are releasing the dreadknoks in singles? Buzzer is a peg warmer, why release again unless new mold or something.
  21. I dont come to the toy boards often as I use to due to so much useless subjective criticisms in the past though it looks it has subsided due to less releases from Yamato. Pppl here were complaining for the sake of complaining. Constructive criticisms is fine and dandy like the VF-0 Arms falling apart or Yamato putting on two right arms on the VF-1. But man, did ppl b!tch like their vaginas had a yeast infection... They went on and on and on like a broken record about not anime correct or their childhood was raped. Ok, we got the point. STFU. But if you said [enter macross yamato product] wasnt that bad or your problem with the product is so subjective, ppl would pounce on you like a dog humping your leg, saying you are a Yamato fanboy in which you see Yamato does no wrong and continue till you got tired of arguing with childish adults. They feel they are clearly in the right and argue to the point they look like spoiled brats. Opinions are like a$$holes: everyone has one but for heaven's sake dont act like one. I understand that you bought an expensive item and it is isnt to your expectations. Unfortunately you may not be able to take it back for refund. Yes you have the right to complain but hell, stop beating a dead horse. You made your point now move on. All you can hope for is that Yamato listen or for that matter any company will listen and then improve the next release. When you complain till the cows come home, your point gets lost. If you are so upset with the product, it is simple, dont buy the goddamn thing or future releases. Really. Follow the rule of 1st time shame on them, 2nd time shame on me. "But they are the only ones that make such and such toy so they make us buy it." It sounds like: "WAH, my pussy hurts." BULLSH!T! Stop making excuses. No one made you buy it a second time. You want to make an impact, it is simple: affect their bottom line i.e. do not buy it. They are in it to make the money, plain and simple. I digress... I find complaints are useful when it is constructive and objective. It helps me make my decision in buying anything. However, when subjectivity comes in to play, I ignore it but it downright annoying trying to find it in a sea of BS complaints. As for yamato, I am satisfied. Yes my Yammies aint perfect. Nothing is broke so far and I am getting rid ones that have design issues.
  22. Maybe she is carrying Alto's love child? BTW, that statement is not true. Why would Varja attack Galaxy? Ranka was never there?
  23. All I gotta say is that Episode 7 has finally got exciting. Granted it was mecha p0rn all the way, it was by far the most noteworthy episodeto me. All episodes prior were completely mundane and remiscencent to Macross SDF. Dont get me wrong, I love Macross SDF but when I see the same formula used, I roll my eyes. Couldnt we just get a different formula? This love triangle thing was bothering me from the start. Thank god for episode 7 or I woulda dropped this series altogether. In ep 1, gee the end of it was like Ep2 of Macross SDF. And dont get me started on ep3 where Alto was grabbing Ranka using the valk's arms and then arm is blown off. Gee, can we say Ep3 of Macross SDF? Then we have Ranka looking to be a star... Can we say Minmay 2? Then Alto, Ranka, and Sheryl... like we need another damn love triangle? And of all male characters, Alto gets to land in the middle of those 2? WTF Episode 7 caught my attention till the end where we see the Macross Quarter perform like a Valk: Absolutely fantastic. The Monster pilot said she was coming in for a landing, the response was: be gentle. This episode got battles, valks, destroids, and one friggin badasstic Macross quarter with a crazy driver behind the helm of it. I am not liking the main character, Alto at all. Alto is now really pissing me off. He has become the character I dislike the most. He is a bumbling idiot. Even more so than Hikaru. And of course, in the end he will end up with Ranka. So far he has 2 valks totalled so he is an insurance liability. My bet is that he will get Ranka and dump Sheryl instead of my wish getting blown up or captured and tortured. On the other hand, Michel is one badass sniper in the VF-25. He was providing cover when they were attacking was just frakingawesome. If they make toy of his valk, I am all over it. He is awesome and rapidly becoming my fav character in Macross F. He at least tries to talk some sense into Ranka. In a way he made his point correctly to Ranka. Ranka should thank Michel for pushing her to sing in public in the Zentradi Mall, not Alto. Anyways, I will continue watching Macross F even as I suspect the next episode will be less than exciting as it will be more about Alto, Ranka, and Sheryl.
  24. Anybody got a 25th Doc? Mine came in today. I have another coming though.
  25. FRAK! I would put my retirement savings on Li.
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