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SMS Squadron Leader (11/15)



  1. Thanks all. I just ordered it on NY via EMS. The order went out the door in a period of 1 hour according to the emails I got from them.
  2. Question: When ordering from nippon-yasan.com, what shipping should did you all use(those who ordered from them? Granted Fed-Ex is better but how about others like EMS? Just wonder if there will be problems using other shipping methods.carriers. I was looking at Economic Registered - Delivery within 2-3 weeks with tracking number + insurance as I can handle the wait. Here is the list of Shipping methods: Carrier Information Price Fedex Priority Service Fedex: Delivery within 2-3 days (with Tracking Number) $103.89 Fedex Economy Service Fedex: Delivery within 3-4 days (with Tracking Number) $46.40 EMS (Express) EXPRESS: Delivery within 3-4 days with tracking number + insurance $33.66 Air Mail Registered By Airplane Registered - Delivery within 8-10 days with tracking number + insurance $26.68 Air Mail By Airplane - Delivery within 8-10 days without tracking number and without insurance $23.23 Eco - SAL Registered Economic Registered - Delivery within 2-3 weeks with tracking number + insurance $19.27 Eco - SAL Economic - Delivery within 2-3 weeks without tracking number and without insurance $15.82 Ferry Boat - Delivery about 3 month with tracking number + insurance $19.78
  3. HOLY F*&^KING $#!+! That is damn impressive.
  4. yeah I was up there on Saturday and visited Frank and Sons. Wife wanted to go to the Dim Sum place near there where the Ranch 99 Supermarket (Happy Harbor was the restaurant). Wife decided to go to LA on Saturday when we got back to the hotel that Friday evening after going to Sea World. Though I was shock to see Frank and Sons, I wasnt exactly impressed nor disappointed. Before I get flamed, let me explain: I see this kind of thing in Shanghai at the Yuyuan Market. One of the MWers use to live in Shanghai and when I was there for work, I met up with him to visit some of the shops that had anime stuff. Granted I got a good deal for some MU figures, some of the anime toy prices were a premium there. I am sure I could make some deals but I am limited on the space I can carry back on the airplane when I fly back home.
  5. Well looks like I will be heading to LA this Sat or Sun. Depends on the wife. I already went to the USS Midway, Coronado Beach, and San Diego Zoo. Taking off work tomorrow to go to Sea World. I intend to goto Frank and sons unless you guys say it isnt worth going. As I said I am here till Halloween before I fly back to Atlanta.
  6. Well I am in Solana Beach for work. I believe my wife wants to go to LA on the weekend of 26th/27th. My question is that what are some places to visit for anime toys in the area and for that matter in the San Diego are as well.
  7. Hey all, Yes I missed the MW Con and have yet to go. However, I was waiting for my company to decide when to fly me out to San Diego to the Solana Beach office to coincide the MW con 2013. Then it was decided I need to be in Solana Beach for 2 weeks straight from October 15 to the 31st. With that, Mrs. Godzilla and Baby Godzilla wanted to go as she never been to SD and LA as well as I have never been to LA outside of the LAX. One of those weekends, I want to drive up from Solana beach to LA and do some sight seeing and visit some of fellow MWers. I was thinking the meetup at Franklin and Sons as it is place where most of ya meet. Any suggestions to visit while I am up there would be appreciated. Thanks.
  8. I use to go to Orlando 1 week a month but that changed as the Disney project is done as of August.
  9. To be honest, I am just hoping there are reissues of the renewals for the VF-25S and VF-25G. I regret my decision not to purchase them and keeping the v1 of them. My macross collecting days are ending as my hope is for the SDF-1 TV version. Of course the Arcadia YF-19 version blows my socks off. I was happy with the YF-19 that yamato made despite the negative comments as well as actual problems. I didnt encounter them and so here knows my yamato collection is pretty extensive.
  10. Godzilla


  11. Where/how are you getting your information about this? Granted I know about the lottery but all of the leftovers?
  12. Well for those who didnt go to SDCC, they are waiting for Hasbro Toy Store to sell the leftovers and Hasbro has yet to post them in their store. Meanwhile, that exclusive is going for $200+ on ebay since the news hit the web.
  13. Meanwhile, those who are waiting for this exclusive Jetfire/Hound to come on Hasbro Toy Store are watching those prices on ebay skyrocket. Whae does HG hope to gain? $$$Money$$$? Why dont they make some quality toys to make money instead trying to legally steal other people's money? Oh wait they already did that with Toynami... they stole a lot of people money with the MPCs.
  14. I agree. I would like to see that. It would be epic.
  15. Good lord. I disappear for while and now new pictures of this bad boy shows up. I am all in on this but it will be one. Godzilla has a baby Godzilla now. Cant do what I use: buy in bulk.
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