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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Alto super pack news! (And I hate to be the bare of bad news) Has this been brought up before? Source: http://www.amiami.com/shop/?vgForm=Product...ku=TOY-RBT-0587 see the red underline on second photo (a rough translation by yours truly)?. It seems that you NEED UNASSEMBLED VF-25F alto to fit in the Super pack! Other sources (dalong.net, and ruliweb) mentions that one may need to unassemble up to 1/3 of the kit in order to fit in the adopters for the super pack. ..........SON OF A BYTCH!! What about those of us who already finished and sealed the kit? BLUF (bottom line up front).,Those of us who already assembeld, painted, decaled, and sealed the kit.... might as well as get the new unassembled kit with the super pack. If there is someone else in this forum can translate Japanese better than me, pleeeeease tell me I am wrong!!
  2. Howdy!! Due to my untimely move, this item is on E-bay for rapid sale!! Good Luck! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=180317693301 Zebu
  3. Yes, I used very (VERY) thin layer of glue (I applied them just around the edges). I certainly used matte finishe on the model (I hate the shiny, plasticky look on banda models). I prefer battle tested, weathered look for models rather than "factory finished", "show room" glossy finish. Zebu
  4. Little bit. Still not as tight as I wish. Overall, the hip joints and the whole base area of thigh fits much better than Alto version.
  5. I tranformed about 15 times now. Those area with "crazy glue treatment" is holding up nicely. Only area with issues are the ones without crazy glue treatmetns such as knee-cap area (I over looked this area). Anyways I am very happy with the result. I recommand this method to anyone who wishes to "play" (not just diaplay only). Zebu
  6. I tranformed about 15 times now. Those area with "crazy glue treatment" is holding up nicely. Only area with issues are the ones without crazy glue treatmetns such as knee-cap area (I over looked this area). Anyways I am very happy with the result. I recommand this method to anyone who wishes to "play" (not just diaplay only). Zebu
  7. Part 3 of 3 is updated!! Enjoy http://gunplafederation.blogspot.com/2008/...art-3-of-3.html Zebu
  8. Howdy! Part 3 of 3 post is up. http://gunplafederation.blogspot.com/2008/...art-3-of-3.html I ended up making a kick-A$$ custom base for it ! I am done for making VF-25 series for awhile..... it takes too much work LOL. Zebu
  9. Howdy! Here is Part 2 of 3 is up . http://gunplafederation.blogspot.com/2008/...art-2-of-3.html Enjoy Zebu
  10. Howdy! Par 2 of 3 for VF-25S progress is up on my blog . I'm basically done now but will work on costme made base next. Enjoy http://gunplafederation.blogspot.com/2008/...art-2-of-3.html Zebu
  11. One method I use is take all parts that need to be clear coated and secure them on large cardboard with double sided tape. Then spay on the clear coats. This way I can coat many peices at the same time with even paint consistancy. Also it is easier to keep trak/ensure ALL parts that need coating are coated. I used this method on my MG Stirke Freedom Gundam Repaint and Turn A Gundam Seriously... Don't worry too much about it and just try it first. All these questions and decision making will only confuse you more. Trial and error is the best way to go. Plus, most method we've all discussed, have means to reverse if should you made a mistake. Good luck Zebu
  12. LOL thanks edwin for confirming my claim that all you really need (the most taxing) for panel lining is your (inbelieveable amount of) patients... it is really not that hard. I usually do panel lining when I'm watching college footballs on the weekends LOL Zebu
  13. Hey Master Dex, Go here. http://cgi.ebay.com/Bandai-Gundam-Marker-f...A1%7C240%3A1318 Spend less $5 for GM with free shipping and just try it yourself. I promise you it is not that hard. It just take awhile to do. Good luck!! Zebu
  14. You are right! I don't like to fully paint the kit for two reasons 1. The panel line on this kit is way to shallow so I'm afriad it will disappear if I paint the whole thing. 2. I am too lazy LOL (probably the biggest reason)
  15. Howdy!! I begin to do some work on VF-25S. http://gunplafederation.blogspot.com/2008/...art-1-of-3.html I will work some more over the weekends so look for part 2 sometime next wek. Zebu
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