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Everything posted by rsvictor1976

  1. I'm trying to find this tweet so I can follow them, but I can't seem to find it. Was it deleted or changed?
  2. I don't think I'll be buying the new version of the UCS Tumbler after seeing this video. The build is pretty much the same as the old one.. I did get the mini Tumbler and was pretty impressed with it.
  3. I broke one of the hands on my VF-1J Trainer. The ball joint was too tight and when I tried to twist it, it ripped off. Is there anyone selling replacements? Maybe 3D printed replicas?
  4. Quick questions... Were there any issues with the VF-1S Hikaru Movie Valkyrie or Strike Parts set?
  5. The movie was okay,.. it was really short. I think the end credit scene was the best part of the movie. I'd give it a 3 out of 5.
  6. I got a question about these Macross Delta Valkyries, I used to get the older Macross Frontier toys and was dissapointed in how loose the joints got right away. I even purchased the Renewal versions of some of the toys but was still dissapointed. Since then, I stayed away from Bandai Macross toys until the 1/48 SDFM VF-1J came out and have been buying those. What are your impressions of the Macross Delta toys? They look similar to the Frontier toys and I assume they have the same issues.
  7. Realistically, something that size and weight, you probably not gonna be moving around at all and keep it a display piece. My UCS Milennium Falcon just sits there on the shelf... it's pretty to look at thought.
  8. Come on.. we all know the wife is gonna win.
  9. I have the old Tumbler set too and will be skipping the new set. I like the front side panelling on the older set but the rear tires and turn table on the new set is nice. I'm really hoping that the rumors of a UCS AT-AT are true though. That would be my holy grail of LEGO sets, even more so than the UCS Milennium Falcon.
  10. Better off using the gunpod hands from the VF-1J and just have it hold it like normal.
  11. With the shoulder missiles closed, he's a little under 12 and 1/4 inches. With them fully open, you're looking at 13 inches. The big goofy hands are bigger than his head... they remind me of those giant Mickey Mouse hands you buy at Disneyland.
  12. Even though his movement limited now, You still have some movement in the legs and arms, and a little twist in the torso.
  13. Here are more photos for comparison. The chest doesn't stick out as much and the backpack boosters isn't as spread out.
  14. I do, but I don't have the stickers attached to it. The new ones are hands down better.
  15. I got mine today. I'm not sure if I like the super big hands or not. The super big hands don't twist and you have to place them in 90 degree angles. Anyways, here are some pictures:
  16. I love my 1/48 low vis. My other 1/48s turned yellow though so I’m kind of sad about that.
  17. After being stuck in ISC Los Angeles since Jan 2nd, I finally received my VF-1J from Nippon Yasan today. I gotta say, I love the heft and stability on this thing. I have a question to those that already received it. In Gerwalk mode, I tried to attach it to base it came with but noticed the adapter doesn't seem to be fit tightly to bottom of the 1J. Am I doing something wrong? Are the two little tabs on the adapter suppose to go directly into into the holes next to the head's laser or just over it? I'm afraid to try inserting the tabs in fear of breaking them off. In fighter mode, when it's attached to the same base, I can pick up the entire thing, including the base, just by picking up the 1J. But now in Gerwalk mode, the 1J just detaches from the base when I try to pick it up. Edit: I'm referring to the regular base it comes with and not the limited edition one.
  18. rsvictor1976

    Hi-Metal R

    Do you think they'll reissue the VF-1S Roy Focker or the Armored VF-1J?
  19. I like this guy's reviews. Alsways shows more details than other YouTubers I've seen. Ooohh.. he transformed it without removing the legs. Why does it seem like its a lot easier to transform than the Yamato 1/48?
  20. So does everyone have a place to store their DX VF-1J box(es) yet? I don't think I have room left in my closet. Maybe I'll use it as a foot stool or monitor stand.
  21. Those missiles are too expensive. I usually don't like knock offs but for accessories like those, I hope a 3rd party comes out with one.
  22. I just got my shipping notice from NY!
  23. Can't wait to get mine from NY. Unfortunately, 2019 already looks like an expensive year with Metal Build stuff and now this. No doubt more Tamashii exclusives will come out for the VF-1J. I can see Super Parts by Spring and Armor by Summer.
  24. I wasn't lucky enough to preorder from HLJ or AmiAmi when it was first announced so I ended up ordering one from Nippon Yasan. I knew I was going to pay a lot more for it and was fine with the cost, but tonight I just got an email from NY asking for $7 more for shipping because the package was larger than expected. Kind of unfair I think since they already charge a premium and got my payment already, but I really want the toy and don't want to hassle with getting a refund and buying from eBay. I don't even know where else to buy it from.
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