First off I'd like to say HI, I'm very familiar with the forums but I just joined. I'm a diehard macross fan, nuff said.
Now to my question for everyone: Has anyone around here ever given a try at scratch building a fully transforming Valkyrie?
I remember there was a link from the main site way back of a guy in japan who did, and I thought they were the most amazing things before yamato toys started spewing out valks. I've probably put together one model in my whole life which I practically destroyed, but that was a long time ago. I'd like to get back into it if I had the resources . If I ever became skilled enough I'd like to try scratch building, maybe the vf's that we've never seen as models like the stuff from advanced valkyrie or m3. I'd like to hear anyone's thoughts on this even if it's just to say that such a feat is impossible. Happy modeling!