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Everything posted by rsvictor1976

  1. Which version of the Archi Pro stands work best for the Yamato 1/48? The long or the short arm?
  2. More power to you! Hey some people like Robotech over Macross, and that’s fine. 👍
  3. If the SDF-1 can fly around in the atmosphere in attack more, then a Tread could. I'm not a huge fan of the Tread though. It's basically a giant backpack attachment to the Legioss. I feel like they could of done a lot more in terms of combining. It would of been sick if the Tread acted like a ride armor for the Legioss where it combines to make an armored Legioss.
  4. I want a Macross burger if they ever come out with one. Maybe it comes with a side of Pineapple Salad.
  5. rsvictor1976

    Hi-Metal R

    Merry Christmas! I'd like to see a Christmas tree full of HMR ornaments. The Monster can sit at the base of the tree and patrol it like Omega Supreme.
  6. Besides the Ozma Revival and HMR Milia, I really spoiled myself this Christmas. Shout out to Mandarke for being an enabler to my Macross addiction.
  7. I was really impressed with the UPS Worldwide Express shipping. It was as fast as the DHL Express shipping option they normally use but at 2/3 the cost.
  8. I'm not super big into the retro gaming community, just dabbled in some emulators. But I used to own a 32" Sony Trinitron TV back in the day and remember how bulky and heavy that was. This has gotta be an amazing TV to play a vintage console on.
  9. I’d love to see this option as well.
  10. Is this from the regular Luna Park store or the premium one? They really need to ditch one of those stores and just maintain one that offers different shipping options. Better yet, just make it all "premium" shipping. I really don't know what the difference between the two looks like.
  11. Probably because nobody took them out of the box and to make room for the new stand. I'm probably wrong though.
  12. rsvictor1976

    Hi-Metal R

  13. I only remember Silvie and Nexx... and even then I barely remember seeing Nexx' Valkyrie in the series. If anything, they need to come out with the Metal Siren.
  14. I was thinking about getting this too from Mandarake, but I guess I'll just wait for the reissue.
  15. Well, at least it comes with leg armor.
  16. Yeah I'm eyeing those at Mandarake. I actually do like the grey interpretation on the HMRs. We get the bright white Valkyries all the time.
  17. Not mine, but someone posted this on Facebook. I guess it's out now in Hong Kong. I like the head sculp on this toy. https://www.facebook.com/groups/MacrossFanCentral/permalink/2314774362216644/
  18. Is there a reason why they're so against proxies?
  19. I got my Ozma Revival today. I can't believe how sturdy and tight the joints were. The packaging from Yoyakunow was decent. It was wrapped in a single layer of bubble wrap and about an inch of heavy paper all around.
  20. Would you look at that, maybe someone from Bandai is reading over the forums.
  21. I thought this forum WAS that group.
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