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Everything posted by rsvictor1976

  1. Okay I've sold my VF-1S. Now I'm ready for the revised version.
  2. I'm getting the same error. Probobly met the daily transfer limit.
  3. Where is it mentioned that the Monster will cost $400.00? I would think that a non-transforming toy would cost less than the 1/48 valkyries. Technically it's just a big hunk of plastic with some metal.
  4. I would probobly buy them all if they came out. I was a bit late with my Macross toy collection and I'm now commited to collecting all the 1/48. The only ones I wouldn't buy is the VF-1J Hikaru without a FAST Pack since I would already buy the verion with FAST Pack. This includes any other future release where I have the option of buying one with armor and one without.
  5. Not to stray off the subject. Do you think Harmony Gold would do something similar if one of their MPCs was defective? Aren't all MPCs defective? I wonder if the opinion "they suck" construes as a defect? Good point.
  6. Not to stray off the subject. Do you think Harmony Gold would do something similar if one of their MPCs was defective?
  7. This is a pretty simple question. I think everyone here agrees that money, or the lack of it, is what's keeping everyone from buying a butt-load of valks.
  8. I can't believe I missed out on this. I have a 1/60 Hikaru 1A with a broken arm hinge. Will you be taking orders again in the future?
  9. I agree. I was thinking about that when I first saw the 1J Fast Pack.
  10. I keep my 1/55's in the closet. I like displaying my Yamato's more. Maybe if I had the reissue Max and Milia I would have more love for them, but not likely.
  11. I would got with that last one, the SVF-113 Enigma. Also, why does everyone keep mentioning they want limited edition TV VF-1A Max? Woudn't you want Yamato to make this into an standard production run? That way everyone can one?
  12. I've decided to get the new VF-1S Roy. But now I have to get rid of the first edition one I have. How much do you think I can get for it? It's got the crooked skull, the flawd head, but the cockpit stays open.
  13. I'd have to say it was this old beat up VF-1S Takatoku. It was a couple years ago just before the Yamato's came out. I spent close to $250.00 for it and when I got it, it was junk. Luckily I was able to return it.
  14. I'll get one of each except for the VF-1J without a fastpack
  15. I somewhat agree with Skull One on this one. I was a bit dissapointed to find out they were going to rerelease a revised version of my 1S. I really can't blame Yamato though, they are giving what people want. However, I was thinking that Yamato should sell a conversion pack, or maybe do a trade in offer. I know the trade offer may not work in the US, so maybe the conversion pack is a better way to go. Yeah, it may cost some money, but it beats buying a new valkyrie and Yamato would be making some extra profit from the conversion pack or trade in. What do you guys think?
  16. Hikaru paid the robot camera with a coin when Hikaru and Minmei wanted to take a picture at the park. I think this was the episode where Hikaru just graduated the military and it was the night before his first combat mission. Also, if you notice the begining of DYRL, they showed advertisements, why would they advertise products if they didn't use money?
  17. It looks like a huge ass battery like the kind that keeps your PC BIOS memory running.
  18. I'm stuck between three scenes. 1. The scene in episode one when the trainer crash landed on the building and transforms into a robot. 2. The scene in episode two when Hikaru flies dows to grab Mimay when she was falling and catches her inside the cockpit. 3. The scene in episode ??? when the Macross first uses the Daedelous(?) attack. I guess these scenes are the most memorable to me because they were the ones that made me go "wow, that was awesome, this is a cool show" and made me want to continue watching Macross (or Robotech at the time).
  19. My first valkyrie was the 1st issue Bandai VF-1A Hikaru. I saw someone playing with one on our plane ride to the U.S. My family and I were migrating from the Philipines. We had stopped over in Japan and I saw the valkyrie was being sold at the airport giftshop. I got my mom to buy me one and I never even knew what I had until 4-5 years later. Man I played the hell out of that toy. All my friends were jealous because I had an actual "Robotech" toy while everyone else had Jetfires.
  20. I'd go with Hikary just because I don't have him yet.
  21. Big West may not have anything to do with the delay. We can only assume this. By the way, I hope this thread doesn't turn into another "Harmony Gold is evil" debate.
  22. Yes, I have the Fx version already. I was hoping that this new 3rd version was a mix of both the Perfect Edition and subbing from the Anime Cartoon version.
  23. Hmm, they don't have this version listed anywhere. Thanks for the link though, I remember visiting that site a long time ago. I was actually trying to find that site earlier.
  24. Yeah, the only thing I wish they would of added from the OVA was the entire fighting scene with the Zentradi.
  25. You should check out the old forum. You'll see that Macross Plus has had it's fair share of discussions. If any series in the Macross "family" doesn't get talked about much, it would be Macross II or Macross 7. Now I know Macross II isn't exactly in the official timeline, but I would think it's still part of the Macross family.
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