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Everything posted by BuGS21

  1. Finally the boys are complete! Nothing like getting a fresh-outta-box feeling when you open a package.
  2. I think play-asia has a policy option wherein they will only charge your CC once item is about to ship out. Having said that, here's an email I got from PA. Not keeping hopes up: We are sorry for the delay in shipping out your order. As of the moment, we are waiting for the stock of your item. Our purchasing team are now checking this with them. We will get back to you once we have an update regarding the arrival of the stocks. And we assure you that we will ship out your order as soon as we get the stocks. We kindly ask for more of your patience and understanding on this matter. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
  3. Got that "Preparation in Progress" status on PlayAsia as well. Just have to wait and see.
  4. We'll just have to wait and see. Either way I'm getting one, just have to see from which site I'll cancel my PO come November.
  5. ^^ True that.
  6. I really wonder how Play-Aisia gonna handle this come November. Either way, a placed an order myself, cc method, Just so to play it safe.
  7. Got one as a fail safe for now, since I missed all oppurtunities previously before this. Then will wait until release date comes closer and see what comes up.
  8. That's got to be one of the most ridiculous things ever. Sold out in half a second .
  9. Wow. That was fast. Couldn't even get it to my cart.
  10. Have to go through this event through my smart phone... Hope I don't lose batt!
  11. Finally got my A supers today. Oh S where art thou...
  12. Its gone now. Wonder who purchased it
  13. Did NY briefly get an S restock?
  14. They're the classic 1/48's. Haha didn't notice Sprewell jumping out "in-scale" at the background there!
  15. ^^Don't think so. Just in supers as far as I remember. Same boat as you're in @close313! Waiting till I get a vf25s. For now....
  16. Paging Bandai for vf25s rerelease....
  17. Finally got to put on my G super pack. Was pleasantly surprised to find these parts to be tighter and have some addnt'l pegs to make em more solid. Something about blue makes it look just cool...
  18. Just got my 25G & RVF supers today. Renewal line looking like a family now. If only the S would be rereleased!!!
  19. Good job man!!!^^
  20. Got my vf-25a today from HS. Pretty fast Sal I must say, about a week only.
  21. Got payment notice for G super parts from NY
  22. That is pretty weird considering other websites have it instock already. Delayed supplier perhaps?
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