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Everything posted by rsvictor1976

  1. Yeah, after seeing that clip a couple of weeks ago for the first time, I was very dissapointed. Specially with Macross Zero out.
  2. I think that veritech looks pretty sweet. I'm not a big fan of Robotech as mush as I was before I found Macross and DYRL. But I thinks it's great the HG is making the YF-1R. The color looks nice. If Yamato made one of these, I'd buy it.
  3. The new Viper looks cheesy in that picture. I miss the old show. I hope the new one has the same feel to it.
  4. First I tell myself "I'm only going with the 1/48s." Then after seeing the GBP armor, I say "okay, I'll have to get the 1/60s too, at least the ones with attachable FAST packs." Today, I go to Frank & Sons and buy myself the YF-21 (pain in the ass) w/FAST pack and the VF-11B w/FAST pack. I guess this means I'm getting them all now. <_
  5. rsvictor1976

    YF-21 FP

    I just bought the YF-21 with FAST packs today at Frank & Sons. I have a couple questions as well. 1. In Battloid mode, do the legs lock in a anyway? I'm not talking about the lower leg coming out of the upper leg. I'm referring to the slider thingy that that legs and joints are attached to. I noticed that whenever I try to pick it up the legs slide down and when I set it back on the ground it slides back up again. I hope you understand which slider thingy I'm talking about. 2. The gunpods handles are stuck (I think). How do you get the handle to flip open? 3. In Gerwalk mode, the leg covers (where the FAST pack attaches to) always gets in the way. I don't know if I'm transforming it wrong, but what's the best way to place the leg cover in Gerwalk mode?
  6. rsvictor1976

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I never knew the GBP armor boosters were different from the FAST Pack version. Oh I see, so instead of the cone shaped rockets it's got the square shaped ones. Also it looks longer than the FAST Pack boosters. Is there any other difference between the FAST Pack boosters and the GBP boosters?
  7. Welcome aboard.
  8. Well the best version to get with "great" or "perfect" translation would be the Animeigo set. Then you're looking at $65.00 per box set. Each box set has 3 DVDs and there are a total of 9 DVDs. You can them here at Twin Moons Anime: http://www.tmpanime.com/ Otherwise, if you don't want to spend too much, the bootlegs that Kevin carries are the next best thing.
  9. I ask my friends for toys all the time. However every year they always get me the wrong thing. One time I gave them a direct link to the Yamato I wanted at Valkyrie-Exchange, you can't get any more direct than that. You know what I got instead? An MPC.
  10. I wish I could afford to have the MISB syndrome. But unfortunately my budget doesn't allow me to buy more than one quantity for each toy. If I won the lottery, then that would be different story.
  11. rsvictor1976

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I wonder if the hands are directly attached to the forearm armor. To me it looks like the forearm armor wtith attached hands slips on the valkyrie's normal arms without the hands extended.
  12. Looks pretty good.
  13. I thought they were only doing a resculp for the YF-19. When did Yamato say they were redoing all 3?
  14. rsvictor1976

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    That's definitely a Yamato 1/60 GBP Armor. The name tag has the Yamato symbol on it. There goes my money again. Damn I was kind of hoping it was a 1/48 instead.
  15. Maybe missile launchers are optional instead of the machinegun. Like the Hummer.
  16. I can finally see it! Wow, that looks funky. It's the pimp version Disco-ticon. All he needs now is a feathered hat and a fur coat.
  17. Great, now I can reenact the whole scene when Kakizaki dies. Hmm, I wonder how I should go about blowing up his valkyrie. <_<
  18. Have there been any pictures of the new FPs yet? All I've seen is the VF-1J by itself. i haven't seen anything official but i'm pretty sure they'll make them grey? instead of the horrid blue color they got going on right now. IMHO, the blue color they chose looks cheap AND crappy. if they gone with a darker blue it would've looked much "classier" and wouldn't look like a reject from the yamato factory they couldn't give away. sorry for you FP lovers but now you know why my name is haterist. I like the blue Fast Packs. Specially on the VF-1S Roy. I don't know abou the upcoming VF-1S Hikaru. Will have to wait and see what it would look like.
  19. I'd have to go with the Gameboy Advance/SP. Another portable that was great was the SEGA Nomad.
  20. It supposed to have happened just after the Macross crash landed into Earth and prior to when Macross the TV series came out. Specifically, the year 2008. Check out this web site for more info: http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol...1999/index.html
  21. rsvictor1976

    It's official!!!

    I share your pain. I like boxes as you can stack them to the ceiling, but there comes a point where you run out of flat places to start a stack. It's the loose stuff that poses the biggest problem as it doesn't stack... it just kinda piles up. I meant to respond to this post earlier but I kinda had to get access to my [not hers] computer... Oh yeah... Like my amazing photo shop skills hiding my stained carpet God damn that's a lot of stuff. You got any spare Destroids you are willing to part with?
  22. I've only got one. Four maybe going a bit overboard. But hey it's an investment. A year from now those thinkg will be worth more than the other 1/48s currently out. It's too bad they didn't make a limited edition FAST Pack to go along with the Low Viz though. I don't like how the current FAST Packs looks on the Low Viz.
  23. I wanna see what everyone else is able to see. Stupid geocities.
  24. Nobody wants a VF-1S Max?
  25. I guess that is right. But I ordered parts from Bandai about a year back....they sent them to me no charge. Now that is Customer Service. I called again today (well not me, my partner). They told me to fax the list (of what could be ordered again). They seemed alittle more more friendly this time around.... I swear if I have to get on the train and go to their office with the list in hand.......this has become a personal battle for me that I am determined to win! I'll be rooting for you Monkey-N. While you're at it, can you have them replace 1/60 parts as well?
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