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Everything posted by rsvictor1976

  1. Do you think we're gonna get RDJ as Dr. Doom in Fantastic Four?
  2. I'm fine with this, My wallet needs a break from the VT-1 and YF-21 splurge.
  3. I'm surprised no one has capitalized on the bent antenna yet and created 3D printed replacement/spare parts.
  4. No, unfortunately my invoice for the shipping came and was paid for on Friday late afternoon in their time. Since they are closed on weekends, I'm probably gonna get mine sometime next week. But I'll definitely keep everyone posted. On a side note, I initially ordered the DX VT-1 from them and added the DX YF-21 a couple days later. My VT-1 wasn't ready to be shipped yet and I asked them if it was cheaper to ship both items together or separate through DHL and was told it was cheaper to do it separately. I don't know if this is true though.
  5. Yeah, I was afraid they were pulling something shady like sending the same pictures to everyone when I saw that yours came with the bent antenna even though they sent you pictures.
  6. Its crazy how much different the HMR color is. Its like Bandai were trying to get rid of all their extra brown paint when they release the HMR version.
  7. I got sent these photos from Yoyakunow yesterday. I'm wondering if these are the same photos they sent you?
  8. I'm curious, why are playing cards taxed more than toys and models?
  9. Have you similar experience with UPS or DHL?
  10. How was the packaging? I ordered the DX VT-1 recently and is my first time dealing with Yoyakunow.
  11. I'm okay with the parts-forming. IMO the newer Transformers, specially the combiners, look better with the extra parts. This is going to be more of a display piece and probably wouldn't be transformed on a daily basis. Most of us as okay with the chest fillers, hinge bars, and exchangeable hands on the recent VF-1s so I don't think its a too big of a deal if they can give us something that looks good and sturdy.
  12. I want to get the Ostrich but I'm not sure where's the best place to buy them now. I've been mostly buying through eBay lately. I haven't bought from an overseas online retailer since pre pandemic, and that was usually through Nippon Yassan, I didn't even know about the fraud that took place with NY till recently. Is Yokakunow popular to use now? I was checking out Luna Park but I don't get why they have a regular store and a "premium" store.
  13. I made the mistake of storing my Yamato boxes in a storage unit in our parking garage, sealed up in a container like you have there. Moisture still got to them and ruined all the boxes.
  14. Since it'll be on Disney, it would be amazing if Disney produced the dubs themselves like they did with the Studio Ghibli stuff.
  15. Thanks for the info. It looks like I have the Renewal version. Based on the recent posts on this thread, is it safe to assume the Revival versions are also a floppy mess?
  16. Forgive me if this has been answered before, but is there a difference between the Revival version and the Renewal version? I bought a VF-25 Micheal a long time ago and it became a floppy mess and I swore I'd never buy another Frontier Chogokin but these Revival versions got me curious. I don't even know if I have the original or the Renewal version, is there a way to tell?
  17. I've been out of the loop for a while. I thought Big West and Harmony Gold were good with each other now and were okay with selling Macross here in the U.S., hence the Tamashi Nations store on Amazon. But how come they only have Plus, Zero, Frontier, and Delta items available? They have no plans to distribute the VF-1s on Amazon?
  18. I don't want to jinx it, but I'm liking Strange New World so far. It reminds me of the older Star Trek series where each episode is it's own standalone story. I hope they keep it this way.
  19. I wish the TV series was available on digital release. I'd like to have this show in my iTunes collection.
  20. I wonder if there's going to give away any free swag for this. I got a pretty nice booklet when I saw the new My Hero Acadamia movie last month.
  21. I like this guy's review and size comparison video. Seeing the UCS Falcon, Star Destroyer, and AT-AT together just looks amazing.
  22. When I first immigrated to the U.S. in 1985, I saw this kid in the aisle accross from me on the airplane playing with a cool jet plane that transformed into a robot. I had no clue what it was but when the flight stopped for a layover in Japan, I found the toy in a gift shop and asked my mom to get it for me. It was a VF-1A from Bandai and was my first introduction into Robotech that would later grow into my love for Macross.
  23. I started watching the new remastered Robotech on Funimation, just the New Generation part, a couple days ago. Today, I got hooked on Reataurant to Another World and just been binge watching Season 1.
  24. I was curious about this release and decided to do the 2 week trial on Funimation since they have the entire series in the new version up already. I have the first digital release on iTunes and compared to this new one on Funimation, I can definitely see the improvement in sharpness (probably baecause it's in HD) and brightness. The sound effects are from the classic TV show that I remember and not that crappy new version they did when the 5.1 mix first came out. But one thing that threw me off is how grainy it is. For a version thats much sharper and brighter, the overall graininess feels like its been added on as a special effect and doesn't seem natural. Edit: I also checked out the new digital version on iTunes and can confirm it's the same quality as the one up on Funimation.
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