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Everything posted by rsvictor1976

  1. Noob question. Where exactly do I apply the nail polish?
  2. I noticed the upper arm section on my 1/48 Roy is starting to get loose from the shoulder section. Anyway to retighten this? I tried the screws behind but it didn't really do anything when I tightened them (they were already pretty snug). Here is a pix of what I'm talking about: [attachmentid=40275]
  3. rsvictor1976


    I stopped my Macross/Yamato habit for 2 years and now I got sucked back into it again. Just some questions. Will the 1/48 GPS Armor work on all the 1/48s? Is Yamato rereleasing 1/48 Miria? Whats the difference between the 2nd and 3rd (do they have a 4th?) 1/48 Roy release?
  4. I don't know if this topic has been discussed already, but why does Hikaru start off in a VF-1J in the TV series? As a fresh recruit, shouldn't he be assigned a VF-1A? I don't recall the series explaining why he was given a VF-1J, did I miss something?
  5. Sorry, I have been out of touch with Macross and Robotech. I went to Robotech's web site and saw that they now sell DYRL MPCs. I don't want to start another arguement on this forum, but when did HG aquire rights for DYRL? Is there something I'm missing here? Did HG and Big West finally settle?
  6. Yeah, but he's no longer co-GM because his team lost at Survivor Series. However, by popular demand, the board of directors brought him back under his own terms. Hence the role of Sheriff being used by Austin. But what's the whole point of Austin using an ATV to enter the ring? To make him look like a bigger dork than he already is.
  7. $150.00 for bookends is crazy! Save your money and get something else.
  8. You have to wait until it's fully downloaded. I have completed the download. Much better video quality than the Infusion version. I haven't watched the whole thing yet so I don't know about the subbing. So far so good.
  9. I think Infusion did a great job with the fansub. But I prefer the ANBU-AonE fansubs from the previous two releases and I can't wait to see what they do with the third episode.
  10. Why don't you buy them from eBay or better yet Twin Moons Anime or Valkyrie-Exchange?
  11. How does Soze make sure you get a perfect version? I'm sure he gets a random selection in a box just like every other seller. Oh and Dr Clay, it's not that bad. Just some minor QC issues. Exceept maybe for the paint, everything else is unnoticeble.
  12. I got my VF-1S Hikaru yesterday. I too have noticed some QC problems on my valkyrie. 1. Mine had the same problem with the black paint as Tamim did. Except mine is on the chest pieces instead of the wing. 2. I noticed little bits of plastic from where panel lines were etched in where still attached. Nothing big, just had to scrape them off. 3. Some dried glue running from the front of the hip piece where the air intake is. The glue itself was not a problem but the little pieces of dust/dirt that got glued on had to be scraped off. Hmm, I wonder what happened to Yamato? Their previous Max and Low Viz had an exceptionally good quality to them. Did they switch factories or something?
  13. Why do that to a perfectly good toy?
  14. Either Prime or the the 1/48 VF-1J.
  15. I nominate EXO to give up all his Yamato 1/48.
  16. I was thinking about getting it since I already got the Mospeada box set. But after seeing the previews, I don't think I will get it.
  17. I'm collecting the extended versions only. If an uber box set comes out, I'll probobly pass on it. At the moment I am waiting for the Alien 9 disc uber box set that's suppose to be out by the end of the year.
  18. I'd go with the YF-19 cause it looks better.
  19. I only have the following reissues: Super VF-1S VF-1S Roy VF-1J Hikaru VF-1A Hikaru VF-1A CF
  20. I think it should be in this order: 1. Macross 2. Robotech 3. DYRL (Macross movie) 4. Clash of the Bionoids (shitty english dub) 5. Macross II (later was found to be illegitamate and an alternate timeline) 6. Macross Plus (the legitimate timeline) 7. Macross 7 (legitimate timeline after Macross Plus) Please note DYRL and Clash of the Bionoids doesn't really fall anywhere in the Macross timeline as it was suppose to be a "movie within a movie" that takes place in Macross 7. Confused yet? Go here for more info: Link
  21. rsvictor1976

    YF-21 FP

    1: You need to pull the hips down until you hear a click. That means the hips are locked and won't push back up unless you provide sufficient upward pressure to the hip slider 2: You just need to be persistant. You may need something narrow like a nail file to push it down but getting your fingernail in the gap between the gun and the folded handle should work 3: The covers need to be up close to be the body and rotated so they are at the side of the leg eg: I hope that helps Thanks Valkyrie Nut. That does help a lot. But now I'm confused. In Battloid mode, shouldn't the slider thingy be set so it's not extended? Or is it suppose to be in extended position? I hope my questions makes sense.
  22. he did. in the opening scene. I meant instead of that particular fighting scene. Maybe I'm just nitpicking too much. I always do that with movies.
  23. Try http://www.desktopdelirium.tk/. They only have a few Macross Plus wallpapers but I think they look great. I currently using the one below:
  24. I think the sushi chep scene was the best in the movie. Better than the table speech scene. Great dialogue. The only thing that bothered me about the movie was when they decided to go black and white, you could totally tell Uma's stunt double was some short stocky Japanese guy. Don't get me wrong, I think the sword fights were awesome, but the black and white thing just added to much contrast. Maybe Quentin should of added the black and white in a different scene.
  25. You can just keep doing this over and over can't you?
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