Alto super pack news! (And I hate to be the bare of bad news)
Has this been brought up before?
see the red underline on second photo (a rough translation by yours truly)?.
It seems that you NEED UNASSEMBLED VF-25F alto to fit in the Super pack!
Other sources (, and ruliweb) mentions that one may need to unassemble up to 1/3 of the kit in order to fit in the adopters for the super pack.
..........SON OF A BYTCH!! What about those of us who already finished and sealed the kit?
BLUF (bottom line up front).,Those of us who already assembeld, painted, decaled, and sealed the kit.... might as well as get the new unassembled kit with the super pack.
If there is someone else in this forum can translate Japanese better than me, pleeeeease tell me I am wrong!!